Who would win out of.....

  1. 3 Kestrels vs. 2 Confed Frigates

  2. 5 Kestrels vs. 2 Confed Cruisers

  3. 15 Rapiers vs. 4 Rebel Cruiser

  4. 4 Confed Frigates vs. 2 Rebel Cruisers

  5. 4 Rebel Destroyers vs. 2 Confed Cruisers

My guesses would be:

  1. Kesrels

  2. Kestrels

  3. Rebel Cruisers

  4. Rebel Cruisers

  5. Confed Cruisers

I think most of the battles would be really close. What do you all think?



Originally posted by Matthew Seton:
**1) 3 Kestrels vs. 2 Confed Frigates

  1. 5 Kestrels vs. 2 Confed Cruisers

  2. 15 Rapiers vs. 4 Rebel Cruiser

  3. 4 Confed Frigates vs. 2 Rebel Cruisers

  4. 4 Rebel Destroyers vs. 2 Confed Cruisers

My guesses would be:

  1. Kesrels

  2. Kestrels

  3. Rebel Cruisers

  4. Rebel Cruisers

  5. Confed Cruisers

I think most of the battles would be really close. What do you all think?

1)those pitiful frigates would get crippled ´course of the lightnings

2)one cruiser would stay alive

3)the rapiers are going to die

4)one rebel cruiser will make it

5)no rebel will stay alive,but maybe 1029 confeds´ll die



Originally posted by Matthew Seton:
3) 15 Rapiers vs. 4 Rebel Cruiser
I think most of the battles would be really close. What do you all think?

Sorry, fellow Rebels. Your Crusiers are doomed 😉

Dude, I can take out a Confed Crusier in a Rapier. I could probably take out 1 1/2 Rebel Crusiers.

ph33r what 15 of them would do... 🙂

"We ought to make the Pi higher!" -George W. Bush **
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Originally posted by OctoberFost:
**Sorry, fellow Rebels. Your Crusiers are doomed;)

Dude, I can take out a Confed Crusier in a Rapier. I could probably take out 1 1/2 Rebel Crusiers.

ph33r what 15 of them would do... 🙂


Yes but I mean with the computer on both sides. Most people can take out major ships in little ships but not for this.


  1. 15 Rapiers vs. 4 Rebel Cruiser

The Raps would win, every time the mantas and Raps passed each other 15 would ide couse of heavy rockets, after one more pass 5 more dead(around now i think 3-4 raps are dead) then the raps start opening up with torps and its the end of it for the cruisers, but it would be VERY close.


What I'd really like to know is who would win in a battle between a Confed Cruiser and Captain Marvel.

Seriously: these questions remind me of the old plug, Arena. It was later incorporated into Clavius & Beyond, but it still exists here as a stand-alone. Have you ever tried it?

not drowning, waving


Originally posted by Matthew Seton:
**1) 3 Kestrels vs. 2 Confed Frigates

  1. 5 Kestrels vs. 2 Confed Cruisers

  2. 15 Rapiers vs. 4 Rebel Cruiser

  3. 4 Confed Frigates vs. 2 Rebel Cruisers

  4. 4 Rebel Destroyers vs. 2 Confed Cruisers

  5. Kestrels

  6. Very close, but probably Confed Cruisers

  7. Very close, almost completely even, but my geuss would be Rebels win

  8. 1 Rebel cruiser would be left and win

  9. Rebels, but extremely close, maybe like 1 half dead destroyer left

I'll make a few missions and test out what would happen if these ships attacked each other.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).


Originally posted by Matthew Seton:
**3) 15 Rapiers vs. 4 Rebel Cruiser

After watching several terrifying dogfights in a row, I can say with certainty that the Rebel cruisers win every time, and it isn't even close.

• Beginning: The Rapiers always unload torpedoes first, and most of them target a single Rebel cruiser in doing so. That cruiser is invariably destroyed, but by then, all the Mantas are in flight.
• Middle: The field of combat then spreads out over a wide area, which is a disadvantage to the Rapiers; they don't seem very good at distance fighting. The Rebel cruisers, on the other hand, excel in firing missiles from afar, while the Mantas harrass the Rapiers closer in. The combined Rebel vessels have a lot of missiles, by the way.
• End: The Rapiers don't fire their heavy rockets until they begin their strafing runs, since rockets are unguided and so require proximity. But by that time, constant missile barrages and the occasional protonic burst from the cruisers take their toll. Really, it's like shooting fish in a barrel for the Rebel ships.

The average end-tally? Not one Rapier makes it home, while there are usually between thirteen and fifteen Rebel vessels left—and three of them are always cruisers.

not drowning, waving

(This message has been edited by PlanetPhil (edited 01-19-2001).)


Originally posted by Matthew Seton:
**1) 3 Kestrels vs. 2 Confed Frigates

  1. 5 Kestrels vs. 2 Confed Cruisers

  2. 15 Rapiers vs. 4 Rebel Cruiser

  3. 4 Confed Frigates vs. 2 Rebel Cruisers

  4. 4 Rebel Destroyers vs. 2 Confed Cruisers


1)Kestrels. The Frigates are slow, and the Lightnings would slaughter them.

2)Boy that's a tough one. I'd have to say...Kestrels. Superiority in the number of secondary weapons. Kestrels have torps, which are great against Fed Cruisers.

3)The Rebel Cruisers win, definitely. The Mantas' missiles and the Cruisers' turrets will wipe 'em out.

4)Rebel Cruisers. I really think that Frigates are way overestimated.

5)Hmmm..... if the Cruisers had less fighters, like 2 each, the Destroyers would probably win, but the fighters' missiles will help against the Destroyers, in addition to the Cruisers' turrets. However, I don't think the Destroyers will lose too bad — after all, they are PACKED with guns. Those torps are effective as hell.

—Joolzman5, that guy with the spikey red hair.
Search the boards (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/search.cgi?action=intro")here.(/url)


Originally posted by Matthew Seton:
**1) 3 Kestrels vs. 2 Confed Frigates

  1. 5 Kestrels vs. 2 Confed Cruisers

  2. 15 Rapiers vs. 4 Rebel Cruiser

  3. 4 Confed Frigates vs. 2 Rebel Cruisers

  4. 4 Rebel Destroyers vs. 2 Confed Cruisers


I think most of the battles would be really close. What do you all think?



3)Rebels Cruisers



That's what I think.


Long live the Rebellion!
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  1. the Kestrels would probably win even if it was one on one.

I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.


Originally posted by Matthew Seton:
**1) 3 Kestrels vs. 2 Confed Frigates

  1. 5 Kestrels vs. 2 Confed Cruisers

  2. 15 Rapiers vs. 4 Rebel Cruiser

  3. 4 Confed Frigates vs. 2 Rebel Cruisers

  4. 4 Rebel Destroyers vs. 2 Confed Cruisers

My guesses would be:

  1. Kesrels

  2. Kestrels

  3. Rebel Cruisers

  4. Rebel Cruisers

  5. Confed Cruisers

I think most of the battles would be really close. What do you all think?

  1. A skillfull Kestrel pilot should win.
  2. Cuirser
  3. Rebal Destroyers
  4. Rebal Cruiser
  5. Confed Cruiser

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1. Kestrels
2. Kestrels
3. Rapiers
4. Confeds
5. Rebels

Only one i'm not really sure about is #3

My Day Will Come.

1. Kestrels - all confed frigates are is slower kestrels with a little bit more shields and armour. Add the fact that the Kestrels all have fighters, an you've got an easy win for the Kestrels. There would probably be 2 or 3 Kestrels left at the end!

2. It matters - if they encounter each other at close range, the cruiser will win, becuase they can pound like crazy close in. If the kestrels jumped in from one side and the cruisers were at the other end of the system, it would probably be a different story. Overall? I'd say cruisers.

3. Cruisers - although Rapiers are a formidable enemy, and often hard to deal with from a player standpoint because of all the torpedoes, etc, there is a difference here: A player is a single target, but in this case you're dealing with 4 cruisers and 16 mantas. All the torpedoes go into the first target - boom, he's dead, 4000% overkill, but then the rapiers have no torps left. By the time they start strafing with their rockets, after missiles have decimated half of them, they will injure heavily all of them, but kill none of the cruisers.

4. Rebels. Two ultra-powerful, fast ships against 4 sitting ducks? This one's obvious.

5. Confed cruisers, unfortunately, becuase the destroyers usually strafe, and the proton turrets and neutron blasters on the cruisers would decimate them.

As anyone thought to do the experiments? Just make a mini-plugin with an empty system with those ships of dudes of opposite governments. Whey you see the configuration you want watch. Watch 5 battles and take the average. You can also hire the appropriate ships, then release one, annoy it and allow your other escorts to engage. This is less accurate, as the freed ship will focus on you until distracted by your escort(s). Thus do it in reverse as well.

These are the techniques we used when balancing the stats on the ships in Galactic Scourge.



Originally posted by IonStorm:
As anyone thought to do the experiments? Just make a mini-plugin with an empty system with those ships of dudes of opposite governments.

I did exactly that for scenario #3: 15 Rapiers vs. 4 Rebel Cruisers. See my post above.

not drowning, waving


Originally posted by PlanetPhil:
**I did exactly that for scenario #3: 15 Rapiers vs. 4 Rebel Cruisers. See my post above.

Sorry, I didn't realize you had done a controlled experiment. I assumed you caught a chance fight while cruzing around or made a composite from several.