problem with downloaded files

I'm currently using windoze 98, but I got the Executor mac emulator. ducks

I can play EV without any problems but when I downloaded some cheats and add-ons, the problems started. These are .sit files. So I downloaded stuffit expander, but he doesn't recognize these files. I can expand .sit.hqx files, but after that, when I'm left with a simple .sit file, it says it's not a valid archive file.
So, anybody knows what's the problem?

Thanks in advance,


Another question... Assuming I have the correct file, how do I use the cheat files? When I open them, I get a text file full or random characters, and sometimes ship names, etc.
Is there a way to load it with the game or something?


First, one of the MAJOR bugs is WINDOWS SUCKS!(It's not the machine; it's the stupid program!) Second, windoz can't use Mac StuffIt Expander files. Also, many Emulators are VERY buggy, espically the ones for PC. Sorry


I know, I know, windoze sucks, but MacOS sucks too and BeOS rules. But I'm stuck with it, so I'm trying to play this marvellous game.


I'm not sure about this, but I think Aladdin makes a Windows version of expander that will let you unstuff the .sit files in windows, and then you can use them in the emulator.


Well, I have the latest version of Aladin Stuffit for windoze, I think it's 5.0.

Example, when I expand the star wars plug-in :

I get the folder with 2 files in it :
readme 4k
Star Wars 0k

huh... It seems windows doesn't recognize the file or something and stops the expanding. but I don't even get errors from it.

But... If someone could send me the SW plug-in files, expanded (maybe in a .bin file, I can handle those) via ICQ or email, it would be cool.


(This message has been edited by Senso (edited 01-10-2001).)

To The Top, sorry.
