EV Webboard Governments

Then make mine pirate friendly and not confed or rebel friendly

There will NEVER be such a thing as world peace.
Perfection does NOT exist.
.....but you can be happy with your life if you realy LOOK at it.

(This message has been edited by ELPOLLO (edited 12-10-2000).)

This is mine (er..so far)

Location: Far South(?)
No of Systems Held: 18 (they're big)
Capital Sys: Eroblem
Capital Planet:Recta
Enemies:Altka Empire
Allies: Humans, Vorsovians
Features: Humanoid, warriors, practice old primative traditions, build magnificent
cities and temples. Some planets enslaved by Altka Empire overlords.Carry origional
Vanu life forms in brains many hold human or New Vanu form. Have huge colonly and exploration ships. Often go on (usually undetected) voyages to Earth.

Ships: Military: Vanu Fighter and Heavy Fighter. Vativadu (Type of Small Warship)
Dovada (Main Warship a type of cruiser) Vanu Heavy Cruiser (HUGE DANGEROUS THING!)
Reserch: Vanu Exploration vessle, Transporter..

Er.. this is all I can think of at the moment.
If anyone had any ideas I'd like to hear them.


"The Optimistic Punch!"


I'm also making persons for the flagships for the governments my plug. To make your flagship just reply to the following template and fill in the blanks:

Where he can be found: (Any System, Specific System, Specific gov, ect.)
AI: (Warship, Brave trader, ect.)
Aggression: (Weakling, Reasonable, Bully)
Coward: %(Retreats when shields at certain percent)
Credits: (How much money he's carrying)
Shield Modification: (0-60)
Weapons: (ONLY four!)

Comm quote: (What he says when you hail him)
Hail quote: (What he says when he hails you)

Holds Grudge: Yes/No
Escape pod: Yes/No
Show hail quote only once: Yes/No
Shows hail quote only when attacking: Yes/No



(This message has been edited by Nova6 (edited 12-21-2000).)


Originally posted by petorina:
**This is mine (er..so far)

Location: Far South(?)
No of Systems Held: 18 (they're big)
Capital Sys: Eroblem
Capital Planet:Recta
Enemies:Altka Empire
Allies: Humans, Vorsovians
Features: Humanoid, warriors, practice old primative traditions, build magnificent
cities and temples. Some planets enslaved by Altka Empire overlords.Carry origional
Vanu life forms in brains many hold human or New Vanu form. Have huge colonly and exploration ships. Often go on (usually undetected) voyages to Earth.

Ships: Military: Vanu Fighter and Heavy Fighter. Vativadu (Type of Small Warship)
Dovada (Main Warship a type of cruiser) Vanu Heavy Cruiser (HUGE DANGEROUS THING!)
Reserch: Vanu Exploration vessle, Transporter..

Er.. this is all I can think of at the moment.
If anyone had any ideas I'd like to hear them.

First of all, you were suposed to reply to my origanal post and fill in the blanks so I could get the right information.
Seconed, you can only make ONE government!
Third, How am I suposed to know what to make your systems look like? Or if they have I shipyard or not?
Fourth, I can't make your ships without knowing what they look like, their sheilds, armor, ect. ect.

That's all.



Where he can be found: My gov's systems .... which I guess is 2 😛
AI: Warship
Aggression: Reasonable
Coward: %10
Ship:Rebel Battleship (get it here)http://www.jps.net/b...rd/singles.html
Credits: 100,000 credits
Shield Modification: 60
Weapons: 4 Mantas, 8 Proton turrets, and as many torps and torp lanchers as it can carry. Also have all the upgrades.... turning speed etc

Comm quote: Do you wish to join the CKP?
Hail quote: Join the CKP or die

Holds Grudge: Yes
Escape pod: Yes
Show hail quote only once: No
Shows hail quote only when attacking: Yes

There will NEVER be such a thing as world peace.
Perfection does NOT exist.
.....but you can be happy with your life if you realy LOOK at it.

(This message has been edited by ELPOLLO (edited 12-11-2000).)

(This message has been edited by ELPOLLO (edited 12-12-2000).)

At last:
A Confed- freindly government. Sorta like the American Airlines of space, except it REALLY doesn't pay to hijack 'em. more on them later!
Crime Tolerance:5
Smug Penelty:15
Disable Pen.:15
Board Pen.:20
Kill Pen.:30
Shoot Pen.:0

Target name:Ellipsus
Com dialog Name:Ellipsus

Xenophobic: No
Big bribes: No
Freighters take bribes: No
Planets take bribes: No
Plunders Ships: No
Start disabled: No
Can't hail: No
Warships take bribes: No
No escape pod: No
Not a good samaritan: No
Retreat when shields <25%: Yes
Always attacks: Yes
Never attacks: No
Attacks in non-allied systems: Yes

Location: (Where they are on the map)
Confed space- you'll have to wait for their systems, weapons, etc.
Ships:Luxury Liner (Standard),
Tou can get the ship graphix@ (url="http://"http://www.connect.ab.ca/~bsommerf/ships.html")http://www.connect.a...merf/ships.html(/url)
The Ellipsus Liner is ship #13, The Ellipsus Cruiser is #14

Name:Ellipsus Liner/Ellipsus Cruiser
Turning:2 (or maybe 3)/3(or maybe 4)
Max Guns:2/7
Max Turrets:3/5
Mass:Large/Considerably Large, but not as big
Length:Unsure for either-check graphix
Recharge Rate:165/145
Weapon Space:50/120
Cargo Space:185/60
Availability: Only puchaseable in Ellipsus systems
AI Brave Trader/Warship
Death Delay:115/100
Desc:The Ellipsus passenger line had a problem- It did not have a ship large enough to transport large amounts of passengers from system to system, and having large groups of Luxury Liners was to dangerous and expensive. So Ellipsus approached Atinoda with a unique request-to build the largest passenger vessel ever designed (Excepting the ancient colony ships of bygone days.) Atinoda was more than willing- and the result was the strongest, largest, safest, strongest passenger/cargo vessel in space. As well as transporting passengers safely, the Ellipsus liner also packs a considerably stronger punch than previous passenger ships.

The Ellipsus cruiser was built jointly by Ellipsus and Atinoda engineers to combat piracy of the Ellipsus passenger line. Easily outgunning and outrunning the strongest of pirate ships, the Ellipsus cruiser marks a revolution in capital ship technology. No longer will capital ships be big and bulky- smaller, nimbler warships run circles around them. Ships like the Ellipsus cruiser will someday crush piracy entirely, and one day space will be totally safe once more.
Weapons: 2 laser turrets, 1 Rear swivel laser, 1 missile rack w. 20 missiles/3 Proton turrets, 1 Neutron cannon,3 missile racks w/30 missiles, 1 Rapier Bay w/2 Rapiers (at least until I can get an Ellipsus Fighter....
Thats all- for now.

I made a change to my flagship...it's a pretty cool rebel battleship I found ... at least I hope it's pretty good. 😄

There will NEVER be such a thing as world peace.
Perfection does NOT exist.
.....but you can be happy with your life if you realy LOOK at it.

(This message has been edited by ELPOLLO (edited 12-13-2000).)

Got some cool ellipsus weapons @ (url="http://"http://www.grand-novice.com/EVES-site/mainwindow1.html")http://www.grand-nov...ainwindow1.html(/url)
To get them you have to go to the "Free Stuff page. Their names are the same as the ones listed.
Weapons: Swivel mass Driver: Shield dmg.:10 Armor dmg.:45 Range: about 5 inches (onscreen) Mass: 20 tons Desc.: (None) max.: 1 properties- swivels in a 45 degree arc Note: this item is never, ever purchaseable
Mass Driver: Shield dmg.:10 Armor dmg.:45 Range: about 5 inches Mass: 18 tons
Desc.: The Mass driver is a very primitive and very effective weapon. It shoots Tungsten/Molybdenum slugs at a high speed, puncturing armor. Although this weapon is large and effective mainly against sheilds, it is favored by Ellipsus pilots for making sure an enemy never bothers shipping again.
Max: Takes up 2 gun slots

PS- Does the Ellipsus liner scan picture show is as a warship? if so, use ship #12, not 13


Originally posted by Entropy:
**PS- Does the Ellipsus liner scan picture show is as a warship? if so, use ship #12, not 13


What do you mean?


Hey, Nova, I`m still waiting for that mail...

"God must love crazy people...he created so many of them"

Name: Y.N.A. Tachikawa
Where he can be found: Any Yakuza system
AI: Warship
Aggression: Bully
Coward: 5%
Ship: Yakuza Capital ship
Credits: 100 000 000
Shield Modification: 50
Weapons: 50 torpedoes, six Interceptors, 30 missiles, two flamethrowers

Comm quote: Death to the Confederates and their henchmen!
Hail quote: Troublemakers will be incinerated

Holds Grudge: No
Escape pod: Yes
Show hail quote only once: No
Shows hail quote only when attacking: No

"God must love crazy people...he created so many of them"

(This message has been edited by Rogan (edited 12-14-2000).)


Originally posted by Rogan:
**Comm quote: Tachikawa responding to hail...

No, no, it shows the comm quote when you say "greetings".


Whoops! Fixed now.

"God must love crazy people...he created so many of them"


Originally posted by Nova6:
**What do you mean?


I mean that if you look at the PICT file you'd see if you had it p on your scanner, is it loaded w/ weapons & bays? If so, use the other one.

Here are a couple of ships for Ellipsus. I wanted to name them after Submarines gone missing in the atlantic and mediterrainian since 1944, but thought that was in bad taste. (E.L.S. stands for Ellipsus Lines Ship)
Name: E.L.S. Tigershark, E.L.S. Mako, E.L.S. Barracuda, E.L.S. Pirahna, E.L.S. Thresher
Where they can be found: Any system
AI: Warship
Aggression: Reasonable
Coward: No retreat- ever. (But probably not necessary)
Ship:All Ellipsus cruisers, except the Thresher (A luxury liner)
Credits: All 250000, except thresher (500000)
Shield Modification: All 120% higher, except the thresher, which is 1200% higher
Weapons: All have same weapons+ Neutron Blaster. No Neutron blaster for thresher. How about, say, 4 laser turrets, three hawk bays, 15 hawks, 2 missile racks, 120 missiles?

Comm quote: Greetings from Ellipsus Passenger Lines. ( E.S.L. Thresher- Beware. Beware. Beware.
Hail quote: SN: You must attack? So must I. (E.S.L. Thresher- Death. It comes to all.)

Holds Grudge: Yes
Escape pod: Yes
Show hail quote only once: No
Shows hail quote only when attacking: Yes


Originally posted by Nova6:
**Here's a system list. If you want to make your systems, reply to this list and fill in the blanks:

Entry Message:
Dudes: (1) Prob%: (2) Prob%: (3) Prob%: (4) Prob%:
Average of ships: (1-10)
Interference: (0-50)
Astroids: (0-15)
Location: (Where it is in your space. Example: Location: In the middle of my space)

Planets in this system:

Can land: Yes/No
Commoditys: Yes/No
Outfit: Yes/No
Shipyard: Yes/No
Station: Yes/No
Uninhabited: Yes/No
Bar: Yes/No
Bar Desc:

Tech level: (1-12)
Special Tech: (Example: Special Tech: (1)300 (2)500 (3)700 )
Defense Dude:

Defense Count: (Dont fill this in)
Waves: Yes/No
Ships per wave: (1-15)
Total ships: (1-1000)

Food Price: None/low/med/high
Ind Price: None/low/med/high
Med Price: None/low/med/high
Metel Price: None/low/med/high
Equip Price: None/low/med/high
Luxury Price: None/low/med/high

Planet Graphic: Earth/mud/ice/rock/island/weird-Red-Blue-Green (Example: Planet Graphic: weird-Blue-

Cool: (You don't have to fill this in)

Planet Desc:


What happened? It didn't post my system! It posted the template! :mad:
I'll post another one... (sigh)

Here's a system for the Ellipsus. The station's like a big airport in space, isn't it?

Entry Message: You are in Ellipsus Lines space. Deactivate weapons or face prosecution.
Dudes: (1) Ellipsus Liners(E. Liners+ Lux. Liners Prob%:50 (2)Ellipsus Cruisers Prob%:20 (3) Confed Beefy Merchants Prob%:25 (4) Pirates Prob%:5
Average of ships: 6
Interference: 10
Asteroids: 3
Location: To the bottom-middle-left in my space

Planets in this system: Sepha III (Can't land), Ellipsus Station

All Data fr. Ellipsus Station
Can land: Yes
Commodities: Yes
Outfit: Yes
Shipyard: Yes
Station: Yes
Uninhabited: No
Bar: No
Bar Desc: This bar is packed with Ellipsus passengers, waiting for their liners' boarding calls. The crew of the liners, of course, have their own private clubs comfortably far away from the passenger node of the station.

Tech level: 5
Special Tech: 875(Ellipsus Tech- for Liners, Cruisers, Fighters(when I find some) and Mass drivers), 300, 500
Defense Dude:Ellipsus Cruisers

Defense Count: (Dont fill this in)
Waves: No
Ships per wave: No waves
Total ships: 45

Food Price: high
Ind Price: none
Med Price: med
Metel Price: high
Equip Price: high
Luxury Price: high

Planet Graphic: Weird-Blue
Station Graphic: Same as that station in the Vega system, the modular one.

Station Desc: Ellipsus station was built as a resupplying/refueling station for Ellipsus liners on their long, looping voyages, but expanded as the company grew and now has large hangers in which Ellipsus ships are built and many nodes for passengers, crewmembers, and suppliers. During the 9-hour wait while the liners' food, accessory, and fuel supplies are restocked, passengers are free to wander around in the passenger nodes, which are filled with numerous entertainment centers, restaurants, and bric-a-brac shops.

Hmm... El Pollo Diablo? "The devil chicken?"


Originally posted by Entropy:
Hmm... El Pollo Diablo? "The devil chicken?"

LOL! 😄

PS, Nova, I recieved the mail. The ships look good 🙂

I`m a bomb technician. If you see me running...try to keep up.