Own a confed. cruiser via alien mission. Why no upgrades?

O.k. Just did the alien mission. Got a confed. Cruiser. No matter where I go , they won't sell me anything like turn upgrades or accelleration enhancements. This ship is so freakin slow, and basically, besides it's arsenal and great shielding, it sucks. Know anything that will help?



A few planets sell such upgrades. Most are Rebel, though.

Look for a plug called "Confed Crusier Fix" on the EV Add-ons page. It makes the Crusier a little faster.

"We ought to make the Pi higher!" -George W. Bush **
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Bribe your way into Akio or Palshife or Port Oread, they all have those enhancements(if you cant bribe em then blow up pirates near the system and try again).


You guys, Ruby sells them and that a Confed planet. This way you don't have to bribe.

Visit my (url="http://"http://www.angelfire.com/indie/thecatacomb/index.html")cool EV site(/url)
"I think that I shall never see a billboard lovely as a tree. Perhaps, unless the billboards fall, I'll never see a tree at all."