Confed Ships

Hey I am in that repetetive mission cycle with the confeds. I have done the particle beam mission. I have not done the alien ship mission nor am i very eager to until i get a better ship which leads me to my do you get to but confed navy ships? given what i have now i mean? thanx



Originally posted by steth_norun:
I have not done the alien ship mission nor am i very eager to until i get a better ship which leads me to my do you get to but confed navy ships?

This may, most unfortunately, frustrate you a bit. You can only buy Confed ships (or Rebel ships for that matter, if you side with them one day) after you have completed the alien missions.

If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you first tried.


Originally posted by steth_norun:
**Hey I am in that repetetive mission cycle with the confeds. I have done the particle beam mission. I have not done the alien ship mission nor am i very eager to until i get a better ship which leads me to my do you get to but confed navy ships? given what i have now i mean? thanx


You can easily defeat the Alien cruiser with a kestral, that is, as long as you don't get in front of it!

-Hypergate Haiku:
our own politics
and plenty of bad fiction
pipeline has spawned God

Ok then next question...what is the best way to get a kestral...and i know the easiest would be stealing a pirate's but the best i can get on capture odds are like barring extreme good luck thats not an option...are there any missions to get one? or at least bring down the $10 million price?



Originally posted by steth_norun:
**Ok then next question...what is the best way to get a kestral...and i know the easiest would be stealing a pirate's but the best i can get on capture odds are like barring extreme good luck thats not an option...are there any missions to get one? or at least bring down the $10 million price?

The best way to get a kestral is to earn the money. The best way to earn the money is to steal it from pirates.


That can't be the only way. 10 mil!?!? that would take hours and hours to earn...there has got to be SOME kestral mission or something.



Originally posted by steth_norun:
That can't be the only way. 10 mil!?!? that would take hours and hours to earn...there has got to be SOME kestral mission or something.

Well, if you can find a derelict bulk freighter, you might be able to get a substandard Kestrel at a discount, but it's still something like 7.5M credits. Ultimately, you're expected to earn enough money to pay full price if you want the ship that badly.

David Arthur
Talon Plugin for Classic EV: (url="http://"")

Damn...well guess im going to be with my corvette for a long while


I played EV for a longgggg time before I got a kestrel. Wait till you save up at least 15 mil. credits before buying it. Otherwise, if you only save up 10 mil., and buy it, it will leave you broke. Trust me, I specialize in kestrels. Just look at my name...


so just one last confirmation the corvette is the highest you can get before kestrel? that includes special missions and everything?in other words....the corvette is what i should use until i get a kestrel or a confed ship if im lucky enough to get the alien mission?


Yeah, stick with the 'vette. And don't fret over the damn alien mission. It really isn't that hard. If you get the alien mission BEFORE you get the kestrel, take it anyway. Once you get the chance, you probably won't get it again for awhile. Keep savin!!!


As was recommended - disable pirates and take their money. If memory serves, pirate corvettes will yield around 100,000 credits and pirate Kestrels will yield around 400,000 credits. A healthy chunk of money toward your 10M goal - I'd recommend building up some extra credits for all the outfits you want before buying your Kestrel.

P.S. A great way to earn about 1.6 million credits per disabled pirate Kestrel is to do the Rebel tractor beam mission (it's been so long, I forget where you get this mission from. Just start working for the Rebellion, and visit Palshif(sp?) often.). Once you have the tractor beam, set out to disable a pirate Kestrel and both its fighter escorts. After all three ships are disabled, drag the escorts, via tractor beam, into the Kestrel, board the Kestrel, plunder the fighter escorts from the ammo section and sell them at a Lightning dealership.

Important note: I think you might have to make the Kestrel empty all its other ammo in order to be able to plunder the fighters. This might be a problem if have a turn rate of good or better because the Kestrel won't fire its torpedoes at you.

The ones we love and the life we grow from

When I did the alien mission, I was using a fully-armed kestral. I then hired six corvettes as escorts, and together, the corvettes (along with my lightings) were able to destroy the cruiser, while I got rid of both the fighters. It took awhile, but it worked. I lost 2 corvettes and a lighting.

~Captain Skyblade
Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")

The aliens really are useless. Your escorts (the two flanking cruisers you get) should be able to keep at least one, if not both the alien fighters off your back. The cruiser is not the ship you should be worrying about; it will be the fighters that deal out the damage. This therefore leaves you 1-on-1 with the cruiser. All you have to do is just stay behind it so that it can't bring it's weapons to bear. The asteroids in Gamera should wipe out most of the SAD-pod type things that the cruiser lobs at you, so really you don't need a Kestrel. Just get a corvette, replace the laser turrets with proton turrets, take out heavy rockets and javelin pods and replace them with as many proton bolt cannons as possible, get as many shield capacitors (4, I think) and a layer of each armour for protection. You might need 2 mass expansions for this, but it doesn't matter. Then go out and bring all your guns to bear on the alien cruiser, and it won't take too long to destroy. Oh, and I'd recommend the 3 manoeverability upgrades for your ship, too. The mission yields, what, 10million credits if my memory serves me correctly, which, combined with left over cash and ship trade in, will certainly buy you a rebel cruiser (if you fight with rebels), or most of the way to a Fed cruiser.


Ok looks like im alien bound...only one prob...i still cant seem to find the i need to have a certain combat rating or something? right now im dangerous...and ive done over 20 missions for confeds...probably more like 30...any suggestions?


You might need a rating higher than dagerous. It's been so long, it's hard to remember the details. I'm pretty sure you get the alien mission from Palshif (as with almost all Rebel missions). Eventually, you'll be asked to investigate some ship disappearances. That's the start of the alien missions.

The ones we love and the life we grow from

Right well im doing i guess the Sol system would be were i go....or perhaps Rigel?



Originally posted by steth_norun:
**Right well im doing i guess the Sol system would be were i go....or perhaps Rigel?


ya go to the sol system
