opinions please...

Does the gap between Rapier & Corvette leave enough room for a new class of combat ship?

How hard is it to use ResEdit?

And does '(m*#)+((m*#)/2)=? m=Fighter Mass #=number of ships in bay' sound like a reasonable formula?

Truth suffers from too much analysis.
--Ancient Fremen Saying


Originally posted by netosa:
Does the gap between Rapier & Corvette leave enough room for a new class of combat ship?

I think so -- they are different ships, leaving an area open for a civilian gunboat, some turrets, etc.


Originally posted by netosa:
How hard is it to use ResEdit?

Not that hard. Check out the EV Deveoper's Corner for some help.


Originally posted by netosa:
And does '(m#)+((m#)/2)=? m=Fighter Mass #=number of ships in bay' sound like a reasonable formula?


For what?

"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his. " - General George Patton

resedit is pretty confusing to use. i suggest using evedit, it is on the add-ons page. hope that helps!! 😄

I try to think but nothing happens!- Ultimate Rebel

Yes the gap is huge.

They'll try to kill 'em all with the FORKLIFT!


Originally posted by Starkiller:
**For what?

Formula to determine the mass of fighter bays. Under this system the masses would be,
Hawk 30
Lightning 36
Manta 54
Confederate Fighter 66

RE: Evedit
It seems to leave the plug buggy, but those one-way links have possibilities.

Both of you thanks for replying. 🙂

Truth suffers from too much analysis.
--Ancient Fremen Saying

I reckon the gap between Kestrel and the Confed. Cruiser leaves enough gap for a load of cruisers available to any civilian..

-From Eirik
"Life is a lesson, you learn it when you're through"
-Limp Bizkit-


Originally posted by netosa:
It seems to leave the plug buggy, but those one-way links have possibilities

I think I figured out what's wrong with that. You have to connect both ends or something.

They'll try to kill 'em all with the FORKLIFT!


Originally posted by --Eirik--:
**I reckon the gap between Kestrel and the Confed. Cruiser leaves enough gap for a load of cruisers available to any civilian..


That is a large gap.

They'll try to kill 'em all with the FORKLIFT!


Originally posted by Mr. Moose:

I think I figured out what's wrong with that. You have to connect both ends or something.


I did, it sometimes shows up when I tinker with other peoples plugs (and didn't touch the links). 😕

Everyone thanks for replying.

Truth suffers from too much analysis.
--Ancient Fremen Saying

Ack, don't use EVEdit, it's terrible in comparison with ResEdit! I could sit here and list off the many many problems with EVEdit, but that's better left to an epic novel. ResEdit's really easy to use once you get the hang of it. It's also a lot more flexible, particularly when used in conjunction with those developer tools made by Pontus Ilbring. The Developer's Map and Formula Calc in particular are very useful. They're available in the add ons section of this site, under utilities.


Heh, that was odd. A silly post that belonged in another topic ended up here, WEIRD.

mikeeJ | Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy | zergess@yahoo.com
"The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus


Originally posted by Loki:
**Ack, don't use EVEdit, it's terrible in comparison with ResEdit! I could sit here and list off the many many problems with EVEdit, but that's better left to an epic novel. ResEdit's really easy to use once you get the hang of it. It's also a lot more flexible, particularly when used in conjunction with those developer tools made by Pontus Ilbring. The Developer's Map and Formula Calc in particular are very useful. They're available in the add ons section of this site, under utilities.


well, the evedit is very easy to use for changing stats of ships and outfits, you can also change the government of a system. evedit messed up my version of ev, but i re-installed it and it is working fine now. 🙂

I try to think but nothing happens!- Ultimate Rebel


Originally posted by --Eirik--:
**I reckon the gap between Kestrel and the Confed. Cruiser leaves enough gap for a load of cruisers available to any civilian..


When you think about it, though, the Cruisier is not available to civilians. Therefore, the gap is meaningless.

"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his. " - General George Patton
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Originally posted by netosa:
**Formula to determine the mass of fighter bays. Under this system the masses would be,
Hawk 30
Lightning 36
Manta 54
Confederate Fighter 66

Sounds like fun. 54 mantas! 😄

I don't care what the moderators say, my nickname is swedish chef.

Res-Edit is pretty easy to use, and there is an easy guide (which I believe you can find on the EV addons pages): Beginner's Res-Edit Guide to Escape Velocity. For EVO, just use the EVO bible.

PS-Make sure you use the EV/O templates, unless you want to have to deal with hex.

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM

(This message has been edited by Lord Gwydion (edited 05-09-2001).)


Originally posted by Rawzer:
**Sounds like fun. 54 mantas!:D

I think he ment 54tons for the manta bay, not 54 mantas in the bay(unfortunately).

Check out the brand new Starbase Delta webboard here:


Originally posted by Rawzer:
**Sounds like fun. 54 mantas!:D

Ack! Just the Mantas themselves would be 486 tons!

Truth suffers from too much analysis.
--Ancient Fremen Saying

Personally, I don't believe it's worth the effort. This level of ship should be passed through as quickly as possible. If you're going to "amount to anything", you won't be at this level long. Get a Corvette and a small fleet, capture a destroyer-class ship, then move on. In the scheme on things, these ships are "cannon fodder".


Under this system the masses would be,
Hawk 30
Lightning 36
Manta 54
Confederate Fighter 66

Am I the only one that thinks fighter bays don't take enough space as is? I find it unrealistic and bothersome that with this system a Rapier could easily hold a lightning bay (and can, in fact, hold a Hawk bay without game modification). If you use this system, be sure to make the fighters themselves take up mass, to make up for the reletively low bay mass.

c r a f t y


Originally posted by Capt. Editor:
**I think he ment 54tons for the manta bay, not 54 mantas in the bay(unfortunately).


Oh. Drat!

I don't care what the moderators say, my nickname is swedish chef.