forgot were reb mission string starts

i forgot wat planet they start at pls tell


I don't think there's a specific planet. Just wait until you have a good legal record & combat rating, and the rebels will ask you to deliver some parcels. I forget whether it starts on rebel or independent planets.

David Arthur
(url="http://"")Talon Plugin for Classic EV(/url)

For the deliver rebel parcels mission, you need decent individual (maybe clean is enough) on the rebel planets. It is available on any rebel planet.

For the rebel alien missions you need to have done the deliver parcels missions, have upstanding citizen + dangerous combat rating, even then its somewhat scarce (I normally get it at sirgil).

If you did the confed deliver documents, then the rebel missions will not be available.


None of the major Rebel mission strings start at a specific planet, just Rebel space in general.

For the Deliver Parcels, you need to have at least Mostly Harmless combat rating and Decent Individual legal rating at the planet.

For Rebel Special Ops, you need excellent Combat Rating and I think Good Egg.

For Aliens, Deadly combat and I think Upstanding Citizen.

So go on the internet game sites and bash all the PC users!

(This message has been edited by Macavenger (edited 06-08-2001).)