EV Blues

I have reached a turning point in my EV playing. Here are the facts:

  • I control most of the universe; all of the Indep systems and all but 3 confed systems
    *I make $81,000 a day and have 150 Million +
    *I have a Rebel Destoyer which I stole from the Rebels, however, they love me I am a Role Model in both Satori and Clotho (the Confeds hate me, but I hate them back)
    *I never did any Rebel missions and now I can't get anything but munitions shipments, I have been doing these for far to long and I am Most Wanted in the Confed systems I haven't conquered
    *I have nothing to spend money on, my wealth is useless
    *I have only been playing for 24 days, 134 hours

Here is my ships recent turn of events:
*I got sick of waiting for missions, so I helped it along by making the Alien Missions easier to achieve.
*I completed the alien missions easily, but was unable to reap my reward
*Distraught, I made a plug-in which allowed me to purchase all the Rebel stuff
*I bought the Cruiser but found it to slow, disaponted, I bought back my Rebel Destroyer
*There is a crazy bug somehow which leaves me with 23,000 free weapon space
*I don't want to cheat any more but even when I got rid of the plug-in, it remained

I need someone to give me a convincing arguement to keep playing. It has lost its challenge, and enjoyablity. There is nothing to save up for, nothing to look forward to.
Can anyone reccommend a worthy plug-in? I have contemplated making my own, but I am not sure I can commit that amount of time to making a plug-in. I tried EVO but was turned of by the Graphics, they seemed to awkward, I can't describe it, something about the colors. I need something to hold me over until EV NOVA. Has anyone else had this problem? The game seems un-cilmatic. Any suggestions for the rebirth of the excitement?

(This message has been edited by Emperor Ent (edited 04-17-2001).)

Im impressed.

Once you beat the alien and dominate a few planets, the game is basically over. EV just doesn't come out and tell you. I recommend you start a new pilot (keep a copy of your current one), and play the game through again, but buy different ships, maybe work for the confeds instead of the rebels.

I recommend Mugabi and Destiny for a quick blast of fun. Get Pale for serious play.
You should be ok with any of ambrosia's top ten plugins.

Making your own plug is rewarding. There's nothing like flying a well balanced ship that you made yourself.

EVO sucks. Im gonna write Andrew Welsh a nasty letter if EVN is similarly flawed.



Originally posted by Emperor Ent:
***There is a crazy bug somehow which leaves me with 23,000 free weapon space
Any suggestions for the rebirth of the excitement?

Try it again without cheating at any point in the game. Your apparent ease comes from your very high weapons space.

You don't have to do this! Life is too precious! Good, good, slowly, everything will be OK. Now, put the trout down...

Try the Expantion plug its got lots of weapons new ships more conflicts and very(VERY) expencive ships. 50 mil for a Rebel Carrier.Or the other 20(i dont know) ships that are in the game . Sweeeeeet 🙂 some what!

if it dosent doesn't
squiel its not worth


Originally posted by magicianeer:
EVO sucks. Im gonna write Andrew Welsh a nasty letter if EVN is similarly flawed.


I'd just spell his name right, if I were you. 🙂

Long Live Apple! Long Live the Mac!

If you are going to write him a nasty letter might as well spell his name wrong! 🙂
(Of no disrespect!)

if it dosent doesn't
squiel its not worth

As soon as I dominate, my plan is to dominate with "strict play". That would be a challenge. (NO CHEATING, of course) That includes forklifts!!! (see topic)



What the people say is law. There is no honor in the Lands of Mizra.

I had a Rebel Destroyer before cheating, and still found little challenge. I will dl those plug-ins tonight, thanks for the advice.

Imagine a world without hypothetical situations...

Bah! I just got a Rebel Destroyer, and my challenge was to capture a Confed Cruiser. I did just that, earlier today. Now I'm trying to figure out what weapon "X" does . . . (see post)

"What the people say is law. There is no honor in the Lands of Mizra."