Torpedo/Missile Poll


Originally posted by rebel council:
**He means it gets to the target faster and hits it more over a periond of time.That way the ship is destroyed faster.The missle is more likely to hit its target than the torp.


Ah, I see now. Missiles may be convienent for smaller ships, such as the Gunboat and Patrol ship, but for large ships? I still believe the torpedo is the way to go...

~Captain Skyblade

President of the Corsair Development Team
(url="http://"")Corsair Homepage(/url) | (url="http://"")Corsair Web Board(/url)

The missile fires faster and goes more straight for the goal.
The torpedo last longer but is far to easy to dodge and it always hits asteroids.
Missiles is always usable. Torpedoes can only be used against large capitol ships.
Torpedoes take big space. Missiles are light.
One vote for the Missiles.

All E.T:s aren't nice.
(Most of them are evil green blobs)

Current Stats:

Torpedo: 6 votes
Missiles: 4 votes

~Captain Skyblade

President of the Corsair Development Team
(url="http://"")Corsair Homepage(/url) | (url="http://"")Corsair Web Board(/url)

The weight issue:

If you have 35 tons which you wish to devote to a secondary weapon:

Missle: 25
Launcer: 10

Torpedo: 10
Launcer: 25

I look at Torpedos as Homing Heavy Rockets, and I therefore treat them that way. Also, I only use secondary on capital ships, anything else is a waste, so torpedos provide more bang for the buck. Does anyone know the damage info on these two weapons?

My guess is a missile at 100 damage and torpedo at 200.

That's resedit scale, ten times larger than as in EV.

Also, I like to have a horde of launchers and about 50 missiles, and then just
let loose on my targets.

Also, on the other side, a torp can easily hit and destroy a fighter. Just wait
until it is charging at you and you can a sure hit.

Great webboard: (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)

Actualy I think its more like 63 to 123. I have 6 missile launchers on my ship(7 rebel carriers) and its worth it.

if it dosent doesn't
squiel its not worth

Missiles, if I am gonna tke on a cruiser, I am gonna be strong enough to do it alone, no secondaries, so fighters get pummeled by two missile racks.

"I ate a bug once..."

I agree with Cable Guy!
If you've got the space for two torpedo launchers and at least 50 torps.
They are my weapon of choice against large ships.


My rebel cruiser has 2 torp launchers and 69 torpedos.
I used to have a missile launcher as well, but I found that small ships are no good from a distance against me, and when they get up close I can use my turrets. So what's the point of the missiles? I couldn't think of an argument to keep them, so I sold them off and maxed out on torps. Torpedoes rule, but on smaller ships... maybe missiles are the smarter option.
But the greater range of the torpedos is great... they can miss their target twice and get them on their third pass. It's so easy to forget about the torpedos that missed you the first time, and then whack your shields are down. Torpedos rule!
I know I've posted before, but this is to further my argument, not to be counted in the tally.

I choose to believe that the glass is half empty.

Actually I think you can't really compare missiles to torpedos, or torpedoes to missiles.

Missiles are used for: Poorly shielded quick Ships=Defenders, Lightnings, etc.
Torpedoes are used for : Amored Large Ships=Rebel Cruiser, Light Frieghter, etc.

So, my adviced is buy both and use them when needed 😉

Torpedoes are wonderful for disabling ships.

One torpedo disables an exec. transport. So you can "fire and forget" at it, then take out the escorts. Good for catching those senators (or the astrodyne boys) before they scram.

Two torpedoes disables a bulk freighter. VERY handy. Like the Diphidian missions.

They're a little strong for light freighters.

But I MUCH prefer torpedoes.

If I want to outright destroy something, I stick with guns.


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Bah! Guns. I don't believe in guns---I sell all guns and turrets and buy either mass missiles are mass torpedoes, or for the heck of it.... mass Space Bombs. 🙂



What the people say is law. There is no honor in the Lands of Mizra.


Originally posted by Mizra:
**Bah! Guns. I don't believe in guns---I sell all guns and turrets and buy either mass missiles are mass torpedoes, or for the heck of it.... mass Space Bombs.:)


I usually buy torpedoes in stock, but I always carry atleastthree proton turrets or guns or more: Without them, swarms of even the lightest fighters can quickly overcome you.

~Captain Skyblade

President of the Corsair Development Team
(url="http://"")Corsair Homepage(/url) | (url="http://"")Corsair Web Board(/url)

Mizra, how do you even fight?

I NEVER use secondary weapons. Sure, I use them, and they're useful, but I just don't
like to end up without them, so I never use them. I have abou 50 missiles in my
warships, all just for show.

Great webboard: (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)


Originally posted by Mizra:
**Bah! Guns. I don't believe in guns---I sell all guns and turrets and buy either mass missiles are mass torpedoes, or for the heck of it.... mass Space Bombs.:)


That's nice. What do you do when you run out of your secondary weapons? I would suggest buying one or 2 lasers for when you get desperate.



Originally posted by Mizra:
**Bah! Guns. I don't believe in guns---I sell all guns and turrets and buy either mass missiles are mass torpedoes, or for the heck of it.... mass Space Bombs.:)


I completely disagree. A heavily upgraded corvette with proton turrets, javalin/heavy rockets, and a damn good pilot can take down anything.

You don't have to do this! Life is too precious! Good, good, slowly, everything will be OK. Now, put the trout down...

Any ship with plenty of proton weapons can wreck havoc. Secondaries will never last forever...Proton weapons are the reasurance of saving your ship from destruction.

~Captain Skyblade

President of the Corsair Development Team
(url="http://"")Corsair Homepage(/url) | (url="http://"")Corsair Web Board(/url)

Torpedoes are about the only secondary weapon I use.

David Arthur
Talon Plugin for Classic EV: (url="http://"")


Originally posted by David Arthur:
**Torpedoes are about the only secondary weapon I use.


When I upgraded to a kestrel, that was the only secondary that I kept (except my lightnings). Torpedos' slowness is offset by the fact you generally only use them against slow capital ships anyway, and you can let your fighters take care of the rest.

You don't have to do this! Life is too precious! Good, good, slowly, everything will be OK. Now, put the trout down...

I still prefer the missile.

I don't know. I just like to have a more flexible weapon in my hands, and I
suppose I want a secondary that won't wipe the floor with my enemy before I
get at him with proton turrets or cannons.

Great webboard: