Another survey:Light Capital Ships

Nah, I like guns, and the guns on the Rebel Destroyer are quite obvious, giving it a ferocious look. Probably helps scare away Confed captains! 😉

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Originally posted by PlanetPhil:
**Your assessment was dead on, magicianeer, except for this. I set up a combat scenario today—a single Confed Frigate against a lone Rebel Destroyer—and ran it twenty-five times. And the destroyer won twenty-five times! As a loyal citizen of the Confederation, I was somewhat distressed

The destroyer does run head on into the frigate, but it enjoys both an offensive advantage (unloading all its torpedoes immediately, as Captain Carnotaur pointed out) and a defensive edge (a much quicker shield recharge rate). The frigate does have a slim edge in shield strength at the outset, but that doesn't seem to help it much.

Can anyone explain why one ship may fire torpedoes (or any particular weapon) earlier in combat than an enemy equipped with the same weapon (assuming that the AI and other aspects are all equal)? I don't get it.


The reason that the rebel destroyer fires torps and the frigate missiles is that the the destroyer easily outruns torps and since the AI is dumb the frigate will only fire missiles even though the destroyer charges down it's throat.


In the original game:Rebel Destroyer(with 4 turrets and 5 guns)
when playing:-GS,the Diphidian Destroyer(fast recharge and maneuverable)
-EVGE,the Polaris Destroyer(or was it named frigate?)
-New Horizons,the Cygnus GSC-A17(same reasons as the Diphidian Destr.)
-Clavius and Beyond,the Neutronic Kestrel(very maneuverable)
Additinally it has to be said that I always prefer the more agile ship,even if it has disadvantages against others in shield capacity or weapons space.(I HATE the Confed cruiser,this slow block of metal was my grave almost every time I flew superior mission in it)

well,to describe my english knowledge(SS Burgstahler):


I'm going to have to say the Rebellion Destroyer, although I almost picked the Kestral...

~Captain Skyblade
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#1 Rebel Destroyer
#2 Corvette
#3 A well-outfitted/upgraded Argosy


Originally posted by Tarquin:
**... The kestrel takes three days between systems, which is really annoying. Having an afterburner and a bit of fuel makes the kestrel more nimble in a fight though, and the lightnings just make it too powerful for me not to choose it.

I've recently changed my strategy for fighting the Kestrel. I used to fight the Lightings as I disabled and captured or looted them. "Do-able" but made even more difficult by the (usual) Rapier wing men.

Now I "bob and weave" away from the fighters, curl back around them and disable the Kestrel flagship, THEN I take on the fighters. Keeps me from getting sucker-puched by the Kestrel as I am flitting around the fighters in a dog fight.

Let's see what this button does....

I'd have to say the rebel destroyer is the best light capital ship, but the truth is that any out of the kestrel, destroyer and frigate, when piloted properly, can beat anything, including the two cruisers (though only when the cruisers are computer controlled - no, lets not start a network EV debate here, it's just for arguements sake). But the greater manoeverability of the destroyer wins it for me, especially with all the upgrades.


You do have a point there; under human control, most (if not all) light and heavy capital ships can beat just about anything else.

However, I still think the Rebel destroyer is the best.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
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Polaris Desroyer (EVGE),outfitted with several upgrades and the Black Lightning!
Incredible fast,good shielding and powerful primary weapons.the only manko is the low shield
Neutronic Kestrel(Clavius and Beyond):fast,deadly.

in the standard game: the Atinoda Kestrel;fairly maneuverable,resonably shielding;however the most important fact is it´s cool-looking.


(This message has been edited by Hans Hansen (edited 03-02-2001).)

Well, an upgraded Argosy can be handy when you want to trade and defend yorself, but when you've come to the fight missions in civilian life, it's the Corvette (with modifications)
that rules.¨
And after that, the Rebellion ships kicks the Confeds all over the galaxy. (And because of that I felt that I had to save the Confederation and joined the wrong side. But I've got a boarded Rebellion Crusier anyway.)



Originally posted by Wratho:
**Well, an upgraded Argosy can be handy when you want to trade and defend yorself, but when you've come to the fight missions in civilian life, it's the Corvette (with modifications)
that rules.¨
And after that, the Rebellion ships kicks the Confeds all over the galaxy. (And because of that I felt that I had to save the Confederation and joined the wrong side. But I've got a boarded Rebellion Crusier anyway.)

Highly true! And why did you join the Confeds? (No insult intended) The Rebels need good pilots like you! 😉

The Corvette, however, is just too weak for me. Good at first, but I'd definitely want to upgrade from it to a Kestrel or something like the Kestrel.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).


Originally posted by KeeperOfS:
**Uhhhh... <scratch...scratch>
Probably the Gryphon from FB, by SkyHawk.

BTW, What EVER happened to Xenocide?



if you really want to know you could mail him:

hee hee hee hee 😉 😉 😉 😉


I would have to say the Corvette. Take out Laser Turrets, Heavy Rockets, Javelins, and Rockets. Load up with Proton Turrets and Torpedoes. Upgrade Speed/RCS/Acceleration. Circle enemy until they run out of projectiles. Then lauch Torps' till their shields are low and finish 'em off with turrets. Kill ten Pirate 'Vettes like that.

"The heathens are upon us, arm yourselves and go with God."-Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet


Originally posted by Admiral Benden:
**I would have to say the Corvette. Take out Laser Turrets, Heavy Rockets, Javelins, and Rockets. Load up with Proton Turrets and Torpedoes. Upgrade Speed/RCS/Acceleration. Circle enemy until they run out of projectiles. Then lauch Torps' till their shields are low and finish 'em off with turrets. Kill ten Pirate 'Vettes like that.


Perfect. That's how I usually outfit my corvette. Plenty of Proton weapons, and torpedoes. Torpedoes are a very important weapon, and they have saved my ship numerous times. They definately don't have the best turn rate, but they can pack quite a whallop. On second thought, I might keep the heavy rockets. 🙂

~Captain Skyblade
Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")

I agree with whoever it was who said the manuverablility of Confed ships suck, I once killed a Confed Cruiser with a Lightning, speed and heavy rockets and missles are the key to win a Rebel/Confed battle.



Originally posted by Bozorg:
**Due to the apparent success of surveying posts, I´ve decided to post this other one. Here choose between Kestrel, Frigate, Destoyer, or any ships from any(well known)plug in that fits in the description Light Capital Combat Starships.

Has anyone noticed that "Light Capital Ship" is an oxymoron?

A capital ship is the most powerful ship (class of ship) available.

The frigates, destroyers, and such could be called 'escort - class' ships or 'light warships' but 'capital ships' they are not.


Joe Burnette
"I find that humans can be divided into only two meaningful categories: Decent Humans and Sonsofbitches; both types appear to be evenly distributed
among all shapes, colors, sizes, and nationalities." -- Keith Laumer

Corvette, of course...

What a silly question! 😛

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Originally posted by Joe Burnette:
**Has anyone noticed that "Light Capital Ship" is an oxymoron?

A capital ship is the most powerful ship (class of ship) available.

The frigates, destroyers, and such could be called 'escort - class' ships or 'light warships' but 'capital ships' they are not.



I think the term 'light capital ship' is appropriate-- a ship with the firepower of the most powerful ships, but trading the massive armor for speed. In WWII such ships were called battlecruisers and pocket battleships. Here, we call them light capital ships. This term is common in other space combat games as well.

Generally, EV vocabulary is scrambled anyway. Cruisers are capital ships, and the role of cruisers is performed by frigates and destroyers. The only dedicated carrier in the game is easy meat.

A destroyer that would not be a light capital ship is the system defense boat (SDB) from Pale. Its a good destroyer class ship, but no match for the Pale capital ships (and a bare match for the Pale Guard Kestrel).

IMO, the Neutronic Kestrel from Clauvius and Beyond is a capital ship and should not count here. Its price, firepower, and mass is on the order of the Confed cruiser. The Rebel cruiser cannot touch it. The Neutronic Kestrel is a light capital ship only when compared to the outrageously powerful NPPK Titan.


This is not my favorite, but is interesting to fly:

A rapier with a hawk fighter bay. Sell the rocket launcher, and rockets. Buy the hawk bay+ hawks, + engine upgrades + more torpedos. I don't recommend attacking confed cruisers with this, but anything else is fair game. Launch hawks, fire torps, charge in continously firing torps. The torpedos keep the target distracted so it does not shread your hawks.

You could buy and equip a corvette (or rebel destroyer if available) for less money due to the hawk bay being way overpriced.
