Missiles or Torpedos

Since polls seem to be all the rage now, I'll start another one. Which do you like better, missiles or torps?
I expect this will turn out overwhelmingly in favor of torps, but I'm voting missiles.
Torpedoes can be used effectively only against capital ships, they are too sluggish to hit fighters. Missiles only do half the damage, but can be used against anything, and are a lot lighter(launchers). I use both, but Missiles are much more versatile, so they get my vote.

Missiles: 1
Torpedoes: 0

So go on the internet game sites and bash all the PC users!

I generally don't use things with ammo.

However, I am voting in favor of missiles, because torpedos are useless against fighters. If you have a full load of proton turrets and cannons though, you can overwhelm anything without either missiles OR torpedos.

Let's see...they're diamonds on wheels. Cool.

Torpedoes rule. Though I learned to like missiles recently, torpedoes are cheaper, are very long range, and pack twice the whallop, while been less agile than the missile.

Torpedoes get my vote.

~Captain Skyblade

President of the Corsair Development Team
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Originally posted by Macavenger:
Torpedoes can be used effectively only against capital ships, they are too sluggish to hit fighters.

this poll is silly. as you state yourself, torps can not be used effectively against fighters. the flip side of this is "Missiles can be used effectively only against fighters, they are too weak to damage capital ships." unlike the other poll topics (laser vs proton cannon, laser vs proton turret, neutron blaster vs mass driver) missiles and torpedoes are not comparable. this is like saying 'which is better, the bulk freighter or the rapier?'. missiles and torpedoes are clearly suited for different roles and should be applied to those roles. if, en route to face capital ships, you do not sell your missiles and purchase torps simply because you "prefer missiles", you are silly indeed. hee hee 😉 😉

having said that, i love missiles a lot, so i vote missiles!!!! hee hee 😉 😉


I prefer Space Bombs, and Heavy Rockets. More bang for the buck, and they take some skill to use properly. Guided weapons are for chickens.



Originally posted by Asmodaethur:
**this poll is silly. as you state yourself, torps can not be used effectively against fighters. the flip side of this is "Missiles can be used effectively only against fighters, they are too weak to damage capital ships." unlike the other poll topics (laser vs proton cannon, laser vs proton turret, neutron blaster vs mass driver) missiles and torpedoes are not comparable. this is like saying 'which is better, the bulk freighter or the rapier?'. missiles and torpedoes are clearly suited for different roles and should be applied to those roles. if, en route to face capital ships, you do not sell your missiles and purchase torps simply because you "prefer missiles", you are silly indeed. hee hee;) 😉

having said that, i love missiles a lot, so i vote missiles!!!! hee hee 😉 😉

I disagree. As the only homing weapons, they fit in the same category. They just have differing strengths and weaknesses, just as do Javelins/Heavy Rockets.

Missiles: 3
Torpedoes: 1

So go on the internet game sites and bash all the PC users!


Originally posted by Loki:
**I prefer Space Bombs, and Heavy Rockets. More bang for the buck, and they take some skill to use properly. Guided weapons are for chickens.

Hehe, right.

But if I had to choose between these two, I'd go with Torpedos. Missiles are just too weak and expensive.

There is one funny thing you can do with these slow, long-range torps:
Choose a nice, distant and hostile target (should be much stronger than your own ship), accelerate straight toward it and keep shooting topedos. They will allign nicely in a row or pack! Normally I don't like this AI-style dogfight but with a bunch of torpedos as an "escort" this is quite funny. 🙂
Of course this works only with stupid AI opponents. I'm really interested if this will work in Nova.

- Marko


Originally posted by Marko:
There is one funny thing you can do with these slow, long-range torps:
Choose a nice, distant and hostile target (should be much stronger than your own ship), accelerate straight toward it and keep shooting topedos. They will allign nicely in a row or pack! Normally I don't like this AI-style dogfight but with a bunch of torpedos as an "escort" this is quite funny. 🙂
Of course this works only with stupid AI opponents. I'm really interested if this will work in Nova.

- Marko**

Yeap, that's one of my favorite tricks...Normally, when I'm engaged in combat against a Confederation Cruiser, I'll accellerate my Rebel Destroyer straight toward the target, while my three torpedo launchers (yes, my version allows up to three launchers) fire off fifteen to twenty torpedoes before impact. The result is a shield drop of around 25 to 30%. I then usually go in with javelin turrets (a little outfit I made...360 degree field of fire), hammering the hulk with laser turret fire and waves of javelins. Never under-estimate a beefed-up Rebel Destroyer. 🙂

~Captain Skyblade

President of the Corsair Development Team
(url="http://"http://artworks.tmgmedia.net")Corsair Homepage(/url) | (url="http://"http://pub57.ezboard.com/bcorsairdevelopers")Corsair Web Board(/url) | (url="http://"http://pub101.ezboard.com/bstarbasedelta")Starbase Delta(/url)

I like space bombs most, but out of either missiles or torpedoes, I'd have to say torpedoes. You can get a torpedo launcher, plus five torpedoes onto a scoutship, and that can be used for pirating pirate Argosies for nice good profits! 🙂 Missiles are just far too expensive, don't pack a big enough punch (though I think that only space bombs pack a big enough punch :p), and are susceptable to missile jamming easily. However, I find that torpedoes don't work well against capital ships, so I never use them in my Rebel Cruiser. If I were to use any secondaries (which I don't, except the tractor beam), then it'd be space bombs (just pilot yourself straight towards a Confed Cruiser, turn around, launch some space bombs, and hit the afterurners! 🙂 Then all you have to do is take out the patrol ships, which is easy).

Anyway, my vote goes to torpedoes.

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
(url="http://"http://pub101.ezboard.com/bstarbasedelta")Starbase Delta(/url)|(url="http://"http://www.coolboard.com/myboards.cfm?oid=88975708993460")Spacestation Pheta Unofficial Forums(/url)

(This message has been edited by Lord Gwydion (edited 05-31-2001).)


Originally posted by Marko:
Normally I don't like this AI-style dogfight but with a bunch of torpedos as an "escort" this is quite funny. Of course this works only with stupid AI opponents. I'm really interested if this will work in Nova.

Very doubtful.


Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
Never under-estimate a beefed-up Rebel Destroyer.

Rebel Destroyers rock. With an RCS Upgrade, AI ships won't shoot torps at it, and you can dodge missiles easily with a jammer, so they can't really hit you with ranged stuff. And you can still get 4 Proton Turrets for the close in work, plus plenty of secondaries of your own.
And, Skyblade, no cheating.


Orignally posted by Lord Gwydion:
(1) You can get a torpedo launcher, plus five torpedoes onto a scoutship, and that can be used for pirating pirate Argosies for nice good profits!
(2) Missiles... are susceptible to jamming easily.
(3)I find that torpedoes don't work well against capital ships

(1) Please. I can easily take an Argosy in a Scoutship with 3 Lasers and maybe 2 missiles. One Launcher and 10 Missiles delivers equal punch, less space, and more versatility. I can make a very handsome living disabling Argosies and Clippers in a Scoutship so equipped, and can also disable Lightnings if i see some, even more money. Your Torpedo boat couldn't do that easily.
(2) The EV AI does not use jammers.
(3) Torpedoes are excellent against capital ships. That's almost the only thing they work against, though.

Current Status:
Missiles: 3
Torpedoes: 3

Need some more votes to break the tie here.

So go on the internet game sites and bash all the PC users!

Yes, I realise that the scoutship can carry ten missiles, but ten missiles costs more than twice as much as five torpedoes, and the only reason that I'm in a scoutship is because I don't have enough money to get an Argosy. Now, pirate Argosies don't have that much money on them, so it's much faster to get torpedoes and then an Argosy. Okay, so my second point was off, but still, I think that missiles are the worst guided weapon. Did I really say that they don't work against cap ships? Whoops. I didn't mean to type that. But anyway, the only thing I use is my Mantas (against Argosies), my space bombs (against Confed Cruisers and Frigates), and my proton turrets (against everything).

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
(url="http://"http://pub101.ezboard.com/bstarbasedelta")Starbase Delta(/url)|(url="http://"http://www.coolboard.com/myboards.cfm?oid=88975708993460")Spacestation Pheta Unofficial Forums(/url)


For further information, go back 1-2 pages for my similar Missile/Torpedo poll.

"That's all very nice, but where's the guns?"
- SilverDragon


Originally posted by Lord Gwydion:
**Yes, I realise that the scoutship can carry ten missiles, but ten missiles costs more than twice as much as five torpedoes, and the only reason that I'm in a scoutship is because I don't have enough money to get an Argosy. Now, pirate Argosies don't have that much money on them, so it's much faster to get torpedoes and then an Argosy. Okay, so my second point was off, but still, I think that missiles are the worst guided weapon. Did I really say that they don't work against cap ships? Whoops. I didn't mean to type that. But anyway, the only thing I use is my Mantas (against Argosies), my space bombs (against Confed Cruisers and Frigates), and my proton turrets (against everything).

You still fly Argosies? I've learned that the Diphidia 2 set is quite doable in a Scout, and with 1+ mil already i prefer to just wait 'til I can afford a Corvette. And with things that cost as little as Missiles, I don't really care if they cost a bit more.

Missiles: 4
Torpedoes: 3

So go on the internet game sites and bash all the PC users!


Originally posted by Macavenger:
**Rebel Destroyers rock. With an RCS Upgrade, AI ships won't shoot torps at it, and you can dodge missiles easily with a jammer, so they can't really hit you with ranged stuff. And you can still get 4 Proton Turrets for the close in work, plus plenty of secondaries of your own.
And, Skyblade, no cheating.


Yeap, Rebel Destroyers rule, but when did I say I cheated? All I did was simply allow the player to buy more launchers and such, which there is nothing wrong with. Look at it this way: A modern-day Apache hellicopter can carry up to four hellfire rocket tubes, which look and function much like the javelin rockets of EV. Now if a tiny little attack helicopter can hold four of those things, then what's wrong with mounting four javelin pods on a Clipper or Lightning? It's perfectly logical when you think about...If your ship has the room to spare, then it can carry what it needs.

And my copy of Escape Velocity is like my own plugin...I've made a few more outfits, (like javelin turrets) and really adds some taste to the game. There's also more ships, like the Rebel Star Cobra (A lightning fighter, adopted by the Rebellion for use as a heavy fighter). While one version of the Rebel Cruiser carries four Star Cobras, the other version still carries four mantas. (Mantas are now armed with three laser cannons and two javelin pods with 100 javelins. A missile launcher is also installed with two missiles for ammo).

~Captain Skyblade

President of the Corsair Development Team
(url="http://"http://artworks.tmgmedia.net")Corsair Homepage(/url) | (url="http://"http://pub57.ezboard.com/bcorsairdevelopers")Corsair Web Board(/url) | (url="http://"http://pub101.ezboard.com/bstarbasedelta")Starbase Delta(/url)


Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**Yeap, Rebel Destroyers rule, but when did I say I cheated? All I did was simply allow the player to buy more launchers and such, which there is nothing wrong with. Look at it this way: A modern-day Apache hellicopter can carry up to four hellfire rocket tubes, which look and function much like the javelin rockets of EV. Now if a tiny little attack helicopter can hold four of those things, then what's wrong with mounting four javelin pods on a Clipper or Lightning? It's perfectly logical when you think about...If your ship has the room to spare, then it can carry what it needs.


The Hellfire missile is a laser guided weapon. It is fired from the Apache helicopter but flies along a guiding beam aimed by a ground vehicle at the desired target. In addition, a Hellfire missile is quite large - each rack holds only 4 missiles, for a total of 16. Its destructive payload is also significant - a single missile will destroy a tank. These pictures show the actual setup on an Apache:
(url="http://"http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/missile/hellfire-dvic432.jpg")www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/missile/hellfire-dvic432.jpg(/url) (url="http://"http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/missile/hell.jpg")www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/missile/hell.jpg(/url)

A more appropriate comparison would be the rocket pods carried by Harrier jets. The javelin pod graphic happens to resemble the actual pods very closely and was probably modeled after them. Of course, the actual pods don't carry 999 rockets either. But there are Harriers fitted with 4 rocket pods, as in:

Not invalidating your argument, just clarifying the facts 🙂



Originally posted by EVaddict:
**The Hellfire missile is a laser guided weapon. It is fired from the Apache helicopter but flies along a guiding beam aimed by a ground vehicle at the desired target. In addition, a Hellfire missile is quite large - each rack holds only 4 missiles, for a total of 16. Its destructive payload is also significant - a single missile will destroy a tank. These pictures show the actual setup on an Apache:
www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/missile/hellfire-dvic432.jpg www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/missile/hell.jpg

A more appropriate comparison would be the rocket pods carried by Harrier jets. The javelin pod graphic happens to resemble the actual pods very closely and was probably modeled after them. Of course, the actual pods don't carry 999 rockets either. But there are Harriers fitted with 4 rocket pods, as in:

Not invalidating your argument, just clarifying the facts 🙂


Ok, that will work. I guess it kinda clarifies my post anyway. 🙂 Sorry about getting the hellfire missiles mixed up...For some reason, I was thinking those were the unguided rockets fired from the javelin-looking pods...

Also, the Russian version of the Apache, the "Hind," can carry four rocket tubes (and they also look just like the javelin pods). It makes one deadly gunship...

~Captain Skyblade

President of the Corsair Development Team
(url="http://"http://artworks.tmgmedia.net")Corsair Homepage(/url) | (url="http://"http://pub57.ezboard.com/bcorsairdevelopers")Corsair Web Board(/url) | (url="http://"http://pub101.ezboard.com/bstarbasedelta")Starbase Delta(/url)

Let me rephrase the no cheating then... No plug-ins, I'm thinking stock scenario here.

So go on the internet game sites and bash all the PC users!


Originally posted by Macavenger:
**Let me rephrase the no cheating then... No plug-ins, I'm thinking stock scenario here.


Alright, understood. 🙂

IF you are an experianced player, you have a rebel cruiser which holds, uh, 7 guns and 4 turrets. With this primary firepower, fighters are a breeze. It's getting close to the capital ships that tough. So, for advanced players, torpedoe ultimately gets my vote. However, for the captain of a small ship, missiles are good.

Final vote: torps, of course.

I dun't cere-a vhet zee mudereturs sey, my neeckneme-a is svedeesh cheff.

I usually rely on Guns/Turrets and Javelins/Heavy Rockets. But out of those two, i use Torpedoes. 1 Heavy Rocket will disable most fighters. No nned for them if you want a challenge. Besides, they waste too much money.

"Before you critizice a man, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, when you critizice him you'll be a mile away and have his shoes."