Taking over planets

I have a fully loaded Kestrel and I want to start dominating planets but I seem to be having trouble. They're too strong. When you took over planets (if you did) what ship, weaponry, escorts, or other things did you have? Please tell me I need help.



you should start with the independent planets that just have defenders as their defense fleet. zeus and hera are very easy to take over, so that is a good place to start. defenders are ideal because they die in one hit from a torpedo, so sell everything on your ship and buy a launcher and stock up with a ton of torps. as long as you stay somewhat distant from the planet you should be able to take out the defenders before they pose any real threat.

from there you can go on to other independent planets with more defenders, and to the fringe confed/rebel planets that just have mantas or patrol ships and gunboats. sometime along the way youll want to pick up a rebel or confed cruiser. with your cruiser of choice you should be able to move on to dominate most of the planets in the galaxy, although a few will still present a problem -- particularly those in the sol system, and ruby. they have over 32000 defenders each, so you really dont stand much of a chance. if you are determined to take them out, use weapons that dont require ammo (ie turrets) and good luck.


I prefer to start with the pirate planets. They are defended by Rapiers, but after capturing one of them, you will be an Upstanding Citizen throughout the galaxy. Solves any problems with legal status. This is best done with a rebel destroyer, or corvette. For whatever reason, nothing will launch photon torpedos at you while you are in these 2 ships, and thats most of the firepower of a rapier. So, patiently kill the 40 or so rapiers and you are done.


The rapier has that little advantage too. I have a Confed Cruiser with 3 Rebel Cruiser escorts, 2 Kestral escorts, and 1 Rebel Destroyer escort. They are unpaid because I captured them. Don't attack the planets heavily defended until last. The Destroyer adn Frigate groups are a pain in the arse to kill.


Are you gonna tell him that's a boy cow?
Naw, he'll figure it out.