NewHorizons Question

Okay, I read the documention for NewHorizons and it said there were lots of missions. Problem is, I've been trying to get a mission for awhile and it's not working. The only ones I've gotten are from the mission computer and one set missions in which you had to steal a special box from Maskirova. PLEASE HELP!!!


Never give up hope in
anything, persevere.


Originally posted by Azdara Ace:
**Okay, I read the documention for NewHorizons and it said there were lots of missions. Problem is, I've been trying to get a mission for awhile and it's not working. The only ones I've gotten are from the mission computer and one set missions in which you had to steal a special box from Maskirova. PLEASE HELP!!!



I never got That mission, but all the ones I did get kinda followed the EV story-- join a government, then work for them. The early part of the game was rather slow. I had an Enigma before I got any serious missions. I recommend you get a warship, raise your combat rating to deadly, then go checking around bars.


New Horizons seems to have one major string that splits into two partway through. You don't need that high of a rating to start, I began them in an Infiltrator (I think that's what it was called) and got to the branch point in an Omega 7. They do get somewhat harder after that, but at that point I usually get an Astro and head for Liberty station, which allows you to get a warship pretty fast.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Heres my advice: Get an astrominer as soon as possible. Gather asteroids in teh system around liberty station. In least 45 minutes you will have around 30 million credits or more. Get yourself an enigma or csg whatever and be sure to get a wormhole drive. Go to the bars around where the game began. You will get a mission to carry some people from a university to torgo prime. hat starts everything. After a while into them you can split away and join the T.R.D.F. Whatver choice you make is fine. There also is alein mission way up north after you help the underground movement overthrow the confeds.

Whoever said nothing is impossible never tried slamming a revolving door.
-The poster formerly known as The Catacomb