
I am wondering if you can ever get more than a n/a legal thing in a pirat system???

I am currently in privateers heaven and are trying to be a good egg there 🙂 but is it possible???

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Originally posted by escape_alex:
**I am wondering if you can ever get more than a n/a legal thing in a pirat system???

I am currently in privateers heaven and are trying to be a good egg there 🙂 but is it possible???


No, the pirates aren't a government, they're an anarchy. Therefore you can never have a legal rating with them.

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MOSS of the Crimson Guard, a (url="http://"http://www.planetarion.com")Planetarion(/url) alliance.

ok, thanx... but are there a way so the pirates stop attacking you?? like joining them 🙂

if I have asked a question, please reply


Originally posted by escape_alex:
**ok, thanx... but are there a way so the pirates stop attacking you?? like joining them:)


Nope, only in plug-ins like Empire of Crime, and EVO. They have some minor missions, but you cannot join them. The closest you can get is to pirate off traders.

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Thread moderator and HC Fleet Commander in (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum6/HTML/001670.html")Battle for Sol II: The Unfinished War(/url)
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MOSS of the Crimson Guard, a (url="http://"http://www.planetarion.com")Planetarion(/url) alliance.

I have to disagree with yuo Rak. I think there is a way. If you compleate a lot of missions for the pirate planets the pirates willstop attacking you. Exept for the occasional rogue corvette.

Long live the Alien empire!


Originally posted by rebel council:
**I have to disagree with yuo Rak. I think there is a way. If you compleate a lot of missions for the pirate planets the pirates willstop attacking you. Exept for the occasional rogue corvette.

Yeah, I find that if you're good to the pirates and kill and lot of their enemies near their planet, they won't attack you near that planet.

Knowledge is power, but ignorance is bliss.

Yeah - I think you can get a better legal standing with Pirates in their systems once you do enough missions. However, I think outside the Pirate systems (or at least far away from them) Pirates will still attack you.

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Time for a more technical description.

The pirates are indeed a government in Escape Velocity. Your legal record with them shows up as "N/A" because they are xenophobic, which means that they are the enemy of everyone. There is no way to join them per se. You can get some minor missions for them, but that won't make them stop attacking you. If you kill Rebels and Confederates in and around pirate systems, your legal rating will go up. However, the way they are configured, being xenophobic, they will attack you anytime they see you outside of one of their systems at which they like you. so even if you kill their enemies and not them, they will still attack you unless you spend all your time actually in their systems.

....Which is hard to do, since they only have four systems.

However, in some plugs (Empire was mentioned) the Pirates have major mission strings, and even outfits and ships you can get from them.

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--Ertai, wizard adept

ok, thanx...

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