Old Website Information

Remember the old days and the old Escape Velocity website? I do. I miss it so. There was so much information about the game that has been ommitted in the current EV homepage. I was wondering if anyone had some of the old information, like the legal status numbers (how many positve or negative points would increase or decrease your legal status) and the crew numbers of all of the ships. (which I know are the aforementioned "points") I have been to (url="http://"http://www.planetphil.com")www.planetphil.com(/url), which is a very good site, and it contains some of the old information, like the mission information. (lacking the rebellion missions) If anyone knows where I could find the rest of the old info or you know it yourself, please tell me. Thanks!

I'm the one that said,
"Just grab 'em in the biscuits."

Actually, the stats for all of the standard ships (including crew numbers) and weapons are on my website, just as they were on the old escape-velocity.com site. Jump (url="http://"http://www.planetphil.com/ev/info/home.html")back(/url) and look at the Ships and Equipment pages.

As for legal statuses, combat ratings, and the like: that stuff is all in the EV Bible , of course. But if you don't have a copy handy, this (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Ring/6416/bible.html")online version(/url) may serve.

if you can't be free, be a mystery


Originally posted by PlanetPhil:
**Actually, the stats for all of the standard ships (including crew numbers) and weapons are on my website, just as they were on the old escape-velocity.com site. Jump back and look at the Ships and Equipment pages.

As for legal statuses, combat ratings, and the like: that stuff is all in the EV Bible , of course. But if you don't have a copy handy, this online version may serve.

Thanks a bunch, that was just what I was looking for.


I'm the one that said,
"Just grab 'em in the biscuits."