Plug-in help

I'm a newby at plug-ins. I downloaded one of them, and placed it in the EV plug-in folder. Should it work then?


You probably know the answer to this by now, but...yes, you're absolutely right.

Tempted to use two plugs at a time? Since plugs alter certain EV resources, using two or more plugs increases the chances of a conflict: they might each try to alter the same resource. If you're sure that multiple plugs won't step on each other's toes that way—"Extra Voices," which only affects the part of EV that supplies the voices of escorts, can be used with just about any other plug—then that's cool.

not drowning, waving

So I should stick with one plug.



Visit my (url="http://"")cool EV site(/url)
"I think that I shall never see a billboard lovely as a tree. Perhaps, unless the billboards fall, I'll never see a tree at all."

"The catacomb"- I visited your site. Not bad. Needs more though. 🙂
