ATTN: All Rebel and Confed Fans!

Ever wanted a forum dedicated specifically to debates between the Rebels and Confeds? Well now there is one! (url="http://"")The Catacomb(/url) has set up the (url="http://"")"Rebels VS. Confeds Room"(/url) on his own ezBoard! Go there, and post away! Debate about tactical situations, ships, fighters, cruisers, planets, weapons, outfits, etc.! The Rebels vs. Confeds Room also needs more Confed supporters, because almost everyone there (including myself) are Rebel fans. And remember, just have fun!

The Catacomb also has a forum for Rebels at:

And a forum for Confeds at:

Enjoy the forums!

-Captain Carnotaur

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).


Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**Ever wanted a forum dedicated specifically to debates between the Rebels and Confeds? Well now there is one! The Catacomb has set up the "Rebels VS. Confeds Room" on his own ezBoard! Go there, and post away! Debate about tactical situations, ships, fighters, cruisers, planets, weapons, outfits, etc.! The Rebels vs. Confeds Room also needs more Confed supporters, because almost everyone there (including myself) are Rebel fans. And remember, just have fun!


Yay!! That is a great idea!

Who said that? Huh? What?
I can't hear you!!!


Originally posted by ev123:
**Yay!! That is a great idea!

And remember, it was yours originally. That entire board is all thanks to you, or at least mostly thanks to you.

Hope everyone enjoys it!

-Captain Carnotaur

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

You realy are to kind! Allright, I finaly got there and have posted a message.

Who said that? Huh? What?
I can't hear you!!!


Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**The Rebels vs. Confeds Room also needs more Confed supporters, because almost everyone there (including myself) are Rebel fans.

I think SW may be for something in this situation. Th scenario designer of EV should have made:
-the rebels weaker, so that the 'feds may crush them (come on, they can't do it anymore with the actual size of the rebels)
-the rebs' systems should not have surrounded 'feds ones
-due to the shortage of ressource, they should pluder 'fed ships, so that they would appear as no more as a big bunch of renegades.
-and they ships should be weaker (the rebel destroyer is far too much powerful for an Argosy-based ship, and the confed patrol ship is actually **** compared to the Manta).

Y'a personne qui parle français ici?

That's a good point. The Rebels are too powerful, and rather than being a rebellion they are more like an enemy government, not a group of freedom fighters ruled by the 'feds and wanting to break away.
Don't ge me wrong, I support the Rebels all the way, but the situation is not all that realistic.

"...Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other." Jerry Springer

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 02-19-2001).)


Originally posted by Zacha Pedro:
**I think SW may be for something in this situation. Th scenario designer of EV should have made:
-the rebels weaker, so that the 'feds may crush them (come on, they can't do it anymore with the actual size of the rebels)
-the rebs' systems should not have surrounded 'feds ones
-due to the shortage of ressource, they should pluder 'fed ships, so that they would appear as no more as a big bunch of renegades.
-and they ships should be weaker (the rebel destroyer is far too much powerful for an Argosy-based ship, and the confed patrol ship is actually **** compared to the Manta).

I don't agree. A long while ago they were like that, small, little guus with limited ships that weren't much of a match for the Confeds. However, now they have grown strong, and soon the Confeds will be crushed because of their stupidity.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Indeed, the situation I propose should be 5-10 years before the actual one, in which Rebels are absolutely sure to beat the confeds (ey, kinda cool plug idea). The time where we come should be a turnover, where the two governments can win (usually, the government we help wins).

Y'a personne qui parle français ici?

Well, actually, I am making a plug-in for the Rebels and EV called "Long Live the Rebellion!" in which the Rebels are better, the Confeds have a lot of problems, and the Rebels make a major offensive against the Confeds and nearly win. However, since the plug isn't finished yet, I may make it so the Rebels win, but who knows...

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).


Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**Well, actually, I am making a plug-in for the Rebels and EV called "Long Live the Rebellion!" in which the Rebels are better, the Confeds have a lot of problems, and the Rebels make a major offensive against the Confeds and nearly win. However, since the plug isn't finished yet, I may make it so the Rebels win, but who knows...


Interesting. In fact, in the game, the Rebellion must win, so I propose the contrary: make a plug with the situation I've talked about, then bring towards difficult missions the Rebellion to its "actual" size, then make the standard EV missions, then do your ones

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