Conversations:I don't understand conversation actions!

It's hard to understand conversations if you're not a programmer; they're built just like rudimentary BASIC mini-programs. A condition is what must be tested, given any requested values, or arguments. All the conditions that can be tested (these are entered in the IF section of a line's info window; the conditions are the first field per line, and the respective arguments follow it):

1: true if player has (arg) coins or more
2: true if player has item of type (arg)
4: true if flag # (arg) is set (Used only within individual conversation)
5: true if player permflag # (arg) is set to (arg2) (Used gamewide)

If the condition(s) prove true, the conversation heads to the goto line specified in IF. If it is false (or if no conditions were specified beforehand), it a) executes any actions given it, and 🆒 goes to the goto in ELSE. You cannot have a true IF statement while executing the actions in ELSE; you will need to goto a seperate line to do so. The actions that can be performed:

1: remove (arg) coins
2: give player item of type (arg) (arg2: how many)
(1: silver key, 2: gold key, 3: plat key, 4: magic potion, 5: health potion)
3: remove item of type (arg)
4: set permanent flag # (arg)
5: set player permflag # (arg) to (arg2)
(1, 2, or 3)
6: open rock barrier ((arg) = 0, (arg2) = 3; dunno why, but it works)
8: permanently validate sprite (arg) on level (arg2)
9: destroy this sprite permanently

If you want to execute a line's action(s) but not display its text, give a goto value with a negative sign preceding.

(This message has been edited by spamguy (edited 12-30-2000).)

I believe Spamguy might have skipped on Action Command for a conversation:

The command ID 6 with the first info field 0 and the second 3 (I know its weird trust me) will open the Rock Barrier behind the conversational character. Watch out though because if there's another Rock Barrier near that one it might be opened as well. This command might work for Ice Barriers too but I have not reached the Ice Caverns in the levels I am making.

PS: Spamguy, you might want to add that to the actual FAQ because most people don't read the comments posted, I know I don't.

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better
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Originally posted by Dr Tall:
**I believe Spamguy might have skipped on Action Command for a conversation:

The command ID 6 with the first info field 0 and the second 3 (I know its weird trust me) will open the Rock Barrier behind the conversational character. Watch out though because if there's another Rock Barrier near that one it might be opened as well. This command might work for Ice Barriers too but I have not reached the Ice Caverns in the levels I am making.

PS: Spamguy, you might want to add that to the actual FAQ because most people don't read the comments posted, I know I don't.

So it should look like this in the conversation editor (sort of):

(6) (0)(3)

Thank you. I will add that indeed.

twice in a dream i visioned
nerds content with empowering
man and space

Not to be annoying 🙂 but you posted what I interpret to say that you have to set the rock barrier you want to open to -2. If thats what you meant I think that is false, -2 in the INFO(0) makes the rock barrier open on a timer. To open a conversational rock barrier it doesn't need anything in any info field. It might not work with anything but nothing (in other words, something) in the info fields, but I haven't tried.

PS: As far as I know, for a barrier, INFO(0):
-2=Timed w/ the Race Start Marker
-1=Opens upon boss death
0=Doesn't open
1-?=Opens when said switch is flipped

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better
(url="http://"")Get out the Vote: Just Vote(/url)

Ack ack ack! I love being decently individual 🙂

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better
(url="http://"")Get out the Vote: Just Vote(/url)

sigh Yes, sir, right away, sir. 🙂 j/k

twice in a dream i visioned
nerds content with empowering
man and space

lol thanks

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better
(url="http://"")Get out the Vote: Just Vote(/url)

Another conversation question: Is there a way to make a conversation longer than 18 lines? Why couldn't you just be able to scroll down or something? Can you link a conversation right into another one? And finally, why is there kind of a double line between conversation lines 16 and 17?

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better

Too many questions is a dangerous thing, my friend. 🙂

If you run out of room, I would suppose you would be in deep trouble. After all, one object can't link to multiple conversations.

MAGNETIC POEM #14.4 (1/3/00)
love is
the searching below
one's tiny expecations