EV Webboard Governments

I am working on a new plug-in called EV Webboard Governments. In this plug-in there will be a number of governments, all of which YOU design! Thats right! In this plug-in the governments are designed by YOU! You can make three ships for your government but they can't hve new graphics unless you made them yourself then you can e-mail them to me. Reply to the following template and fill in the blankes:

Government: (Don't fill this in)


Crime Tolerance:
Smug Penelty:
Disable Pen.:
Board Pen.:
Kill Pen.:
Shoot Pen.:
Forget: (You don't have to fill this in if you don't want to)

Target name:
Com dialog Name:

Xenophobic: Yes/No
Big bribes: Yes/No
Freighters take bribes: Yes/No
Planets take bribes: Yes/No
Plunders Ships: Yes/No
Start disabled: Yes/No
Can't hail: Yes/No
Warships take bribes: Yes/No
No escape pod: Yes/No
Not a good samaritan: Yes/No
Retreat when shields <25%: Yes/No
Always attacks: Yes/No
Never attacks: Yes/No
Attacks in non-allied systems: Yes/No

*Location: (Where they are on the map)


Max Guns: (Limit:10)
Max Turrets: (Limit:10)
Recharge Rate: (Fighter=65-100 Warship=100-200)
Weapon Space:
Cargo Space:
Availability: (3-12)
AI (Wimpy Trader, Brave Trader, ect.):
Death Delay: (Fighter=25-75 Warship=100-200)


Looks: (No new PICTs unless you have some)

If you want to make 3 ships, copy the ship list above and paste it on your post three times.

I will tell you when I have reached the limit.

You can also make one or two new weapons but no new PICTs, unless you have them already.But please try not to make new weapons, I hate making weapons.

*Don't make your government in a already made system.

**PLEASE, don't make the speed 400 and the turning 2, they just don't go together. Also, if your making a carrier or dreadnought don't make it to fast.

***Only four weapons.

NOTE: You can't make "Totally Invincable Ships with Super Weapons and Super Recharge".



(This message has been edited by Nova6 (edited 12-21-2000).)

Here's mine:

Name:Chronos Station
Enemy:Pirates and Aliens
Ally:Whatever allies Levo has (other indies and merchants)
Crime Tolerance:Low
Smug Penelty:24
Disable Pen.:24
Board Pen.:24
Kill Pen.:24
Shoot Pen.:24

Xenophobic: Wha????
Big bribes: Yes
Freighters take bribes: Yes
Planets take bribes: Yes
Plunders Ships: Yes
Start disabled: No
Can't hail: No
Warships take bribes: No
No escape pod: No
Not a good samaritan: ???
Retreat when shields <25%: No
Always attacks: No
Never attacks: No
Attacks in non-allied systems: Yes

No new ships, station orbits Levo, Has tech level 5 and sells everything, defense fleet and Militia consists of Corvettes, Kestrels, Rapiers and Clippers. I don't need any new systems or ships and my station will be independant. I know it isn't a new gov but it's what i would like. It sells all commodities low and sells ships low too.

Visit my site (url="http://"http://www.angelfire.com/indie/thecatacomb/index.html")http://www.angelfire...comb/index.html(/url)
If a tree falls in a forest,and no ones around to hear it, does it make a sound?


Originally posted by The Catacomb:
**Here's mine:

Name:Chronos Station
Enemy:Pirates and Aliens
Ally:Whatever allies Levo has (other indies and merchants)
Crime Tolerance:Low
Smug Penelty:24
Disable Pen.:24
Board Pen.:24
Kill Pen.:24
Shoot Pen.:24

Xenophobic: Wha????
Big bribes: Yes
Freighters take bribes: Yes
Planets take bribes: Yes
Plunders Ships: Yes
Start disabled: No
Can't hail: No
Warships take bribes: No
No escape pod: No
Not a good samaritan: ???
Retreat when shields <25%: No
Always attacks: No
Never attacks: No
Attacks in non-allied systems: Yes

No new ships, station orbits Levo, Has tech level 5 and sells everything, defense fleet and Militia consists of Corvettes, Kestrels, Rapiers and Clippers. I don't need any new systems or ships and my station will be independant. I know it isn't a new gov but it's what i would like. It sells all commodities low and sells ships low too.


If it's not a new government then I can't change the existing government. Sorry.


And here`s mine:

Name: Yakuza

Enemy: Confederation
Ally: None: neutral
Crime Tolerance: Low
Smug Penelty: 10
Disable Pen.: 10
Board Pen.: 15
Kill Pen.: 25
Shoot Pen.: 5

Target name: Yakuza
Com dialog Name: Yakuza

Xenophobic: No
Big bribes: No
Freighters take bribes: Yes
Planets take bribes: Yes
Plunders Ships: Yes
Start disabled: No
Can't hail: No
Warships take bribes: No
No escape pod: Yes
Not a good samaritan: No
Retreat when shields <25%: Yes
Always attacks: No
Never attacks: No
Attacks in non-allied systems: Yes

*Location: Funabashi-Suni system


Name: Yakuza interceptor/Yakuza Raptor/Yakuza capital ship
Fuel: 4/6/10
**Speed: 350/300/180
Accel: Fast/semi-fast/somewhat slow
Turning: 5/4/3
Shield: 15/150/670
Armor: 0/50/200
Max Guns: 3/5/7
Max Turrets: 0/2/8
Length: A little larger than shuttlecraft/Corvette size/Confed.Cruiser size
Crew: 2/250/1250
Recharge Rate: 65/100/290
Weapon Space: 20/100/300
Cargo Space: 5/50/200
Availability: 5/5/5
AI: Warship/warship/warship
Death Delay: 25/50/130
Disabled at 10% armor: Yes
Jumps: Fast/fast/slow
Price: 30 000/2.5m./10m.
Desc: The standard Yakuza fighter. Manufactured by Yakuza only, this fighter is hard to find. It is a good fighter but nothing else./The Raptor is Yakuzas defense ship. It is tougher than a corvette and has better weapons and cargo space./The capital ship is the Yakuza killing machine. With its compliment of six interceptors, it is quite deadly.

Weapons: Interceptor bay: Mass: 50 tons. Max fighters: 6.
Flamethrower: Shield dmg.:20 Armor dmg.:50 Range: Short Mass: 8 tons
Max: Takes up one gun slot

Ship standard weapons:
Interceptor: Two proton bolt cannons, one missile rack+10 missiles, one flamethrower.
Raptor: Four laser cannons, one proton bolt cannon, rocket launcher+5 heavy rockets, two proton turrets, one flamethrower.
Capital ship: An interceptor bay+6 interceptors, five proton turrets, two torpedo launchers+30 torpedoes.

"Hello how are you today Im just fine I see you are a little boy I have a little boy myself his name is Matthew I also have a cat his name is Furby he jumps up on my feet when I sit down and watch TV and i clap him on the back I like pizza and tacos and I also like coke and watching TV nice to meet you we have to do this again sometime" \--Mime whos had enough

(This message has been edited by Rogan (edited 12-07-2000).)

(This message has been edited by Rogan (edited 12-08-2000).)


Originally posted by Rogan:
**And here`s mine:

Name: Yakuza

Enemy: Confederation
Ally: None: neutral
Crime Tolerance: Low
Smug Penelty: 10
Disable Pen.: 10
Board Pen.: 15
Kill Pen.: 25
Shoot Pen.: 5

Target name: Yakuza
Com dialog Name: Yakuza

Xenophobic: No
Big bribes: No
Freighters take bribes: Yes
Planets take bribes: Yes
Plunders Ships: Yes
Start disabled: No
Can't hail: No
Warships take bribes: No
No escape pod: Yes
Not a good samaritan: No
Retreat when shields <25%: Yes
Always attacks: No
Never attacks: No
Attacks in non-allied systems: Yes

*Location: Funabashi-Suni system


Name: Yakuza interceptor/Yakuza Raptor/Yakuza capital ship
Fuel: 4/6/10
**Speed: 350/300/180
Accel: Fast/semi-fast/somewhat slow
Turning: 5/4/3
Shield: 15/150/670
Armor: 0/50/200
Max Guns: 3/5/7
Max Turrets: 0/2/8
Length: A little larger than shuttlecraft/Corvette size/Confed.Cruiser size
Crew: 2/250/1250
Recharge Rate: 65/100/290
Weapon Space: 20/100/300
Cargo Space: 5/50/200
Availability: 5/5/5
AI: Warship/warship/warship
Death Delay: 25/50/130
Disabled at 10% armor: Yes
Jumps: Fast/fast/slow
Price: 30 000/2.5m./10m.
Desc: The standard Yakuza fighter. Manufactured by Yakuza only, this fighter is hard to find. It is a good fighter but nothing else./The Raptor is Yakuzas defense ship. It is tougher than a corvette and has better weapons and cargo space./The carrier is the Yakuza killing machine. With its compliment of six interceptors, it is quite deadly.

Weapons: Interceptor bay: Mass: 50 tons. Max fighters: 6.


What weapons do the ships have?



Government Name: Rizgari Empire

Xenophobic: Yes
Can't Hail: Yes
Not a Good Samaratin: Yes
Plunders Ships: Yes
Attacks in Non-Allied Systems: Yes
Warships take Bribes: No
Big Bribes: Yes
Frieghters take bribes: No
Planets take Bribes: Yes
Ally: None so far
Enemy: Confederation
Crime Tolerance: 100
Smug Penelty: 5
Disable Pen.: 10
Board Pen.: 15
Kill Pen.: 30
Shoot Pen.: 20

Everything else I left out just put "No" down.

Where: Below Sirgil, around a bunch of uninhabited planets. The Rizgari's goal is the conquering of the universe, and so they send fleets into both Rebel and confed territory. They are technilogically advanced, so that's why their ships are so good. I'll send you all their PICTs. Their homeworld system name is Thasero, but their homeworld planet name is Rizgari. Make a few fleets that roam the galaxy, no specific systems. When I send you my PICTs, I'll tell you a bit more about them.

System Names: Thasero (homeworld), Xenok, Myrmidion, Luyten, Lalande, Mekong, and Javaka. Their space is surrounded by a few uninhabited planets also.

Planet Names (with systems they are in): Rizgari-Thasero, Xenok Prime-Xenok, Myrmidion-Myrmidion, Luyten 5, Lalande X, Mekong Ra and Mekong Rehk-Mekong, Javaka Prime and Javaka II-Javaka.


1. Anti-Matter Beam
Shield Damage: 10
Armor Damage: 12
Color: Magenta
Impact: -5 (like a tractor beam)

2. Rizgari Fighter Bay
Similar To Alien Fighter Bay

3. Anti-Matter Wave
Shield Damage: 100
Armor Damage: 200
Speed: Heavy Rocket
Count: Twice as much as Heavy Rocket
Impact: 2/3 of Heavy Rocket

4. Repulsor Pulse
Shield Damage: 20
Armor Damage: 40
Impact: 400
Speed: More than Heavy Rocket


1. Rizgari Cruiser
Shields: 600
Armor: 300
Weapons: Anti-Matter Wave, Rizgari Fighter Bay, Anti-Matter Beam, Repulsor Pulse
Shield Recharge: 180
Max Guns: 12
Max Turrets: 8
Jumps: 10
Cargo: 120 tons
Weapons/Outfit Space: 280 tons
Mass: 2400 tons
Length: 1300 meters
Crew: 3000
Speed: Rebel Cruiser
Acceleration: Rebel Cruiser
Turning: 3

Rizgari Fighter
Shield: 40
Armor: 20
Weapons: Anti-Matter Beam, Repulsor Pulse
Shield Recharge: 32
Max Guns: 6
Max Turrets: 1
Jumps: 6
Cargo: 20 tons
Weapons/Outfit Space: 25 tons
Mass: 64 tons
Length: 95 meters
Crew: 1
Speed: More than Manta
Acceleration: Much more than Manta
Turning: 7

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the EV Chronicles.

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 12-07-2000).)

Here's a system Teplate. If you want to make your systems, reply to this list and fill in the blanks:

Entry Message:
Dudes: 1: <Dude name> % Chance: <The chances (In %) of that dude poping up in that system<, 2: % Chance: , 3. % Chance: , 4. % Chance: .
Average of ships: (1-10)
Interference: (0-50)
Astroids: (0-15)
Location: (Where it is in your space. Example: Location: In the middle of my space)

Planets in this system:

Can land: Yes/No
Commoditys: Yes/No
Outfit: Yes/No
Shipyard: Yes/No
Station: Yes/No (If it is a station or planet)
Uninhabited: Yes/No
Bar: Yes/No
Bar Desc:

Tech level: (1-12)
Special Tech: (Example: Special Tech: (1)300 (2)500 (3)700 )
Defense Dude:

Defense Count: (Dont fill this in)
Waves: Yes/No
Ships per wave: (1-15)
Total ships: (1-1000)

Food Price: None/low/med/high
Ind Price: None/low/med/high
Med Price: None/low/med/high
Metel Price: None/low/med/high
Equip Price: None/low/med/high
Luxury Price: None/low/med/high

Planet Graphic: Earth/mud/ice/rock/island/weird-Red-Blue-Green (Example: Planet Graphic: weird-Blue-

Cool: (You don't have to fill this in if you don't know what it is, I don't)

Planet Desc: (Or station Desc)


(This message has been edited by Nova6 (edited 12-31-2000).)

Heh! Coolness, I'll make one. 😉

Would it be possible for you to give people's govs 2 or 3 new fleet resources if we provide you with the specs?



Originally posted by UE Crusader:
**Would it be possible for you to give people's govs 2 or 3 new fleet resources if we provide you with the specs?

Yes, I could do that.




Originally posted by UE Crusader:
**Heh! Coolness, I'll make one.;)

Make a plug-in or a government?



Name: Suni (system name)
Entry Message: Message buoy: Entering Yakuza space...behave
Dudes: (1) Prob%: 25 (2) Prob%: 30(3) Prob%: 10(4) Prob%: 35
Average of ships: 7
Interference: 0
Astroids: 3
Location: Southwest in my space

Planets in this system: Funabashi

Can land: Yes
Commoditys: Yes
Outfit: Yes
Shipyard: Yes
Station: No
Uninhabited: No
Bar: Yes
Bar Desc: The Yakuzas in this bar are all having their weapons lying on the table, if Confed marines should enter.
Tech level: 10
Special Tech: ?
Defense Dude: Yakuza Raptors

Defense Count: (Dont fill this in)
Waves: Yes
Ships per wave: 10
Total ships: 50

Food Price: med
Ind Price: low
Med Price: high
Metal Price: None
Equip Price: high
Luxury Price: low

Planet Graphic: Dark blue

Cool: (You don't have to fill this in)

Planet Desc: Funabashi is the Yakuza hedquarters. With an atmosphere that is very similar to Earth, Funabashi is full of tall buildings housing Yakuza gang members and their henchmen. Planet defense systems are always on the look for Confederation invaders.

Name: Shiroto
Entry Message: Message buoy: You are in Yakuza space...legal actions forbidden
Dudes: (1) Prob%:30 (2) Prob%:40 (3) Prob%:25 (4) Prob%:30,09654189 😉
Average of ships: 4
Interference: 0
Astroids: 0
Location: Northeast in my space

Planets in this system: Shiroto

Can land: Yes
Commoditys: Yes
Outfit: Yes
Shipyard: Yes
Station: No
Uninhabited: No
Bar: Yes
Bar Desc: One of Shiroto`s many bars. The Yakuzas all give you suspicious looks as you enter.

Tech level: 11
Special Tech:?
Defense Dude:
Yakuza Raptors and Interceptors mix
Defense Count: (Dont fill this in) I won`t...
Waves: Yes
Ships per wave: 15
Total ships: 60

Food Price: low
Ind Price: med
Med Price: high
Metel Price: low
Equip Price: None
Luxury Price: None
Special commodity: Urudium (bought at Ukita, sold here)

Planet Graphic: weird-Green

Cool: (You don't have to fill this in)

Planet Desc: Shiroto is Yakuzas third planet. The merchants here buy urudium, which is extracted at Ukitas mines. Yakuza guards are everywhere, keeping civilians and confeds from seeing the illegal business.

Name: Ukita
Entry Message: Yakuza control: Scanning for Confed relations...
Dudes: (1) Prob%: 20 (2) Prob%: 20(3) Prob%: 35(4) Prob%: 40
Average of ships: 6
Interference: 0
Astroids: 7
Location: In the middle of my space
Planets in this system: Ukita

Can land: Yes
Commoditys: Yes
Outfit: Yes
Shipyard: Yes
Station: No
Uninhabited: No
Bar: Yes
Bar Desc: You are being scanned by a small but mean-looking Japanese man before you are allowed to enter the sushi bar

Tech level: 7
Special Tech: ?
Defense Dude: Interceptors and Raptors mixed together
Defense Count: (Dont fill this in)
Waves: Yes
Ships per wave: 5
Total ships: 45

Food Price: None
Ind Price: low
Med Price: None
Metal Price: high
Equip Price: med
Luxury Price: high
Special commodity: Urudium

Planet Graphic: Green

Cool: (You don't have to fill this in)

Planet Desc: Ukita is Yakuza`s second planet. The mines here extract urudium from the mountains and they have been good at concealing this from the Confederation.

Name: NGC-0050
Entry Message: Yakuza space-prepare for cargo scan...
Dudes: (1) Prob%:25 (2) Prob%:50 (3) Prob%:10 (4) Prob%:35
Average of ships: 5
Interference: 3
Astroids: 10
Location: Northwest in my space

Planets in this system: Yakuza station, P-9862
(P-9862 is uninhabited and you cannot land on it. Yakuza station orbits this planet)

Can land: Yes
Commoditys: No
Outfit: Yes
Shipyard: Yes
Station: Yes
Uninhabited: No
Bar: Yes
Bar Desc: Yakuza station`s mess hall #23

Tech level: 9
Special Tech: ?
Defense Dude: Yakuza Raptors

Defense Count: (Dont fill this in)
Waves: Yes
Ships per wave: 15
Total ships: 60

Planet Graphic: Stardock Alpha (Sol system) graphic

Cool: (You don't have to fill this in)

Planet Desc: Yakuza station serves as a listening post as well as a ship outfit and refuelling station.

Looks like Gore is vanishing into the bush

(This message has been edited by Rogan (edited 12-08-2000).)


Originally posted by Rogan:
**I edited in ship weapons and a new weapon now...

Name: Suni (system name)
Entry Message: Message buoy: Entering Yakuza space...behave
Dudes: (1) Prob%: 25 (2) Prob%: 30(3) Prob%: 10(4) Prob%: 35
Average of ships: 7
Interference: 0
Astroids: 3
Location: Southwest in my space

Planets in this system: Funabashi

Can land: Yes
Commoditys: Yes
Outfit: Yes
Shipyard: Yes
Station: No
Uninhabited: No
Bar: Yes
Bar Desc: The Yakuzas in this bar are all having their weapons lying on the table, if Confed marines should enter.
Tech level: 10
Special Tech: ?
Defense Dude: Yakuza Raptors

Defense Count: (Dont fill this in)
Waves: Yes
Ships per wave: 10
Total ships: 50

Food Price: med
Ind Price: low
Med Price: high
Metal Price: None
Equip Price: high
Luxury Price: low

Planet Graphic: Dark blue

Cool: (You don't have to fill this in)

Planet Desc: Funabashi is the Yakuza hedquarters. With an atmosphere that is very similar to Earth, Funabashi is full of tall buildings housing Yakuza gang members and their henchmen. Planet defense systems are always on the look for Confederation invaders.


Where is your space?

P.S. Are you just going to have one system?



(deleted. the system in this post is in another post now)

(This message has been edited by Rogan (edited 12-08-2000).)

My space...say...in the northeast corner of space (with some uninhabited and pirate planets behind).

"Hello how are you today Im just fine I see you are a little boy I have a little boy myself his name is Matthew I also have a cat his name is Furby he jumps up on my feet when I sit down and watch TV and i clap him on the back I like pizza and tacos and I also like coke and watching TV nice to meet you we have to do this again sometime" \--Mime whos had enough

I`ll post more systems later...now I need to think.

"Hello how are you today Im just fine I see you are a little boy I have a little boy myself his name is Matthew I also have a cat his name is Furby he jumps up on my feet when I sit down and watch TV and i clap him on the back I like pizza and tacos and I also like coke and watching TV nice to meet you we have to do this again sometime" \--Mime whos had enough

Rogan, post your remaining systems on one post.




Make a plug-in or a government?

A Gov.



Originally posted by UE Crusader:
**A Gov.



same thing as my post on the EVO board, please. (Same graphics too)

(url="http://"http://www.bigfurrydeal.com") bigfurrydeal! (/url)

Just for all of everyone's information, Xenophobic means Evil and not a good samaritan means they wont help eachother out in battle with the enemy.
