Desperate For A Good Ship!

I have a kestrel with every upgradepossible and it sux pls help me!!

The Dark Thingy Dude
(hey i wanted it to sound evil)

Well, I can't really offer any consolation except that maybe, if you feel that way about the Kestrel, you should finish the alien missions (either for Confed or Rebel) and then once you beat them, you can buy their respective ships, which I might add, DO NOT suck.

"I ate a bug once..."

Here's what you do, Dominick:

Grow a brain. You're a spamming, stupid little kid who most likely doesn't even
know how to PLAY EV properly. The Kestrel is GOOD, you can take down any Government
ship in it if you know what you're doing.

Most likely you don't, and if it wasn't for your stupid attitude I'd help you
with tactics (real ones, not the Monty Python). But as it is I've had enough of
you. If I was a moderator you're karma would have gone down by now.

PS: Sorry to everyone else for having to say this.

Great webboard: (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)

Silverdragon i'm sorry you feel that way but i'm not a stupid kid and i'm sorry i spammed once or twice and beleive it or not i made no attempt to have an attitude so take that back

The Dark Thingy Dude
(hey i wanted it to sound evil)

and with all do respect the kestrel is slow and i,personally do notlike dodgeing missles while me escorts/lightnings kill my enemy for me i get bored real quick

The Dark Thingy Dude
(hey i wanted it to sound evil)

I forgive you. 🙂

I tend to find that the Kestrel is actually quite fast (with proper upgrades).
I ignore the fighters (don't send them out) and tell my escorts to hold position.

That way you don't lose the fun.

PS: Am I beginning to see someone like me? You had six or so "last posts" in a
row - not a patch on my eleven, though. 😉

Great webboard: (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**PS: Am I beginning to see someone like me? You had six or so "last posts" in a
row - not a patch on my eleven, though. 😉


Hey, you should seen Mizra the other night! About 8, at least! 🙂

"English? Who needs that? I'm never going to England!"-Homer Simpson

Well I had so many that you couldn't display them all on one screen (800x800

Easily reaches 10.

Of course, this isn't anything to boast about really, and it's an easy way to
lose you posts and karma, but it IS fun. 🙂 Especially if all the posts are
actually relevant.....

......which this isn't.


Dominick - have you upgraded the Kestrel well? It's not hard to get a GOOD
upgrade - shield upgrades, speed upgrades, and then only have one secondary

And also use spearheads if you're faster than the target.

Great webboard: (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-11-2001).)

We are nothing compared to Rebco's (Rebel Council) when he's on his posting sprees. 🙂 🙂



What the people say is law. There is no honor in the Lands of Mizra.

Well, dominick, the Kestrel really sucks. period. Work with a Souped up Corvette, or (if you've done the alien missions) the Rebel Frigate. Both these ships are more adaptable (and faster) than the Kestrel.


the sinkmaster

KIRK: Very funny, Scotty - now beam down my clothes!
(url="http://"")Darkest Hour – An EV/O Saga(/url)
(url="http://"")Slow-reading Story(/url)
(url="http://";=TechFolder.sit")Captain Canardley Ableson's Technical Guide to the EV/O Universe(/url)


Originally posted by ElGuapo7:
**Well, dominick, the Kestrel really sucks. period.


Well ElGuapo, I would definately say the Rebel Destroyer is the best ship, but I would never say the Kestrel is a pathetic vessel. Without it, I would have never been able to complete the Rebel mission strings...

~Captain Skyblade

President of the Corsair Development Team
(url="http://"")Corsair Homepage(/url) | (url="http://"")Corsair Web Board(/url)

Thank you, Thank you very much! I do spend A little to much time an the net(and sudenly my school marks are dropping)(I'm not joking) Some time 3-4 (from 4 to 8 pm) hours on this webboard. Sometimes I get bord cuz no one posts any thing I can answer, so I revisit some of the topics Check e-mail.

if it dosent doesn't
squiel its not worth

I tend to be on 4-5 hours a day, and 2 of those hours is doing nothing else at all.

Great webboard: (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)

Are you on this board all the time? I dont see you posting. 🙂

if it dosent doesn't
squiel its not worth

I tend to stay on the EVO boards.

I can't play either games on my horrible PC, but I played EVO most recently, so
I can answer more questions there.

But EV is better!

Great webboard: (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)

I agree that the Kestrel is a bad ship. I got lucky, I only had the Kestrel for a short period of time before getting my prefered ship the Destroyer. Since I don't like missions I got it the old fashion way, capture.
Notes on Capturing:
The bigger the crew the better %.
The higher your shields the better %.
Does anyone know other factors which apply to capturing?

Crime? What crime?... That I killed a vile noxious insect, an old pawnbroker woman, of use to no one! ... Killing her was atonement for forty sins. ... (blood) Which all men shed, which flows and has always flowed in streams, which is split like champagne, and for which men are crowned benefactors of mankind.”

The Krestel is a good ship, for a veretan it might be garbage but for a biginer its a god send.

if it dosent doesn't
squiel its not worth

(This message has been edited by rebel council (edited 04-12-2001).)

How nice you are when it comes to registering?

How many pirates you've blown up?

How many passengers you've transported for the Confederation?

How much fish you ate for dinner.

<-- No, those are the only two. 🙂

Great webboard: (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)

I dont get it(well the firs question).

many pirates (500)
Idont know 9-10
I'm havimg dinner right now.

Whats with the interagation.

if it dosent doesn't
squiel its not worth

I was joking!

Anyway, the Kestrel IS a good ship. I suggest you look for a topic on tactics.

Great webboard: (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)