Density Scanner and IFF Decoder?

Hey me again,
Could somebody enlighten me as to what the Density Scanner and IFF Decoder do, I know they have something to do with the 'radar'. Yes, No 😉
Also, will it be possible for a mod designer to alter the way the radar works?


The IFF and Density Scanner chage the way the radar shows different objects.

IFF (Identification:Friend/Foe) changes the colors of the radar to show enemies(red), allies(blue), and neutrals(yellow). This is used on ships, stations, and planets.

Density Scanner increases or decreases the size of a ship on the radar to represent its actual size.

Im not sure if you can alter the radar.

Thanks for the fast reply Mike,

Also, how does interferance effect the radar, is it like visual static or does it throw off readings?



Originally posted by YatoYato:
**Also, how does interferance effect the radar, is it like visual static or does it throw off readings?

Visual static. It blots out the screen for a moment. In light interference, you can see the screen about 2/3rds of the time. Medium, about half the time. Heavy, about 1/3rd the time.

And Mike got the IFF colors slightly wrong, it's red for hostile, blue for neutral ships, yellow for neutral planets, green for fighters or escorts (of the player) and dominated planets, orange for forbidden planets, gray for disabled ships and uninhabited planets.

Density scanner tells you how large the ship is based on its mass, and can show that ship as a dot (small; one pixel) or a bigger dot (medium and large; 4 pixels).

Plugins cannot alter the radar (at least, they couldn't in EV or EVO; but we've had no info as to whether they can in EVN)... you might want to double-check that, I'm not entirely sure. Look for David Arthur, he's the #1 resource on all things Nova.

"Those people who think they know everything are a constant annoyance to those of us who do."
"Hand Thing"

This is not really Nova related. I am moving it to the EV board. 🙂

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