Tractor Beam?

This has been covered before on the forums but i don't remember where. How do you get the tractor beam, and can you get it while being aligned with the rebels? Also, how do you get the particle beam, and can that be obtained while aligned with the rebels?


(This message has been edited by Nish Kinish McNish (edited 04-30-2001).)

to get the tractor beam, you have to be in good standing with the rebels, it will be obtained through doing missions offered by the rebels on rebel planets. the particle beam however, is obtained from the confed mission string, which you can only do if the confederation likes you. if you do either one, you will be unable to complete the opposite mission offered from the other government. hope that answers your question, good luck.


Welcome to the boards both of you!
Also note that the missions start in the bar of Statori (spelling?). Hang around there until you get the starting mission.

"Whoopie! Man, that may have been a small one for Neil, but it's a long one for me."
-Pete Conrad third man on the moon


Originally posted by NNNormal:
**Welcome to the boards both of you!
Also note that the missions start in the bar of Statori (spelling?). Hang around there until you get the starting mission.


You too πŸ™‚

mikeeJ | Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy |
"The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus

(quote)Originally posted by Soviet mikee:
**You too:)

"Whoopie! Man, that may have been a small one for Neil, but it's a long one for me."
-Pete Conrad third man on the moon

(quote)Originally posted by NNNormal:
**Thank you- Your the first one to welcome me!:mad:

I try to think but nothing happens!- Ultimate Rebel

(This message has been edited by Ultimate Rebel (edited 05-02-2001).)

(quote)Originally posted by Ultimate Rebel:
**how come i was never welcomed!;)

A belated welcome to the boards πŸ˜„

••The Crab

Let's pretend you don't hate me for a second, then try posting.
WARNING : I don't take responsibility for my existense.
I'm like a bird. I always dump **** on people.

And where was my welcome (though I haven't posted much, I've been around for a few years)?

(url="http://"")Conwy Station(/url)
(url="http://"")DMOZ's EV/O Directory(/url)

What's with all the welcomes?? I want one!!

Hey Andrew, how much do those Karma Sticks cost again?

I officially welcome all new members to the community! Now, This is how you get the tractor beam:

(must have deadly combat rating and at least Good Egg standing on Palshife)

Astrodyne Outpost Recruitment - Pick up a Rebel spy on Earth and return to Palshife
Astrodyne 1 - Take Rebel SEAL team to Port Oread
Astrodyne 2 - Pick up a Confed scientist on Ruby and return to Port Oread
Astrodyne 3 - Get the SEAL team to the Astrodyne Outpost, then to Palshife

Astrodyne 4 - Pickup the SEAL team on P-0805, then return to Palshife
Astrodyne 5 - Find Confed transport (on Castor), board it (be really careful), and recover weapon prototype, and return to Palshife

That's it, and at the end of the last mission, you get the tractor beam. Hope that helps. πŸ˜„

Honk if you love peace and quiet!