final battle 4.1

hey i've already played this great (i've got an sentimental attachment: it was the first major plug i played, and also i think it, although not as big or as complex as some, is one of the best made and most balanced plugs) plugin, but for some reason i misplaced it or threw it away. Which ever i did, its gone. When i tried re-downloading it from the EV site, the plug either didn't download right (which can't be true because i have downloaded it multiple times, along with other plugs) or there is something wrong with it. Can anyone give me a link or address for a working final battle 4.1 download? Thanks.
Your faithful hegemon,


Alas, that question has been asked here a couple of times, and nobody's stepped up to deliver. The best I can offer is the link to Final Battle 4.0 , intermittently available (that is, the link has worked for some folks—like me—but not for others) through the long-unrevised Lemming Productions website.


If that link doesn't work, try going to the site first. Then click the Downloads link. Scroll down until you see the Final Battle 4.0 download link, then click that.


Good luck. Maybe someday, someway, somebody will come along with a working copy of the 4.1 version...

world keeps turning

(This message has been edited by PlanetPhil (edited 07-20-2001).)

Thanks PlanetPhil, so far so good.
What are the major differences between 4.0 and 4.1?



Originally posted by Locke:
**What are the major differences between 4.0 and 4.1?

I dunno. I think I read once that 4.1 was supposed to be bug-free...but that's what the website said about 4.0. Maybe someone else can answer this.

world keeps turning

I need help with this plug. I got the mission to destroy the defense fleet on Ruby and land the troops. I destroyed the fleet and landed, the troops got off, but the only way I know that is because they no longer were in my cargo hold. I got no message. Nothing when I went in the bar either. When I left the planet the fleet had respawned. What's up?

Hey, I cant help you much, but a long tima ago I had finalbattle. Probably the one on the ev sight, and I beat it. I don't remember any mission problema. Maybe the authur just forgot a message.

No, the author didn't forget to include the mission completion text. Insano, this kind of hiccup happens now and again—I think Kaptain Karl recently described something similar that happened while he was playing Clavius & Beyond.

Try this: Start the mission all over again. Create a backup copy of your pilot file, in case things go badly. After beating the Ruby defense ships, go back to the Osiris system and land on Endor. The idea is to land and have the game automatically save your pilot file's progress up to that point. Then go back to NGC-6564. If the defense ships have respawned, you'll have to beat them all over again...but I'm hoping that they won't do so, and that you can land on Ruby and the mission will end as it's supposed to.

Yeah, it's all a big guess. But give it a try anyway.

world keeps turning


Originally posted by Insano:
I need help with this plug. I got the mission to destroy the defense fleet on Ruby and land the troops. I destroyed the fleet and landed, the troops got off, but the only way I know that is because they no longer were in my cargo hold. I got no message. Nothing when I went in the bar either. When I left the planet the fleet had respawned. What's up?

Actually, sometimes all but one or two ships show up to fight you. In that case, there are still some ships left untouched. But why your troops landed, beats me.