Hey Look! A webstory.

UR's light freighter arrives in the Sol system. "Looks like Benden beat me here." UR mutteres under his breath. UR typed in various passcodes, and sent many false id papers saying he was a confed merchant in good standing. Luckily the battle currently going on rushed the people in the control tower from checking the papers really closely. He landed on Earth, and went over what the disguised marines were to do. UR walked out in his false uniform and bleached hair. Discreetly he wandered around the computer terminals and entered a passcode he hoped would work. Negative. He pulled out a sheet of passcodes that were given to him on Palshife, tried all of them. Negative. He walked away and headed for a military barracks.

Meanwhile: The 'Sickle' fleet was still in hyperspace, going over their routine. They were just past Procyon, nearing Lethe. The commando teams were sitting in their quarters, wishing the hyperspace speed was a lot faster. They were of first class, and always liked breaking through enemy lines and doing action. They were restless, pacing back and forth waiting to enter Lethe.

OOC: Which gov't is taking to the Confederates, Cydonian or Lethean?

I try to think but nothing happens!- Ultimate Rebel

OOC: What does OOc stand for. Oh, yeah, btw, YOU B******!!!!!! YOU NICKED MY SHIP!!!! I DIDN"T GIVE YOU PREMISSION TO DO THAT!!! (Pause for breath) AND YOU PUT ME IN JAIL!!!!!! GIT!!!!!!!!!!

Slowly, Riprash's eyes adjusted to the dim lighting around him.
"Where am I?" he wondered aloud.
The guard at the Force field pressed a button, and a searing pain ran down his spine. "Shut up, Rebel Scum."
"I'm not a Rebel!" he lied. "Your cruisers attacked me when I was doing a simple scavaging mission!"
"Sure, that's what they all say." Another burst of pain. "Your gonna be here a long time, buddy."
Riprash blacked out again.


Originally posted by Admiral Benden:
**-----A Nameless Webstory-----
1. You may control only your own character.


OOC: Ah, now would you look at that! Give me my freedom and ship back!!

MOD: Yes, the ******* moderater is going to say your an idiot. I am sorry, but Riprash is right. The battle between the <guess> Stalwart </guess> and the Death Hawk was a battle between to ships. One post battles like he posted are allowed in some instances. In this instance, he followed what would have really happened in EV. He tries to launch his fighters, and is disabled. That was one battle. Magicianeer created another one post battle between to ships crews when he said that they took the Stalwart and then were mostly killed off by another crew. So, this is a little belated. Post revoked magicianeer. I am also instituting another rule:

Rule 7b: Thread moderaters may only revoke posts within a period of three days or ten posts after the to-be-revoked post is made.

If this isn't clear, tell me and I will try and make it clearer.

"The heathens are upon us. Arm yourselves and go with God." Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet, prior to the Battle of Cygni.
(url="http://"http://pub70.ezboard.com/bevtechsoftware")EVTech Software Webboard(/url)


Originally posted by Admiral Benden:
**Rule 7b: Thread moderaters may only revoke posts within a period of three days or ten posts after the to-be-revoked post is made.


OOC: Huh?

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.

OOC:Alright. Rule 7b is introduced so that after someone breaks the rules and I don't see it within three days or ten posts (whichever comes first) then it cannot be revoked. This is so that the story line is not changed a significant amount if I see a post that needs to be revoked but is old and things are based on that post. It is just to make my job as Moderater easier. I also want to wish all of you Americans a happy Independace Day.
Admiral Benden watched in his command chair as the slow Confederate cruisers were lumbering toward his fleet. The fighters were acting as a rear gaurd and were trailing in the cruisers in their ion wake, probably expecting a large strike force to jump in and attack them. Better for him. He looked at the timers on his screen. One was the time till arrival of the fleet and time till arrival of the Black Talon. The Talon was a few seconds away from them, and was probably already trying for a target lock on the center cruiser. He was right. He watched as the missile contraption flew past the bridge window. One hundred meters from the bow the first stage separated. The arrival of the cruisers into missile range was about five seconds away. He made a decision. "All ships. Cloak and disengage gravity and all non-essential systems. Jump clear as soon as you can. We are running from this folks. I hope I will see you all back on Palshife." He cut the transmission. "Navigater. Set course for Spica. Put us on a course 180 degrees oppisite this one. Jump us out when the bomb goes off." He saw watched on the screen as he saw the predicted balst radius of the bomb. He watch the sensor readings. It looked like they new what it was and were pulling 'up'. Bad idea. The trajectory now looked like it was heading straight into the engines. Bad and good. Good: it would make the blast bigger. The bombs were overloaded. This meant that all of the ions would just react with the antimatter. Bad: the engines could melt the polymers on the missiles and they might not work. He watched as the rocket entered the engines and he saw no explosion. He thought he felt his heart stop...

"The heathens are upon us. Arm yourselves and go with God." Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet, prior to the Battle of Cygni.
(url="http://"http://pub70.ezboard.com/bevtechsoftware")EVTech Software Webboard(/url)

OOC: Cheers, Bendon! Btw, why can't I register?

Now, where was I...

The confeds blasted open the large cut in the hull they had created using powerful cutting tools. A heavy burst of fire barked through the hole, taking down 3 of Riprash's men. He threw a grenade at the feds, but it wouldn't hold them off forever. Bloody limbs spattered against the wall near Riprash as the explosion boomed.

Then, he heard the fed ship being pummeled by neutron bolts as the Lethans attacked their ship.
"Seal off that hole! Their ship is gonna blow!!" Quickly, two tecs ran over and welded a plate of metal to the breach.

"Sir!!" called his com officer.
"Sir, there's a guy called Mack on the com."
My brother! thought Riprash
"Hey, Dirk! How good it is to see you!"
Oh, god. Not another thing for him to gloat about! I hate him! "Good to see you too."

OOC: Mack is actually my friend, Jacob. He's getting me out of a tough spot, 'cos I couldn't think how to escape!


Originally posted by magicianeer:
**As the Confed CA is a thousand meters long, 'close' has different meaning for them-- 10 CAs close together might stretch over 20km allowing for maneuvering room between ships.

OOC: My mistake: Confed cruiser is actually 250 meters long (mass is 1000). Nuke should be enough to vaporize this fleet.


Originally posted by Riprash:
Oh, yeah, btw, YOU B****!!!!!! YOU NICKED MY SHIP!!!! I DIDN"T GIVE YOU PREMISSION TO DO THAT!!! (Pause for breath) AND YOU PUT ME IN JAIL!!!!!! GIT!!!!!!!!!!

OOC: Oh, you are still around, I thought you had dropped out of the story.


Originally posted by Admiral Benden:
Post revoked magicianeer.

OOC: Revision of revoked post follows. The return of Riprash has effectively denied me the use of Blue Streak Fleet for my invasion as it is engaged with Death Hawk... I assume Riprash is not being tortured by confed guards...

Derrick arrives in Lethe. The expected escort, 'Red Dawn' Fleet is late. While waiting, Derrick sends Dave to check out the rebels. "No aggressive acts Dave". Dave passes the rebels as they enter Lethe Prime's atmosphere, and watches where they land. Dave reports "5% chance Luke is aboard one of the rebel destroyers.. Rebels landed outside the spaceport..-- Interesting, return to formation" The Red Dawn fleet arrives, the New Cydonian logo obviously freshly painted on their hulls. They announce "Ready to kill!" Derrick decides to leave the rebels alone, and the combined LW (1 kestrel + 7 lightnings (includes 2 carried)), Cydonian (6 Argosies with 6,000 troops+gear), and Red Dawn (6 CA, 8 FF, 14 gunboats) fleets jump to NGC-1896 (privateer's haven).


(This message has been edited by magicianeer (edited 07-05-2001).)

OOC: its ok to kill Horreson.

At Lethe Prime:
General Horreson uses the shuttle comm to call his contact on New Cydonia. "Operation blown up by rebels, Lethe lost, need assistance." His contact does not answer, but a burst message comes in on his secret wrist watch pager: "Raven has flown". Crumbs. His last real chance of escape is gone. The wrist watch disintegrates-- the signal that his operation has been terminated.

Horreson calls his connection in the Lethe Defense Fleet. The Defense Fleet Admiral answers instead: "Sorry, Alyson is dead, We cannot spare any ships to pick you up. We are fully engaged with 'Blue Streak' fleet now, taking heavy losses. We are falling back to Lethe." Damn.

Horreson blasts off, trying to run for it.

At Stardock Alpha:
REBEL SHIPS IN SYSTEM! Alarms scream, well-trained men panic, battlescarred veterans piss in their pants. Admiral McPherson, Supreme Commander of the Confederation Space Navy, calmly stands above it all, snapping crisp orders: "Impound all civilian ships in system. Hold the frigates, launch fighters first. Raise station shields. Get the Premier online. Send message to Mars command: hold back your ships, but stand by. Tell Luna command and Earth command to launch all ships soonest." Order returns-- just a routine invasion, nothing to worry about. Already a group of Confed Cruisers was closing with the rebel bandits.

The cruiser fleet vanishes in a blinding light. The entire command staff freezes for a full minute. With the Premier on the line. McPherson answers the Premier's call: "The rebels have foully attacked us and used a large caliber bomb to destroy the initial response fleet." The Premier shouts questions, but McPherson hangs up. "So the rebels want to play with fire.. " he says to no one in particular.

At Privateers Haven:
Miles has some difficulty tracking down the thugs, but eventually recovers the binary nerve gas and collects cash. He is glad to be rid of the stuff. Miles knows Privateer's Haven wont be shut down by so simple a scheme. Nonetheless, Derrick's idea of taking ships on the station intact is a good one. Miles uses the cash + his latest paycheck to buy a Rapier, Flare launcher + flares, extra rockets and a pair of stolen confed marine tanks. He bullies the thugs into going along with his own plan.

Miles bribes Haven traffic control to seal off Docking bay 9 (DB9) so he can move 'valuable merchandise' through it into the shipyard area, but not to announce anything about it, especially not the crew of ships already in the bay. Miles tells the station chief "A routine transfer of bulky super-illegal goods, Confed army heavy artillary in this case. Argosies carrying the goods will be here in an hour". The other LW pilots get their fighters and move them to Docking bay 9. Miles sets up camp in DB9, a tank covering each of the two entrances, and the rapier + LW lightnings covering the launch portal and the ships inside the bay. Miles goes to get his Lightning fighter. Derrick should arrive within the hour. DB9 is pretty empty, containing a trio of clippers, a couple of argosies, a beat up Lightning, and a corvette. It is also the only way out of the shipyard.


(This message has been edited by magicianeer (edited 07-06-2001).)

The Constant Vigilance lazily blows Horreson and his wimpy shuttle to smithereens.
"Well, we listened in on his little conversations. Apparently he had connections with someone in the Lethean defense fleet. We can't count on them. Lets just take some volunteers, if we can scrounge some up," says Luke.
An hour later, Luke's fleet consists of his Destroyer, two Deneb Destroyers, a Cruiser, six Mantas and a small group of volunteers: three veteran Rapier pilots and an old Corvette.
"We'll go where Lightning Wing was headed: Privateer's Haven. All right men, we don't know what to expect, so be careful," Luke commands his fleet. They hyper-jump south.

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.

Fire blossomed from inside the bridge of the Fed Cruiser. He watched as the ship became a fireball, an ever expanding cloud of gas. And then the bomb went off. A huge wave of energy spewed forth from the center of the explosion, engulfing all of the Fed ships in balls of blue fire. In mere seconds, a chain reaction had started and multiple explosions where going off all over the battlefield. He watched as the mighty fleet became no more that carbon and hydrogen. He then saw twenty five more Confed ships coming from the horizon. He then looked at the transponder tags. All was safe. "All right men. Set course for Palshife." He watched as the ship did a quick thrust reversal and swung its engines around. The stars whipped by and the roar of hyperspace could be heard throughout the ship. A few seconds later, the ships came out of hyperspace onto a very different scene. Burnt out hulks of Rebel ships were strewn about the system. There were hundreds of disabled Confed PS's and Gunboats. There looked to be a few Mantas zipping around. Some were flying back and forth between ships and others looked to be ferrying wounded to the planet. Benden ordered all of his ships to decloak. Mass hysteria followed. The Mantas all flew at the Fed ships, a few floating Gunboats started zipping around, and the comm unit blared with messages. After half an hour, everyone was a little calmed down, and most understood what had happened. The Argosies soon docked with the Rebel ships that had been damaged, and started offloading the wounded. The stolen Confed ships took up defensive positions around the system, and the Blood Dragon fleet put in for repairs. Most of the Gunboat pilots defected, the rest had to be boarded, captured, and were imprisoned. Most of the damage done to the Rebel fleet was done by small ships, which left many still together, but with lots of holes. The small weapons had trouble penetrating the armour, and the ships had survived. However, the gunboats had come in waves and launched missiles and rockets at the Cruisers and Destroyers. The ships had most large parts of their armour, and their automatic safety systems had shut down the ship systems. It would take a while to fix the ships, but he had fifty replacements nearly ready to go.

"The heathens are upon us. Arm yourselves and go with God." Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet, prior to the Battle of Cygni.
(url="http://"http://pub70.ezboard.com/bevtechsoftware")EVTech Software Webboard(/url)


Originally posted by Admiral Benden:
**A few seconds later, the ships came out of hyperspace onto a very different scene. <snip>
After half an hour, everyone was a little calmed down, and most understood what had happened. **

OOC: 😕 What happened? Lets see, there is a rebel or independent planet reachable via hyperspace from Sol in a few seconds... hundreds of fighters... mass defections...

At Privateer's Haven:
Derrick arrives on schedule, but without Confed escort! Derrick hails Miles on the Plan D special channel: "Did you release the nerve gas yet?" "No" "Good. The @#!$^% #^$!@ $%%^#$@#$ #^&(*&(^#$!# %$%^# $#!@ Confeds must have dropped out of hyperspace a few hours after we jumped! Without them we don't have a chance!" "iick, now what?" Derrick pauses, then "Don't know, pirates are already circling us, you got any ideas?" "Yea, I changed your plan, sold off the nerve gas and used the cash to reserve Docking Bay 9 for our use. The station chief thinks you are bringing in a load of confed marine artillary for sale." Derrick picks it up from there "Yes, Yes we are. Fantastic! Tell the station chief your confed artillary has arrived. heh. Cut out on me will they?"

Miles has the station chief call off the pirates, but the chief is suspicious. He makes Derrick transfer the goods over in shuttles. The New Cydonian Army General promises to hang the entire staff of Lightning Wing after this is over, but he turns over his equipment. LW hosts a week-long sale right in the docking bay. The Space Combat Suits are especially popular. The cydonian soldiers are pressed into duty controlling roudy criminals.


(This message has been edited by magicianeer (edited 07-06-2001).)

At Lethe Prime:
Fleet Admiral Robinson, commander of the Lethe Defense Fleet, takes the helm of his corvette flagship "Sabre". He leads two argosies on a desperate charge into the last cruiser left in the Cydonian/Confed Blue Streak fleet. Fires the last hundred javelins from his quad of launchers, blowing through the cruiser's left engine. Even as the cruiser breaks up, its neutron bolts tear through the Sabre's armor. But Sabre remains whole, and the surviving confeds begin breaking off.

"Sir Confed cruiser approaching from Lethe!" the scanner tech shouts! Arrg. "They are calling us. They say rebels have assassinated Prime Minister Horreson and conquered the planet." Lies? Robinson had not paid much attention to politics lately. He had been busy with ship repairs and planning a retaliation strike on New Cydonia. He answers: "Hurry up and die so I can get dinner!" Captain Abataar of the U.S.S. Raven replies "You don't understand. My marines were taken by surprise by rebels. The bandits jumped out just a few minutes ago." "You expect me to believe a cydonian ship captain?" "I am confed. My orders are to prevent rebel domination in this region of space. Over the years rebels have captured some of our warships. They painted them all with New Cydonian marks to manipulate their way into power and pin the destruction on the Confederation. I disguised my ship to make the cydonians think I was one of their rebel friends. If you check back to the cydonian invasion, you will see it was my ship that brought the confed marines that stopped the cydonians! More importantly, I am not shooting at you."

Captain Abataar goes on "That fleet you just beat was one of the rebel's groups sent to pin you down while their comrades did dirty deeds on Lethe Prime". At that moment, Red Dawn Fleet arrives. Captain Abataar quickly adds "That fleet that just arrived is the 17th Red Dawn battle group. They are on our side! Please excuse me while I fill them in on the situation."

Admiral Robinson doesn't believe a word of Abataar's tale, but his fleet is a wreck. He calls the new (old) Prime Minister on the red line and tells him: "Glad to hear you are not dead sir. I cannot prevent the confeds from landing, do not have enough ships. Prepare for invasion." He tells the confeds "Rid us of the accursed rebels please!" U.S.S. Raven returns to its hiding place under the Lethean oceans while Red Dawn begins 'liberating' Lethe Prime.

OOC: I probably will not be online this weekend.
OOC: Its ok to kill/manipulate Robinson & Abataar.


OOC: Lets see, I stated numerous times that the fleet was going back to Palshife. Not some unknown planet. Plus, we know that fighters have a faster hyperspace time than Cruisers, so they would get there faster. Though it did take time to plan the attack. So the battle happened a few hours before I arrived. There weren't a lot of defecters, but I think you would be unhappy if the government that you are fighting for just sent you and your friends on a raid that you weren't expected to come back from. Others are fools and think in terms such as "traiterous Rebels" and "Rebel scum" and they had to be imprisoned(I would prefer to just shoot them). I am also not going to be able to post for a few days since I am going to see my uncle in Reno, NV.

"The heathens are upon us. Arm yourselves and go with God." Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet, prior to the Battle of Cygni.
(url="http://"http://pub70.ezboard.com/bevtechsoftware")EVTech Software Webboard(/url)

OOC: I couldn't make my post for some reason a while back, so I'll just say what happened. UR finally got an access code for the computer terminal. He found dates and other things and went to the ship to discuss their next move. The 'Sickle' fleet dropped off marines on Lethe without taking time to see anything in space- they dropped in landed dropped off marines and left. BTW, does Lethe have 'feds ships, or just Cydonia?

I try to think but nothing happens!- Ultimate Rebel


Originally posted by Ultimate Rebel:
**BTW, does Lethe have 'feds ships, or just Cydonia?



Luke's fleet arrives in the pirates' system and heads for the station...

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.


Originally posted by Admiral Benden:
**OOC: Lets see, I stated numerous times that the fleet was going back to Palshife. Not some unknown planet.

OOC: You travelled from sol to palshife and arrived at the end of a battle, the whole trip+battle taking a few hours. I didn't think we were permitted to travel such distances in a single post, let alone a few seconds/hours, so I figured something strange had happened.

At Lethe Prime:
The Lethean Army, augmented by two fleets worth of Rebel Marines, put up enough flak to keep the Cydonian/Confed Red Dawn Fleet from even getting into shooting range of population centers. Red Dawn eventually sets down in a large automated farm a weeks march from the space port and capital and unloads 8,000 Confed Marines.

Rear Admiral Jensen curses the Lightning Wing again. The bastards had not turned around when the coded message about the rebel assault came from Raven. Without the Cydonian Army, his troops were outnumbered and badly outgunned. Jensen had expected mostly space action against Privateer's Haven's fleet. He had turned over most of his ground-fighting gear to the Cydonians and stocked up on torpedoes. Fortunately, the rebels seem not have space support, so Jensen could use his ships could fill the role of heavy artillary. Jensen put in a call to Admiral McPherson for backup, then launches Red Dawn fleet.

Admiral Robinson grins ear-to-ear at the ferocious response from the ground forces. Lethe Prime may have a chance. He regroups his fleet, sending the heavily damaged ships to the space port for repair. Robinson and the last dozen combat-capable ships of the Lethean Defense Fleet remain in orbit to watch the remaining ships of Blue Streak Fleet.

At Terran Naval Yards:
Admiral McPherson and several Senators tour the radioactive ruins of Terran Naval Yards. The Senator from Astex promises "We will provide materials to rebuild it". The Senator from Atinoda offers the company's entire inventory of kestrels to supplement the confed fleet while TNY is rebuilt. The Sirius Cybernetics Senator swears "I will bring enough robots to rebuild the yards within a year!"

At Privateer's Haven:
Derrick pays out million dollar bonuses to the captains of LW. Miles decides to take a vacation on Capella. The lightning fighter is LW property which Miles turns over to Derrick. But the rapier is all his. Miles boards the rapier, launches and jumps to Capella.

OOC: I have some real life things to deal with, so Miles won't be in the story for the next 2-3 weeks. LW is still selling Confed gear on the station, they are NPCs now you can kill them, hire them, ignore them. I will still be around the ASW boards.


(This message has been edited by magicianeer (edited 07-09-2001).)

Luke's fleet arrive at Privateer's Haven without trouble.
"This is Rebel Commander Luke requesting landing space."
"Denied," says a rough voice.
Luke whispers something to the captain of the Lincoln through a comm link. Thirty seconds later, the docking control tower is blown up and Luke's fleet docks wherever they can. Luke tells all ships to dispatch their marines.
The marines are attacked by some pirate thugs, but most of the Rebels survived. Luke tells them to "Bring back all members of Lightning Wing, dead or alive."

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.

OOC: Alright, I found a Mac!
Admiral Benden grinned. The Rebel fleet was nearly twice as strong as before. The Confed ships had been worked on by Rebel mechanics, boosting their performance, and had then been refitted with Rebel weapons to make them more powerful. Two of the Cruisers had been converted to carry the defecting gunboats. One of the Cruisers had carried a suprise. A full complement of fighters, and a computer full of information. The Argosies had been transformed into Destroyers very quickly, though they had a few structural problems from being converted. A few of the Argosies had been outfitted with a full complement of Proton Turrets and a modified cargo bay. They could now carry six Mantas. These would be hidden in Rebel convoys to help reduce losses from Confed raids. The Rebels were ready to launch an offfensive that would change history forever.

"The heathens are upon us. Arm yourselves and go with God." Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet, prior to the Battle of Cygni.
(url="http://"http://pub70.ezboard.com/bevtechsoftware")EVTech Software Webboard(/url)

OOC: Hey guys, sorry I've not been replying, but I 've been VERRRY VERRY busy. Also, I going on holiday tomorrow (Thursday), so I'll only have access about 6 times in the next 2 months, and I'm not sure about after that. So, here's my explanation!

"Mac, what the hell are you doing here?"
"Just thought that my little brother could use a hand. Actually, I have some news for you."
Riprash's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "What kinda news?"
"It seems the Rebels have a job for us."
"Us. Us being...?"
"Me and you bro!" Mac grinned. "It's real secret. They want to talk to us at Palshife about it."
"If you hadn't noticed, my fighter bay looks like it's spent a holiday at George's World and my engines, well, I don't want to talk about them."
"Don't worry, brother. I've got a tractor beam. It'll get us both there."

At Palshife:
"My friends, I have a mission for you."
"What is is?"
After that question, the Admiral explained about a covert mission to Cydonia.

OOC: But that is another story! See you all soon!