Killing the Alien Cruiser

What ships and weapons have been used to kill the AC ? The canonical method is to use any ship that has two or more turrets, and four or more cannons,plus the tractor beam, and then lock onto the AC and grind him down. I have also done it in a Kestral using neutron blasters instead of the tractor beam. This is a good way if you are a Confed. I recently did it in a Rebel Cruiser (captured) with Javelin missiles instead of the tractor beam. This was the most efficient method I have used. I also did it (permit me to bragg a little) in a Lightning; 4 proton cannons, a proton turret and the tractor beam. This is touchy. What works best is to maneuver your lightning so that it is centered on top of the AC and lock on. The Alien fighters won't fire their beams at you then. I have never been able to get anywhere using missiles or torpedoes.

Lightspeed: 11.78 inches/nnanosecond

I used the forclift

if I have asked a question, please reply

I did it my first time in a Corvette. Torps and missiles are essentially useless. As many proton cannons/turrets are essential. Javelins are also good. Neutrons are great if you have the space.

This question has been answered many times, I think, so you may want to do a search for "Killing Alien Cruiser" or something like that for other ships/weapons. (Click "search" at the top of the page, under "Post a Reply.")

--Joolzman5, that guy with the red spikey hair whose presence never fails to suddenly kill Mag Steelglass

You just keep pounding away at it, and make sure you don't get infront of it.
Joolzman is right this has been asked many times before, so try searching for your answer.

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A tractor beam is really usefull in that situation, then just get as many turetts as you can, get the big basturd in your tractor beam, and keep blasting him while you circle out of the way of his heavy beam cannon.

Power to the peephole.

Hey Moriarty! I was born in St.Paul! Ever been to Roseville, Shoreview, Arden Hills, or White Bear? There's not many Minnesotans on this web board for me to relate to. Minnesotans are also the only people who understand the meaning of my name. Well, maybe Wisconsinites, but they just smell like cheese, fireworks, and muskies.

Power to the peephole!

Everyone says the Tractor Beam is great, but I've never had to use it. Just lots and lots of protons.....

--Joolzman5, that guy with the red spikey hair whose presence never fails to suddenly kill Mag Steelglass

You can kill the alien with any ship able to pack decent weaponry.
Just get behind him anf fry his ass really bad. He cant turn so fast, so you have lots of time. When hes turned around (sometime in the next milennium) just get behind him (watch out for the alien beam) and fry his ass again.

I`m a bomb technician. If you see me running...try to keep up.

I first killed it in a Kestrel. I just bought loads of torpedos and shot the hell out of it! I couldn't kill the fighters, they were way too hard! I also used the particle beam which was really good, but I ran out of fuel when I killed it and I didn't have a fuel scoop and I coudn't get out of the system! I thought it was really unlucky, because it took me loads of tries to kill it again.


You should have just waited for a ship to jump into the system, and then hailed it and asked for assistance. As long as you have some money you could have jumped out of the system.


I don`t think other ships are visiting that system...

I`m a bomb technician. If you see me running...try to keep up.

In any system, a ship will eventually jump in, take my word for it. I mean, the alien mission final battle isn't even in the middle of nowhere really, so eventually a courier or an argosy would have jumped in. Honest, I had the same problem, I just waited a while.


If you have to use secondary weapons to kill the Cruiser, you've already lost.

It's a waste of money.

The only secondary weapons I buy for my Corvette are Torpedoes. 6 of them. That's all i need. They're perfect for disabling ships in busy systems. Example:

MISSION: board an Executive Trans. escorted by a dozen fighters

TACTICS: Fire 1 torpedo at the transport. Wait until he is disabled. Kill the escorts. Board ship. (This way you don't have to worry about the transport escaping while you're fighting.) You can take your time, in case a Frigate or Cruiser jumps in system. The transport will just wait for you.

If you need to disable a Bulk Freighter, use 2 torpedoes. Then continue as normal.

Everything else you want to destroy (Aliens, Confeds, pirates) only need proton weapons to finish them.

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The only secondary weapons that are usefull are Javelins. Other than that, use Protons, I tried with lasers but they aren't good enough.

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