Building a plug-in..questions..questions..

  1. Is there anybody here who understands all the fields while editting in resedit and willing to let me bather him by e-mail/icq every now and then with stupid questions?

  2. For building graphics i'm in the need of my friend's help, unfortunately, he has a pc, and therefore less than thrilled to the idea of making graphics for a game he will never play.
    Is there any way to run ev on a pc?

  3. The more important I believe(Should be the main factor for me to choose between EV and EVO): In EV, after finishing a mission, can the govt status change, like in EVO, when you finish arr..don't remember what mission, and some systems are conquered, some outposts are being destroyed etc..?

  4. How much demand will there be for a plug of Star-Trek(opinions of yourself only not ponder "hmm..i believe that most ppl would hate/love the idea")?
    And, for your opinion, what era of star trek would be prefered? What wars fought etc.

I believe that rest it for the time being. Would appreciate any response.


1. I understand most of the fields, and wouldn't mind being pestered with email (I don't have ICQ) at (url="http://"")


Originally posted by Lord Gwydion:
1. I understand most of the fields, and wouldn't mind being pestered with email (I don't have ICQ) at

Well, I don't know who's developing it, so I can't give you his/her email address. I do, however, have a copy of one of the beta versions, and you might be able to figure it from that. And as for starting out small, you really should. It's a lot easier to try to learn step-by-step and just make little things at first, rather than to suddenly make a total conversion or something. I, for example, tried to make a plugin that was only fairly large (expanding the Confeds and Rebels), but I started it in November 2000, and it's still not finished (that was my first real plugin, not just a silly cheat plugin that was made in EV-Edit).

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
(url="http://"")Starbase Delta(/url)|(url="http://"")Spacestation Pheta Unofficial Forums(/url)

I don't know too much about the progamming side of ev but i've been playing the actual game for about 2-2 1/2 years. I have come across some smaller star trek plugs, but none were very good. I would have fun playing in universe similar to next generation, with romulins (sp), vulcans, especially borg, etc. Good luck, i look forward to playing it some day!



Originally posted by Juggernaut:
2) For building graphics i'm in the need of my friend's help, unfortunately, he has a pc, and therefore less than thrilled to the idea of making graphics for a game he will never play.
Is there any way to run ev on a pc?

  1. The more important I believe(Should be the main factor for me to choose between EV and EVO): In EV, after finishing a mission, can the govt status change, like in EVO, when you finish arr..don't remember what mission, and some systems are conquered, some outposts are being destroyed etc..?

  2. How much demand will there be for a plug of Star-Trek(opinions of yourself only not ponder "hmm..i believe that most ppl would hate/love the idea")?
    And, for your opinion, what era of star trek would be prefered? What wars fought etc.

I believe that rest it for the time being. Would appreciate any response.

  1. Basilisk II is an open source Mac emulator for many platforms, including PC. The only thing it requires is the ROM file from a real 68k Mac, which should be easy to get. The documentation contains detailed instructions on the actual procedure. All you have to do is pay the $20 (or less) for a 68k Mac. Any 030/040 machine (except maybe the SE/30) will be fine.

  2. You can definitely change the status of governments as well as the actual government of a planet. Many EV plugs already do that, such as New Horizons or Galactic Scourge - entire systems disappear, change governments, new jumplinks to new systems appear etc. Try playing these for a while (do the missions, not just fly around) to get a sense of what the EV engine is capable of. New Horizons even allows asteroid mining via a creative use of the "board/capture" feature.

  3. I know little of Star Trek and have no interest per se, but if the quality of the plug is high (in terms of story/"bugfree-ness"/graphics) I will play it.


In my opinion
Star trek sucks. Violates too many laws of physics. Babylon 5 however... that was a good show. And its got a second spinoff coming. All about the Rangers.

Programming today is a race between software build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.--Rich Cook

1, 2, and 4 seem pretty well covered, but to elaborate on 3...

When you complete a mission, you get 2 CompBitSet fields. Depending on how fancy you want to get, one should be enough. System replacement is done using the visbit field in the s˙st resource. If your mission sets bi 52 on completion, and you want to replace system 163 with 217, in s˙st 217's visbit, you put 52. This means it only shows up if your mission is done. Now, to take s˙st 163 out of the picture, you set its visbit to 1052. Adding 1000 to the bit means the system won't show up if that bit is set. For most uses, the two systems should have the same coordinates. Of course, you don't have to use the numbers I gave, those are just examples.

And I too encourage starting with something small.

So go on the internet game sites and bash all the PC users!