Peace Treaty

I hearby propose a peace treaty to stop the war between Confed and Rebel.

Article 1.
All planets currently in Rebellion against the Confederacy will cease their rebellion. In exchange they will be given full voting rights and representation in the senate. Also, all citizens of these planets who feel that they were unjustly put in hard labor (i.e. didn't commit a crime) will be compensated for their time and work.

Article 2.
All Rebellion and Confederate ships will immediately cease fire. All rebel ships will be absorbed into the Confederate navy or be converted for use as freighters or scrapped. Any ships on either side which refuse to stop fighting will be branded as pirates and treated as such.
Article 3.
The families of those who were killed by Rebel attacks on freightors and other civilian ships will be compensated for their loss.

If you guys have any comments or suggestions please send them. I might be using this to create a plug-in.

"You have committed a fatal error and your existence must be terminated." Windows error message.

as a member of the rebels i dont think that rebelion ships in the confed navy or in to freiters thing is going to work. imagen fighting the feds for hundreads of years and then suddenly giving it all away to become a trader.might be a pretty cool 🆒 plug-in but yuor treaty has many flaws that the rebelion mihgt not like. 😄

if it dosent doesn't
squiel its not worth

That's why I asked for input. And why not suggest something to remedy those flaws? (hint hint..)

"You have committed a fatal error and your existence must be terminated." Windows error message.

alright how about letting the rebels keap their ships(in case of surprise attack by the feds)but treating them as pirates if fire upon confed ships while the cease fire treaty is in order.(i like that) 🙂 no compensation or it will start arguments about who gets it. former rebel planets wich do not want to be a part of the confeds could become independant(merging with feds optional). thats all i can come up with (for now) but take this in to concideration. 🙂

if it dosent doesn't
squiel its not worth

1. The Declaration of Rebellion is considered null and void. All hostilities wil be ended.

2. The Articles of Confederation are null and void. All colonies will elect representatives for a convention to draft a new constitution to which all representatives must agree on. The new constitution will take effect immediately.

3. All former Rebellion officers will turn over their weapons to colonial rangers and all militias will turn over all ships and arms to the Space Patrol. All officers and militias refusing to turn over their arms will be considered in a state of rebellion.

4. All representative officials of all colonies will be removed from office. All colonies will choose new representatives through free elections held in a manner provided for under the constitution and overseen by the colonial marshal on each colony.

5. All ranking Rebel and Confederate officers, past and present, will submit to an official investigation by a fairly-elected tribunal to ascertain the extent and magnitude of war crimes commited during the terms of the offices of said officers and take any and all action deemed fit under the Geneva Convention.

Do not mistake wishes for truth.
Visit the (url="http://"")EVO Discussion Area(/url) 'cause I told you to!

Heh. I prefer this agreement:


INSTRUMENT of SURRENDER of all Rebellion forces to Fleet Admiral Leslie Sykes, Supreme Commander, Confederation Navy, and to Xavier J. Parnell, President, Confederation Senate and United Authority of Earth

Argus, Alkadion. May 7, 2261.

1. We the undersigned, acting by authority of the Rebellion High Command, hereby surrender unconditionally to the Supreme
Commander, Confederation Navy all forces in space, on orbital platforms, and on planetary bodies who are at this date under Rebellion control.

2. The Rebellion High Command will at once issue orders to all Rebellion military authorities and to all forces under
Rebellion control to cease active operations at 2301 hours Terran time on 8 May and to remain in the positions occupied at
that time. No vessel is to be scuttled, or any damage done to their hull, machinery or equipment.

3. The Rebellion High Command will at once issue to the appropriate commanders, and ensure the carrying out of any further orders issued by the Supreme Commander, Confederation Navy.

4. This act of military surrender is without prejudice to, and will be superseded by any general instrument of surrender imposed by, or on behalf of the Confederation Senate and applicable to Palshife, all former Rebellion worlds, and the Rebellion armed forces as a whole.

5. In the event of the Rebel High Command or any of the forces under their control failing to act in accordance with this Act of Surrender, the Supreme Commander, Confederation Navy will take such punitive or other action as he deems appropriate.

Signed at Argo City, Argus, Alkadion at 0241 on the 7th day of May, 2261.

On behalf of the Rebellion High Command: DAVIES

On behalf of the Supreme Commander, Confederation Navy: BROOKS
On behalf of the President, Confederation Senate and United Authority of Earth: DUNN

Attribution: This was entirely lifted from the 'Instrument of Surrender of all German forces to General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Forces, and to the Soviet High Command,' signed at Rheims, France on May 7, 1945.

not drowning, waving

Many of these posts demonstrate the problem with this thread. It is entitled "Peace Treaty" while it is, in fact, a surrender. One which KK's fleet will refuse to recognize. (And we bet we are not alone in this conviction.)

We did not start this fight. We will (however) fight -- either until we win back our
unconditional freedom, or until we die striving for it.

I question the "justice" of spl_cadet's "treaty". Instead, try this:

1. All Confedration oppression of the free systems will immediatly cease.

2. Any federated systems which wish to secede the Confederation may -- and any tarrifs, taxes or tributes paid in the last ten Sol-years to the Confederation shall be returned to said system, interest free and in "lump sum." Restitution of such credits shall be "immediate" (within thirty Sol-days).

3. The Confederation Navy shall be dissembled. All naval personnel are immediately terminated from their employ. All ships, munitions and defense networks shall be distributed via the following schedule, based on the most recent census in each system:

a) The fifteen Confederation systems shall receive 25% of said Naval resources, to be
divided proportionately based on the populations of the 15 systems. Single exception: NGC-6564 (Ruby) being a defensive (outer) system shall receive a double share from this group's allotment.

🆒 The eighteen (formerly classified) Independent systems shall receive 35% of said Naval resources, to be divided proportionately based on the populations of the 18 systems. (Note: for the purposes of this divestiture, both Nexus and NGC-1776 (Liberty) are considered "systems".)

c) The twenty-three Rebellion systems shall receive 40% of said Naval resources, to be divided proportionately based on the populations of the 23 systems.

4. Any Confederation Naval personnel are free to engage in any and all forms of work, including serving in any system's Militia or as registered bounty hunters. Should any former Confederation Naval personnel engage in acts of treason, piracy or terrorism and be found guilty of said crimes in a duly authorized court of justice, the punishment is established in advance: They, their children and their grandchildren shall be executed within 24 Sol-hours.

5. Forty-five Sol-days after this decree all Confederation non-military personnel, having distributed credits and military accouterment, are terminated their employ. (These administrative personnel shall receive a "severance package" equaling four months salary. These people, in getting a late start on entering the private sector, shall recieve said package to help "boost" their transition.)

5. All ranking Rebel and Confederate officers, past and present, will submit to an official investigation by a fairly-elected tribunal to ascertain the extent and magnitude of war crimes commited during the terms of the offices of said officers and take any and all action deemed fit under the Geneva Convention. (Good one, Goomeister.)

6. Piracy is anathema. Any ship which encounters pirates shall not be subject to legal constraint. However a pirate-conquering captain chooses to deal with pirates is not subject to sanction.


A) Money is power. To insure the Confederation will not oppress us again, the payment of restitution (should) bankrupt the Confederation.

🆒 Confed personnel should go get real jobs. They should not continue to "feed at the government trough." (Imagine how much could be done with all those minds working productively in the private sector. Wow!!!)

C) The outer systems carry the more significant defense load for the whole galaxy. As the "first ring of defense" these systems should be well fortified.

D) The Confederation military personnel were (mostly) the people who allowed power to "go to their heads" and committed atrocities. NOT (in most cases) the Rebels who were merely resistance fighting. The most effective deterent to former fed's is the massive "payback" of destroying not just their lives, but removing their lineage from the books. (This will also restore familial authority. If one family member is a "loose cannon" the parents, siblings and children will be much better motivated to "control" him.)

E) The only "permission" for vigilantism is piracy. I don't care what happens to them once they are caught.

Let's see what this button does....

Kaptain Karl:We did not start this fight. We will (however) fight -- either until we win back our
unconditional freedom, or until we die striving for it.

exellent responce almost makes you cry :frown:

if it dosent doesn't
squiel its not worth

The Confederation and the Rebellion shall be dissolved, and all planets may freely choose their leaders, and may form their own federations, unions, alliances, et cetra. In addition, all planets under the control of a larger government shall recieve an ammount of warships and fighters directly proporional to their population. A common Galactic Law shall be established with the aim of protecting traders, destroying pirates, and all in all making the galaxy a safe place. Delagates from each planet will attend a conference on a former independent planet such as Levo.

(url="http://"")Don't Hate Me(/url)

300 posts and couting!

(This message has been edited by Starkiller (edited 03-28-2001).)

One thing to add should be the option for former Rebel worlds to become independent, instead of forcing them to join the Confederation. Might be a little too much for citizens of Palshife or Clotho Prime to suddenly be Confederation citizens. Perhaps allow a small provisional government in the region around Satori, which would be responsible for the defense of that area.

Just seems like a better way to avoid future conflicts to me. Make people happy, and they won't want to fight.


Originally posted by rebel council:
**exellent responce almost makes you cry:frown:


Sorry that just slipped out. 🙂

Kaptain Karl, be warned. Clause Five of the "Instrument of Surrender" was written with such recalcitrants as you in mind

not drowning, waving

(This message has been edited by PlanetPhil (edited 03-28-2001).)

(This message has been edited by PlanetPhil (edited 03-28-2001).)


Tycho Maudd

I say what occurs to me to say when I think I hear people say things, more I cannot say.something, more i cannot say.

(This message has been edited by Tycho Maudd (edited 03-28-2001).)

PlanetPhil! i, dont, think so! the rebelion would never surrender under those surcomstance.the rebels lost to much to just quit. they opose federation law thats why they fight.your version is compleatly incorrect.

if it dosent doesn't
squiel its not worth


Originally posted by PlanetPhil:
**Kaptain Karl, be warned. Clause Five of the "Instrument of Surrender" was written with such recalcitrants as you in mind

"Recalcitrants" (which refers to 'defiant of authority')??? You may wish to "surrender," Phil, but I will not. Which brings us to the authority question: Who authorized you to surrender the cause of the Rebellion?

5. In the event of the Rebel High Command or any of the forces under their control failing to act in accordance with this Act of Surrender, the Supreme Commander, Confederation Navy will take such punitive or other action as he deems appropriate.

KK says, "Bring it on!!! We're kicking the fertilizer out of you Feds now. We can keep doing it if we must."

Besides, my proposition dissolved the Confederation. Under my plan there will no longer BE a "Supreme Commander, Confederation Navy." (He might get a job on NGC-6548 (beyond Spica) ... if we can ever get that Sewage Treatment System working.) (He-he-he!)

P.S. I'm honestly stunned, Phil. I thought you were a "good guy." (One of us...)

And, Tycho Maudd, don't worry. As an "Indie" you should not be negatively impacted by the proposition. What is yours, is yours. (Under my proposition anyone who tries to take your ship would be a pirate. In that case, "what's theirs is yours" -- even their lives, if you so desire.) How do you like that?

Let's see what this button does....

Independant ships will remain with their owners. Its theirs after all, not the rebellion. Kaptain Karl, who are a frigging hypocrite. You say that this a surrender document but your own thing is a surrender document. My own thing is a compromise. I've tried to satisfy both sides with this. And justify firing all government employees and soldiers. That would lead to anarchy. Something the Rebellion wouldn't want to deal with.

"You have committed a fatal error and your existence must be terminated." Windows error message.


Originally posted by spl_cadet:
Kaptain Karl, ... My own thing is a compromise.


**I've tried to satisfy both sides with this.(/B}

Your "treaty" was very one-sided, in favor of the Confederation. My propostition is a "counter" to yours. (And your reaction proves me correct.) It all depends on "whose ox is being gored," doesn't it?

... firing all government employees and soldiers. That would lead to anarchy.**

And you thought the Rebellion would just passively/peacefully accept your "treaty"? You are dreaming.


As things stand in the galaxy, there is essentially a stalemate. Unless one side somehow overpowers the other enough to force them into surrender, there is no way that only one of the governments could be dissolved. If the Rebels still have any kind of chance, there is no way they would agree to give up their Navy and rejoin the Confederation. And as long as the Confederation believes they can win, or at least not suffer serious losses, there is no way they would disband their fleet. If the stalemate continues long enough, and both sides grew weary of the fighting, negotiations might be started to end the war. However, it would have to be a set of compromises, starting with a general cease-fire.

The agreement could start with:
The Confederation agrees to surrender all claims to the resources, credits, citizens, and planets of all Rebellion systems.
The Rebellion agrees to release all officers and officials of the Confederation and their duly appointed agents from liability for actions committed during and preceding the war.
Any individual or crew found in violation of the cease-fire will be disavowed by their government and terminated as pirates.
Both governments agree to allow traders of the other government unhindered access to all systems.
Both governments agree to keep the entirety of their combat fleet constrained to their respective systems or to the independent and uninhabited systems which must be traversed to move between them.
The Rebellion will henceforth be called the Republic of Independent Stellars.

Of course, if you want both governments to cease to exist that is possible. The resolution would have to be passed by members of both governments, and it would probably be something like this.

Whereas the Confederation was created in order to protect the human race from the single alien race encountered in all of human history,
And whereas the Confederation has now succeeded in fulfilling this original charter,
And whereas the Rebellion came into existence to protest the continued existence of the Confederation after its charter was fulfilled,
And whereas the ensuing conflict resulted in immeasurable loss of life and property,
And whereas both governments now desire an end to this conflict,
Therefore be it resolved that the Confederation shall hereby cease governmental activities and be dissolved.
Be it further resolved that the Rebellion shall likewise cease activities and be dissolved.
Be it further resolved that all stellars will now elect governments in the manner of their choosing.
Be it further resolved that all military vessels of both Confederation and Rebellion origin will be distributed among the populated stellars for use in their defense fleets.

Well, that's the idea of how a resolution could read, anyway. Keep in mind that if both governments were dissolved, it wouldn't be long before minor conflicts would arise between regional governments (like with Lethe and Cydonia). Also, with no central force to patrol against it, piracy would certainly rise to epidemic levels. Some of the newly independent states would probably fall under pirate control. A force would be needed to deal with pirates... it's likely that it would be a commercial venture for someone to establish a private security force.

These are just some of my thoughts on the subject. It certainly could make for an interesting plug, spl_cadet.


Kaptain Karl:"Recalcitrants" (which refers to 'defiant of authority')??? You may wish to "surrender," Phil, but I will not. Which brings us to the authority question: Who authorized you to surrender the cause of the Rebellion?

Dam straight. 🙂

if it dosent doesn't
squiel its not worth


Originally posted by Paradigm:
**As things stand in the galaxy, there is essentially a stalemate. ... If the stalemate continues long enough, and both sides grew weary of the fighting, negotiations might be started to end the war. However, it would have to be a set of compromises, starting with a general cease-fire....

These are just some of my thoughts on the subject. It certainly could make for an interesting plug, spl_cadet.**

Well thought out, Paradigm. It passes the "Yuck Test". (My side says "Yuck!," but there side probably does, too.)

The piracy issue could get problematic. Such is the price of freedom.

Like the plug idea. Go for it, spl_cadet!

Let's see what this button does....

My answer is for all colonies to become independents, and for both the rebel and confederate fleets to be brought together to form an indepentent navy, financed by contributions from each colony (the size of payment being proportional to the colony's wealth of course), which would continuously patrol all systems in the galaxy to combat pirates and aliens.

If colonies wished to ally with others and hence start new factions, this would be allowed, but any militia ships they build should be used for defense only, and if they are found outside their own systems without due cause by the independent navy, action will be taken (if they fire on another ship they would be deemed pirates).

Any so called 'recalcitrants' could, if they so wished, hire their ships out to independent governments to defend their colonies. If they refused to do either of these things, the now mighty independent navy would be issued orders to seek and engage these heretics, and disable and comandeer their ships.

(This message has been edited by Tarquin (edited 03-29-2001).)