expander plug

Earlyer on this webboard some one was asking a question about the system you couldnt get out of. I want to get in. Can some one help me by telling my how to get in.

if it dosent doesn't
squiel its not worth

Well, if you cannot get into a system, use ResEdit and connect that system to another system so you can jump there. Remember to type in the connection in both the system files, or you might get trapped in the system without the possibility to jump out again.

All E.T:s aren't nice.
(Most of them are evil green blobs)

Thats the point! The connetion is leading up to some point but the systen is not there. So I cant make make another system !

if it dosent doesn't
squiel its not worth

OH OH OH!!! I GET WHAT YOU ARE SAYING! I was pondering what you meant for a while, now I get it!
Yes I had the same problem, I couldn't see the system to jump to. So just hit they hyper mode key and then the hyper select key, that is how I got in, and then it showed it from that point onward.

"I ate a bug once..."