Attention Fellow Confederates!

Confed to rebel is
like god to devel!
God can kill the devil with a blink of a eye.
But the confeds show no mercy(unless you give em a little cash ;))!

Jack Sullivan Cole
Email: (url="http://"")



(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 07-26-2000).)

This stuff about the confederation and the Rebellion is funny!!

Ever been in an RPG? I been in lots (damn things collapes or get boring)

Anyways, in most I am the Conferation Leader, and normally I over power the Rebelion in 2 swift attacks. You see, it isn't power that is everything, it is cenralization and tactics in space that get you to the top. The rebels are to strong out and would lose big battles. I know cause I was the leader of the Rebellion for a while, and it is hard defending all that space. Were as the Confederation is able to localize their fleet in Sol, and be able to move the fleet to all its territory easily.

P.S. I am looking for an RPG, perferably with people I know (Capt. Culliflower etc. Not Nash please, he is a real powerhungry...)

Been a LONGGGGGGGG time since I was here last. For those that were here when the old message board was here. I went by the name of Capt. Splender

In the RPG's, I go by Admiral Viper (or President Viper), and Mobius.

E-mail is:

reminds me, mabey I should check the confederation Email, hehehe, I think it is, or mabey

Anyways, hope to meet others that remember me. But there are alot of new names I don't reconize.

Uhhhhhhhhh, what is an "RPG". Never heard it before.


the confederation sucks

the missles destroys the ship in seconds
:p:P:P:P 😄 😄 😄 😄

I think the Aliens will kill both the confeds and the Rebels.No wait, I know.

And RPG is a 'Role Playing Game'

And yes, I agree the aliens would wipe out the confederation and the rebellioin. Don't now how they lost hehehe.

Those who stand, will always fall.

Hey all you Confed fans,

want to crush the Rebellion for real? Want the Confederation to become the supreme force in the universe?

May I suggest you check out the Crusaders uEV-RPG. We are going to restart in just a couple days, with plenty of reformed rules and new features. This means that there has never been a better time to sign up and start playing!

The RPG is realistic to EV, but has even more cool features added. Among other things we are starting up an all-new Merchant Guild, which nearly anyone (including Feds) can be a part of. There's even a Fed merchant company you can work for, Astex.

And of course, when you get powerful, you can attack the Rebellion. 🙂

Rebel fans this goes for you too, uEV is a great game to play.

Don't just talk about crushing the opposition....make it a reality!

You can check out the game at this URL: (url="http://"")

Hope I see some of you guys there.

UE Crusader (Admin of uEV)


By the way the game has existed for well over a year, and it still runs strong. Unlike some other RPG's which go down in flames, in uEV everything works and you will never have to worry about it falling apart right in the middle of the game. Trust me, I've been there since last year. 🙂


I just got back there from reading the docs or whatever on the RPG.

!!!! :eek:!!!! It went way over my head! I'll stick with the webboards.


Originally posted by UE Crusader:
**Hey all you Confed fans,

want to crush the Rebellion for real? Want the Confederation to become the supreme force in the universe?

May I suggest you check out the Crusaders uEV-RPG. We are going to restart in just a couple days, with plenty of reformed rules and new features. This means that there has never been a better time to sign up and start playing!

The RPG is realistic to EV, but has even more cool features added. Among other things we are starting up an all-new Merchant Guild, which nearly anyone (including Feds) can be a part of. There's even a Fed merchant company you can work for, Astex.

And of course, when you get powerful, you can attack the Rebellion. 🙂

Rebel fans this goes for you too, uEV is a great game to play.

Don't just talk about crushing the opposition....make it a reality!

You can check out the game at this URL:

Hope I see some of you guys there.

UE Crusader (Admin of uEV)

LOL, that is the same one I was in about 4 months (or was it 5). I quit cause of other more important things. May I also suggest that no RPG has ever lasted. They always fall, like uEVRPG. I was one of the people who tried to restart. Frankly, alot of people got power hungry and took full control.

P.S. I will drop by, but if you have seen one, you seen em all.

Those who stand, will always fall.

The confederation are ****, the Rebellion is on the top...
Go the rebellion... They pay better for the missions done..

"Terrorists are here to terrorise"!
-Quote from Vladmimir Ilich Ulianov alias Lenin-

All this is like what would happen if Mikaen Saratoga and Kedas Metain were locked in a tiny little room together and (inevitably) got into a fight.


Therefore the Rebellion will triumph in its quest to save mankind!

"The bigger they come the harder they fall"
(Unless they fall on YOU!)


I will destroy you all with my mighty Rebel Destroyer. Ahahahahaha A-hahahaha, you must all cbow down before me, you confederate scums


My destroyer can take down multiple Confed. Cruisers at a time. You will pay for your overconfidence, sonny.


1234 We do not want Confederates 5678 Go away shut the gate. Down with the Confeds. Anybody with me. Rebels rule!!!

The Confederation will win over all!!
The confederation is just toying with the rebellion. The Confederation could NUKE and nuetron bomb Palshif any time they want!!!

Long live the Confederation.


Rebels rule plain a simple! The Confeds are just a bunch of idiots who want to enslave people!


If any of the rebel fans have noticed, to tell you the truth, the rebel planets are way to easy to take over because REBELS BLOW. Take a look at Ruby and Earth. HELL even the PIRATES have less and better defended Planets than the rebels. I have 1 Confederate planet taken over about 10 rebel planets taken over, and 18 independent, no pirates. Also take note that I have a Kestral, 6 escorts, and fully equipped 3 lightnings (i got the extra one from a ketral derelic and took it)
I dont care if you dont beleive me! because ill even send you my game if you want to check it out!
Long live Confederates and the FANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Rebels Rule! All Confeds know it, they just won't make themselves accept that the end is near!

This is one reason: The Rebel Destroyer

It beats that stupid taped together Confed frigate 98 out of 100 times!. The Confed Frigate has pathetic weapons, and the only way it has a chance is if there is a patrol ship, confed cruiser, or gunboat around.

Face it!

Rebels Rule!

P.S. Go Rebel Master!


(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 08-27-2000).)