New plug

Got a plug I'm working on, Pilot of the Confederacy. In case you can't guess, you are a confed pilot, starting out at Earth in a patrol ship, and then you progress onward. Just hope nobody else has something like this. Will have another plug coming out afterwards, Pilot of the Rebellion, which will be similar.

Long Live Apple! Long Live the Mac!

Cool, original idea.

It was done in Arena, were you started out with a Hawk, but that was a TC.

All hail the Blue Bird of happiness. **
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Sounds like a cool idea. I'll have to agree with OctoberFost with your idea. Hey Macintosh Man do you get better ships after some missions are done or not? 🙂 Cool.



Originally posted by UE General:
**Sounds like a cool idea. I'll have to agree with OctoberFost with your idea. Hey Macintosh Man do you get better ships after some missions are done or not?:) Cool.

What part of "progress onward" confuses you so much?

The never duplicated
Never capitalized
And always puce:

(This message has been edited by forge (edited 01-31-2001).)

Nothing confuses me. I just miss read that part I guess.


Depends on if you can use a virtually unmodified patrol ship to destroy 6 mantas or not. If you can't, you don't deserve to play my plug. 🙂

Long Live Apple! Long Live the Mac!

Sounds like a good idea! I think it sounds great.

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"I think that I shall never see a billboard lovely as a tree. Perhaps, unless the billboards fall, I'll never see a tree at all."

(This message has been edited by The Catacomb (edited 02-01-2001).)

Hmm...that sounds pretty cool. Wouldn't be too hard to make, either, and to my knowledge there are no similar plugs. Hope you get the plug done soon. 🙂