Escape Velocity on the net...


Originally posted by forge:
**Note however that if you drop by Frandall's house and prove that you've registered Nova once it comes out he will give you a beer. Perhaps some SAO crackers as well, but I wouldn't put too much faith in that one.


I can imagine a little 8 year old going up to Frandall and asking for a beer. Then again, a 12 year old ain't much better. 😉

Visit my (url="http://"")cool EV site(/url)
-Jesus loves you. Then again, so does Barney.
-If money is the root of all evil, why do churches want it so badly?


Originally posted by Oscar:

Originally posted by Ellmist(no cookies):
Does anyone have anything original to add to the topic besides "me too"?

**Anyone else see the irony here?


yes me too i see the irony hee hee 😉 😉
