EV karma

Hi, can anyone tell me about the karma ratings from EV 1.0.5 so far i have seen:
good egg
decent individual
can someone tell me the order of these things please?
(ps I am an EV newbie)

"War is a series of losses resulting in a victory. Peace is forever."

Click on info for yourself. There is an explanation of karma in the bottom section of your information where it states your karma rating.

And if anybody asks me about mine I will hunt you down and slap you silly.

The never duplicated
Never capitalized
And always puce:

Welcome back Forge.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

Karma is the webboard's way of telling people how good or bad they are. If you want the list of legal rating in EV, however, here they are, from best to worst:

Honored Leader
Pillar of Society
Role Model
Upstanding Citizen
Godd Egg
Decent Induvidual
Most Wanted
Public Enemy
Prime Evil
Galactic Scourge

Apart from these, there are a few others:
N/A - that government doesn't care (usually pirates)
Overlord - you have dominated all the planets in that system
Usurper - you have dominated some, but not all of the planets in that system.

Hopefully that was helpful.

Long Live the Free Argents!

In case you are wondering, those can be found in the EV and EVO Bibles. If you want to check out the rest of the Bibles, go to (url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")The Lair(/url) or go directly to them: (url="http://"http://www.evula.com/ev_bible/")EV(/url) - (url="http://"http://www.evula.com/evo_bible/")EVO(/url)


N/A means that the gΓΆvt has the "Xenophobic" flag set. These gov'ts still keep a record, however, and being a bad guy will earn points with them while attacking , plundering, and doing most missions not involving them will lower it.

Those who are blinded by the light shall stumble in the darkness...
Visit the (url="http://"http://pub40.ezboard.com/bthecatacomb")Unofficial EV Webboard(/url)!
(url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/search.cgi?action=intro &default;=")USE ME, DAMNIT!!!(/url)

Thank you all people who have helped me in getting to grips with the karma rating, I and my friends thank you all...

"War is a series of losses resulting in a victory. Peace is forever."

Oh yeah forge I'm Most Wanted. I don't like it, I wish I was a Pillar Of Society, Upstanding Citizen or at least a Good Egg.


The only reason your karma is -5 is because you acted like a jerk on the EV banter and brawl, if you start acting better your karma will go up.

"One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all into the darkness and bind them, in the land of mordor where the shadows lie."
Check out the upcomming Lord of the Rings Movies at (url="http://"http://www.lordoftherings.net/home.html")http://www.lordofthe...s.net/home.html(/url)

I'm acting better now. My karma, was -9 and now, it got raised to -6. (Not asking for a karma point).


UE General: Please, can you discuss your karma a lot less on these boards? Try posting about EV (or EVO on that board) or finding posts where you can be helpful in your replies, or at least give your opinion on a subject, without mentioning karma, okay? Just ignore your karma rating, if you can, unless itstarts going down again. If it drops, then try to improve your behavior so it stops dropping.

The Mac Gaming Bboard:

I have been very good about my attitude lately, haven't I? Maybe in three or two weeks and three days I'll get clean karma. Keep up the good work Atmos and Ambrosia, I know you can do a very good job with EV Nova.


You just don't listen, do you? :rolleyes: Stop talking about your karma! Try to make some posts that people on the boards would actually want ot read.

The Mac Gaming Bboard:

What is, everyone's, karma rating except mine. How did you get it (Remembering Jude saying stop talking about your karma)?


(This message has been edited by UE General (edited 02-18-2001).)

(This message has been edited by UE General (edited 02-18-2001).)

Well, you could just go and look. On average for people who never insult mods and/ or act like total jerks/idiots, "normal" members (95-500 posts, quite variable) have clean karma, regulars (400-1000, variable wildly depending on how much "webboard community service you do) have 1-2 karma. The best karma I've seen is 4, although it goes from -10 to +15. Anyone who has that much you have to listen to- they would have almost as much authority as a mod, although none of the duties or abilities.

(Lies are in your head.)


Originally posted by Gage_Stryker:
**Karma is the webboard's way of telling people how good or bad they are. If you want the list of legal rating in EV, however, here they are, from best to worst:

Honored Leader
Pillar of Society
Role Model
Upstanding Citizen
Godd Egg
Decent Induvidual
Most Wanted
Public Enemy
Prime Evil
Galactic Scourge

Apart from these, there are a few others:
N/A - that government doesn't care (usually pirates)
Overlord - you have dominated all the planets in that system
Usurper - you have dominated some, but not all of the planets in that system.

Hopefully that was helpful.


Sounds right to me. πŸ™‚

~Cap'n Skyblade

(quote)Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**Sounds right to me.;) πŸ˜‰
