HELP! Plug-Ins won't work

Help! The plug-ins I have downloaded from the site won't work. I've tried EVGE and Clavis and neither will load on my computer. I followed all the instructions included in the plugs. I put the file in my plug-ins folder, I made sure that there were no other plug-ins(besides EV tuner). Whenever i launch the game, it will go to the loading screen with the guy standing on the bridge, and with EVGE the game crashes midway through the loading and I'm left with an off color screen. Blues replaced by greens etc. Clavis crashes at the end of the loading process and I'm sent back to the desktop, only this time without the color change stuff. Can someone help me? Is this a common problem? i'm playing on an iBook, maybe this is a problem? I really love EV and I'm thinking of registering it, but if I can't play Plug-ins, it really doesn't seem as good. Help me please.


Try increasing the amount of memory allocated to EV. This should enable you to run either EVGE or Clavius (or any other big plug).

not drowning, waving

How would I do this? (I'm new to a mac, I've used PCs for years and only recently tried a mac after my PC suffered a horrible crash, I found EV and well, fixing my pc has become a fairly low priority)


Alright, I'll go through this step by step.

  1. Go to the menu that EV is in
  2. Click on EV's icon 1 time
  3. Go to FILE at the top of the screen and scroll down until you hit "get info" and select it
  4. You can now select memory and increase it.

If a PC crashes in the forest, and no one hears it, did it really crash?


Originally posted by Firestorm14:
**Alright, I'll go through this step by step.

  1. Go to the menu that EV is in
  2. Click on EV's icon 1 time
  3. Go to FILE at the top of the screen and scroll down until you hit "get info" and select it
  4. You can now select memory and increase it.


if you are using os 9 or any of its various updates you will need to select 'memory' from the pulldown menu in the 'get info' box before you can set the memory. you should increase the memory by at least the total physical size of the plugin you are trying to play and giving more memory wont hurt (unless you dont have enough then it will hurt hehe hee 😉 )
