This is a test of the emergency EV broadcast system

This is a test of the emergency EV broadcast system. This is only a test.

A number of cool resources for EV exist that you may not be aware of, or haven't checked out lately.

(url="http://" &number;=20&SUBMIT;=Go")EV Chronicles(/url) - Talented writers from the EV community have been spinning intriguing yarns based on the EV/EVO universe, and sharing their tales in the EV Chronicles for over a year now. There's a wealth of interesting sci-fi worthy of your perusal, and perhaps your comment.

(url="http://" &number;=56&SUBMIT;=Go")EV Image Gallery(/url) - If you like looking at striking and imaginative renderings of ships, planets, landscapes, battle scenes, and other futuristic artwork, the EV Image Gallery is a treasure trove. Come check out and comment on the renderings of emerging and established artists alike.

(url="http://" &number;=19&SUBMIT;=Go")EV Newswire(/url) - This is the place to go for major EV-related news and announcements. If you don't always have the time to read all of the web boards completely, checking out the Newswire from time to time will keep you up to date on the major happenings in the EV community.

...and of course, check out Ambrosia's newsletter, (url="http://";=14&SUBMIT;=Go")The Ambrosia Times(/url), and also the (url="http://";=15&SUBMIT;=Go")Ambrosia Newswire(/url) for the latest Ambrosia-related news.

This has been a test of the emergency EV broadcast system. In the event that this was a real emergency, all your planets are belong to us.

Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.
Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.


Originally posted by andrew:
**This is a test of the emergency EV broadcast system. This is only a test.

A number of cool resources for EV exist that you may not be aware of, or haven't checked out lately.

EV Chronicles - Talented writers from the EV community have been spinning intriguing yarns based on the EV/EVO universe, and sharing their tales in the EV Chronicles for over a year now. There's a wealth of interesting sci-fi worthy of your perusal, and perhaps your comment.

EV Image Gallery - If you like looking at striking and imaginative renderings of ships, planets, landscapes, battle scenes, and other futuristic artwork, the EV Image Gallery is a treasure trove. Come check out and comment on the renderings of emerging and established artists alike.

EV Newswire - This is the place to go for major EV-related news and announcements. If you don't always have the time to read all of the web boards completely, checking out the Newswire from time to time will keep you up to date on the major happenings in the EV community.

...and of course, check out Ambrosia's newsletter, The Ambrosia Times, and also the Ambrosia Newswire for the latest Ambrosia-related news.

This has been a test of the emergency EV broadcast system. In the event that this was a real emergency, all your planets are belong to us.


Were is GEOCITES.COM? I saw it once, told a friend about it, but he couldn't find
it. I saw it here somewhere to but even I can,t find it. It was one of the greatest
sites I have ever seen!! I sure would be thankful if you could help me find it.