Orion and Clavius

I have been playing Clavius and Beyond along with the Eye of Orion Plug. EOO said it was compatible w/ clavius, so i didn't think that i would have any problems. Unfortunately, so long as i have EOO in, i can't even see the plasma launcher/balls in the outfit at clavius. If i take it out, the solar sail and the eye of orion outfits are replaced with a laser weap and a a, (the game says a on the outfits screen when i bring up the personal info screen). These outfits take up so much space i cannot buy anything, even in a neutronic kestrel w/ everything sold. Also, they carrry over when i buy a ship. Any info on how i can get rid of these outfits?



You've got some major conflicts there. (munch munch Mmmm, this pizza is good!!) Sorry, can't help you, don't you like it when people post useless posts.

Gliig bilgy tij fyture nubbulo zoo zo exat qoimlee roilys glop!!

Should i try to open EOO up w/ a plug-in editor and change the solar sail/EOO to be sold at lvl 1 outfit places?


Go ahead. I ocasionally do something similar, but it usually means I don't want to wander around looking for missions.

Oh, make sure you make copies of the plugins. Things could become SERIOUSLY messed up if you do something silly. And don't blame me if you corrupt your game.

(url="http://"http://dhm.smoovenet.com")Don't Hate Me(/url)

(This message has been edited by Starkiller (edited 03-25-2001).)

It sounds like they are doubling up on some resource numbers. You can fix it in ResEdit, but you really have to know what you're doing.

If you are just interested in getting rid of the items, you could always trade in your N. Kestrel for a shuttle, buy an escape pod, and then blow yourself up. OH! That's right, escape pods take up mass in EV, don't they? So you can't even get one.

If you want to try to use ResEdit to fix this, but you're not sure how, you can email me the plugs and I'll try to help.



Slider: if you're still having difficulties, I can send you a Kestrel pilot file with a million credits via email. It's a clean file—no complications from having been used with multiple plugs. Reply here if you need it.

not drowning, waving

Thanks everyone, i just used ev edit on a copy of EOO to make the outfits buy/sell-able at tech level 1 planets, so i sold the offending item.

I appreciate all the support!
