How many of you out there love EV, but dislike EVO? Okay, quite a few of you. Well how many of you wish EV had a modern engine like EVO (not to say EVs isn't)? Well now you have solutions! I just released EVonEVO. It is a plugin for EVO, that makes it act just like EV. There are a few differences, which include: The Bar News has the EVO look, though it has the EV news, and the intro splash/logo says EVO. If anybody knows how to fix these let me know. It's available at (url="http://"http://www.concentric.net/~burgisrk/evonevo")http://www.concentri...urgisrk/evonevo(/url) .

"Well, we could grind
our enemies into powder, but gosh, we did that yesterday."

There was already a plug-in named EV Classic that was released 3 years ago that did this.


My problem with these "EV on EVO" plugs is that they are plugs that only replace a part of EVO, and because EVO has more systems/planets, etc. than EV, every planet after the last EV one is still there, so you end up with a "Ferry Passengers to Mira", etc. mission off of Levo, and there's obviously no way to get there. Second, because the guided weapon system was rewritten somewhat, the old weapons need to be rewritten with a Seeker field and guidance of 1 and then adjusted accordingly. So far, all plugs I've seen (this newest one included) are just all the resources from EV pasted into a plug (or plugs, in EV Classic's case) and nothing else. I'm not saying this to put down the authors of these plugs--they put in some effort and the plugs are still cool--I'm saying it so someone might adjust an "EV on EVO" plug they've already made to fit EVO standards better.

If I write a letter to be put in a time capsule to be opened when time travel is possible, and if in my letter I ask for some item to be sent back in time to the point I sealed my time capsule, wouldn't that item appear just as I seal the capsule? Just a thought...

(This message has been edited by rathon (edited 02-20-2001).)


Originally posted by rathon:
**Second, because the guided weapon system was rewritten somewhat, the old weapons need to be rewritten with a Seeker field and guidance of 1 and then adjusted accordingly.


Is that why all the weapons fire as primaries in this plug?

Question authority. That's an order.