Hello everyone.

Well..i got back to playing ev 2 days ago after probably a year without(evo perhaps half a year..)..
i have a few questions..
1)can somebody please list all the confed and rebel missions possible?(or link me to a place where they already did it..) i mean those who allow you to make progress in the game.. i'm stuck after i finished the alien mission for the rebels(using a 'vette..although i understand it's not such a big thingy..).
2)tractor beam? what? where?:)
3)when will there be a version for pc?(no! no!..just kiddin'..not with the forklift..noooo..:)
4)and what are those vge's(?)..or nuclear weapons..where can i find them?
5)is there an option to play it on the internet? i mean..we could finally state who is the best pilot..and finally fighting against ai(actual intelligence..)./
if now yet..is it planned for the future?



i'm invincible..



Originally posted by Juggernaut:
**Well..i got back to playing ev 2 days ago after probably a year without(evo perhaps half a year..)..
i have a few questions..
1)can somebody please list all the confed and rebel missions possible?(or link me to a place where they already did it..) i mean those who allow you to make progress in the game.. i'm stuck after i finished the alien mission for the rebels(using a 'vette..although i understand it's not such a big thingy..).
2)tractor beam? what? where? πŸ™‚
3)when will there be a version for pc?(no! no!..just kiddin'..not with the forklift..noooo.. πŸ™‚
4)and what are those vge's(?)..or nuclear weapons..where can i find them?
5)is there an option to play it on the internet? i mean..we could finally state who is the best pilot..and finally fighting against ai(actual intelligence..)./
if now yet..is it planned for the future?



i'm invincible..


The tractor beam is a series of missions started with the astrodyne mission (after the aliens). I'm not gonna tell you what system, but you should be able to figure it out. EV will never come out for pc. I don't know what vge is. No there is no version of ev for internet play. hope that helps! Welcome to the boards! πŸ™‚

titan's new board click (url="http://"http://pub101.ezboard.com/btitansboard65830")here(/url) to enter

I've through almost all rebel bars after the aliens and most of the independent dislike me for destroying confed(why?..god knows..)
i would really appreciate the name of the system.. πŸ™‚
there isn't any planning on doind a version for internet gameplay?
maybe a plug-in can be constructed by someone..(not me..dunno the slightest about programming..)?

and thanx for the welcome..


"You cannot oppose me! I'm invincible."


I hear there is something EV-ish that is internet compatible, but I'm no expert on the subject...

And if you really want to see where all the missions are, just grab yerself a copy of ResEdit or EV-Edit and open up the EV Data file. You should be able to see rom there (note:EV-Edit is so bad, it messed up my Mac really badly. Try ResEdit first!!!)

CoreyΕ‚ (Cubed)
That's Corey x Corey x Corey

ok..finished with that outpost..
are there any other rebel related missions?
