Plug-in bug2

I put in the EV webboard govt. plug-in, and it froze everytime I tried to start it up. I removed it, started it up, and loaded my ship only to find all of my escorts gone. What happened? Maybe when I wasn't playing, an imaginary confed. cruiser came and destroyed them all. Hey - how the hell should I know?? I should have never gotten involved with the plug-ins...


I have no answer for that—sounds pretty weird. My suggestion is to contact the person who wrote the plug and report the matter. One of the responsibilities of a plug-writer is to help solve these kinds of problems.

In the future: if you have a valued pilot—one with eight Lightnings for escorts, say—always keep a back-up copy in reserve. Just for situations like this.

not drowning, waving

Yeah. When I go to levo to hire a couple lightnings, i buy them, and money is deducted from my account. I leave the planet, and there is nobody there but me. Where are my damned escorts?! I payed for um, don't you think I could have by now?


If you have a pilot with eight standard ships for escorts you need to tell Matt Burch so he can just stare at a screenshot in disbelief. A reason for your escorts going kaput might be the different resource IDs in plugs. When putting in a plug it's generally a good idea to start a new pilot. This is important with plugs that aren't cheaters and change larger aspects of the game (many ships, governments, the galaxy, etc.)

The never duplicated
Never capitalized
And always puce:

Na ah. I have been working on this one pilot for more than 4 years!! I have a confed. cruiser, and 4 lightnings and a rebel cruiser for escorts.(USED to have) I have well over 1,000,000,000 credits, and don't feel like throwing it away because of stupid plug-ins. So, if I get rid of the plug-ins, then my worrys are over, or I'm I screwed?


Just take that lovely pilot file and put it somewhere besides the Pilots folder. It'll be fine on it's own. You can always just keep pilot files elsewhere for safe keeping.

The never duplicated
Never capitalized
And always puce:

It might be crashing becouse you didn't give ev enough memory.

Who said that? Huh? What?
I can't hear you!!!