Secret Cheat Dialouge?

I was looking around EV in Res Edit and found something strange. Do this to find out what it is:

Open up EV using ResEdit.
Open up the 'DITL' resource editor.
Scroll down to the bottom.
At resource 4005, there is a DITL labelled "?? SECRET CHEAT DIALOG!!! ??". Now everyone knows that this isn't in the game.
When opened, it gives you a box which asks for a secret password, which will enabel you to get invincibility and other 'kewl' stuff.
There is no link to this in the game but if someone finds it, please e-mail me.


Do I talk too much?
Do I ask too many questions?
I wonder...

It's just a example of Matt's brain. It's not real. Get over it. There are CHEAT plugs that you download to get that. Though there is da forklift....

Yes, I want to be a moderator. How much does it cost?
You can find people, and idiots, and idiot people, but why can't you find people idiot?

It's just a example of Matt's brain. It's not real. Get over it. There are CHEAT plugs that you download to get that. Though there is da forklift.... 😄

Yes, I want to be a moderator. How much does it cost?
You can find people, and idiots, and idiot people, but why can't you find people idiot?

Yeah, forklift is pretty easy to get (well, considering you have to push the shift,control, option, command, and F keys at the same time after you option click the WAIT...WHY SHOULD I TELL ANYBODY THE CHEAT TO GET THE FORKLIFT?!!FORGET IT Unless of course you already know it. Then we won't have this discussion.

Another example of Mike's excessive ramblings.

Do I talk too much?
Do I ask too many questions?
I wonder...

Belive it or not, you are new.
Everyone already knows everything you think you know.
And yes, we know about the Matt's Birthday easter egg...

I've seen it all before.

-Anatole The Redeemer

There will come a time, when the curse of the One above will not be tolerated further when the Lineage of Caine will be weak, and there will be no Embracing for these Childer for their blood will run like water and the potence in it will wither Then you know in this time that Gehenna will soon be upon you.
- The Book Of Nod

(EDIT) Posted Twice (/EDIT)

-yet another example of Mike's excessive ramblings.

(This message has been edited by Mike (edited 08-09-2001).)


Originally posted by Anatole:
**Belive it or not, you are new.
Everyone already knows everything you think you know.
And yes, we know about the Matt's Birthday easter egg...

I've seen it all before.

-Anatole The Redeemer


Accually, I'm not new. I was registered in april as MikeMTL but my password got messed up and the e-mail account in there is missing the e in my name. find out for your self by clicking (url="http://";=MikeMTL")here(/url)

-yet another example of Mike's excessive ramblings.