heres a good questian :) All read:)

how did u find out about ev and how bad did u suck on ur first day? In 1996 I bought a disc at computercity that had lots of games. They all were gay but in big letters it said Escape Velocity! I clicked it to try it. Back then I was 9 years old so I was a dumbass. When I started playing it I was like "this is so cool!" I was flying around in my shuttle craft following all the little puny defenders. I thought they were so cool when I saw them kill the occasional pirate that came in. I enjoyed flying around levo. I kept flying til I hit the invisible wall. I got so pissed. I didnt even know there were other systems besides levo so I said "this game sux!" I never played it again for 6 months.... Then I came across it again! I had learned to jump to different systems and stuff. So then on I became a obsessed EV player 🙂 Those defenders arnt so cool ne more 🙂

(This message has been edited by Electricdeath (edited 12-27-2000).)

I remember I got a Spanish mac magazine in 1995-6, which has a game named 'escape_velocity_1_0_1' in the CD, I installed it out of curiosity, played it for 4 months, then paid for it.

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
Old Time is still a-flying;
And this same flower that smiles today,
Tomorrow will be dying.

Found it on a monthly software CD in June of 1996. Found the web board a couple months later (didn't go by forge then, the conversation that brought about the name hadn't happened yet). Dropped out of sight due to some personal problems in October of 1996 and then popped back up on the EVO board in early September 1998. Was on those boards (mostly EVO) until January of 2000 when the whole EV/O site was absorbed into ASW and turned into this. Been puttering around off and on since then.

As for how I did...

I like to think I did fairly well when I started playing since I'd already been playing similar trading games with minimal combat required, this was just another step forward.

The never duplicated
Never capitalized
And always puce:

I found it a during this summer and immediatly registered it. I aactually think I was good at first, because I beat it in a week.

Visit my EV site (url="http://"")The Catacomb(/url)
My (url="http://"")Unnoficial EV boards.(/url)
If a tree falls in a forest,and no ones around to hear it, does it make a sound?
"Winning isn't everything, but wanting to win is."

It was the fall of '97. I was on AOL,(uggg), looking through their Mac Shareware archives. Already being a fan of Ambrosia (Malestrom, etc.) I saw Escape Velocity. I had seen it before, but never bothered to look at it. I fell in love with the game before I even downloaded it, just by reading the description. So original, I thought! (most other shareware games on AOL's Mac Archices were lame Space Invader clones).

It took me 3 DAYS to figure out how to land. After that, it was smooth sailing, or flying, or whatever.

I discovered EVO one year later, in much the same way.

Jump to late 1999. Winter Vacation from school, BORED I am. I go to (sniff, I miss that site) to look for a plugin. I find no new plug-ins. I click on the Comm button. Prehaps I shall try the webboards, I said to myself. I had glanced at them years before, but I was scared of them. I looked at them for about an hour, then my family went on Vacation.

I came back to the Comm site on January 11, 2000. The first day of UBB. I go back to the webboards. I saw the format had changed and is now easier to read. I registered, posted, and we all know what happened after that....

Check out the EV:Nova Planetarion Alliance! #ev3 on **
(url="http://"")#EV3 QUOTE ARCHIVE (/url)**

Found it on this free CD i got whith this Joystick i got for Cristmas to play Tie Figter (that game rocked!!). installed it started it and flew around for like 30 minutes trying to land on Levo played for 30 days registered and beat it after about 2 months. i like to think i did pretty good that first day seeing as how i managed to survive being attacked by a pirate corvette in a shuttle.

"Learn about art captian,
when you understand a
species' art you
understand that species"

When my mom got her Performa 6400 (which just died about 2 weeks ago) 4 years ago (I think),
there was a CD with a bunch of game demos on it, I of course had to try all the cool
games on it. One of those games was EV, I figured out how to land but not jump.
After about 5 minutes, I thought "I'm never going to play this game again"
About a week later I tried it again though, this time reading the instructions that pop
up on the bottom of the screen. I had just finnished the first mission for the people
on turin, when I got killed by a pirate, I was immediately hooked on the game and have been
playing it ever since, though I've done more graphic making than playing lately.

My (url="http://"")website(/url)
(url="http://"")Gathering Of Ship Developers Web Board(/url)
"Last night as I lay in bed looking at the stars I thought, where the hell is the ceiling?"

I used to have a 6100 but then just recently I got a G4 and 2 IMACS.


I started playing at the end of 1996 when my dad got his first mac, along with a subscription to MacWorld. I have been playing it ever since.

Long Live Apple! Long Live the Mac!

I got EV on a MacAddict disc and we played it on a trustworthy Performa 5200. Memorized the controls instantly and played it straight till I finished the Confederation scenario and tried to get my brothers to play this great game. They were reluctant so I started making Star Trek ships and putting them in since they were big trekkies at the time. That's how STEV started. I was 13 when I started STEV. It's a lot to ask for a TC out of a 13 year old. Here I am 4 years later, and still working on STEV.

The best part I remember of EV? Finding a cheat plugin and than purchasing the alien cruiser. Who should show up in the system but a Matt Burch. The battle was long and hard. In the end only one stood... And it wasn't me :redface:

That and using EV as a benchmark between the 5200 and a 120mhz 604 8500. Much smoother on the 8500 obviously, that and we played EV on a 26" TV...

Ahhhh, those were the days...

"The difference between a boss and a leader: a boss says, 'Go!' - a leader says, 'Let's go!'"
-E. M. Kelly
Star Trek Escape Velocity

Same exact thing happened to me, I got it from a mac magazeen, played it for a few minutes, got bored. Then I came back to it after a few years, learned a little about it and then I became obsessed. When any of my friends came over I'd hook them and now I have about 20 other kids hooked.

Lies are loke chocolate, they can cover up anything.

I found EV about a year ago, at first I thought that it was stupid. Since all I could figure out what to do was move forward and turn, I threw it away. Then, a few monthes later I decided to try it again to see if it was any better than the last time that I had tried it and decided that it is the best game ever created.

The protector of freinds, the one who gets the job done.


Originally posted by Electricdeath:
**I used to have a 6100 but then just recently I got a G4 and 2 IMACS.


A G4 and 2 iMacs? Are they all yours? I used to have a Performa 6300.

Why waste time learning when ignorance is instantaneous? -Hobbes

G4 is family comp, I have 1 imac and my bro has the other. Also The CD i got EV in was a mac addict CD also I think.

Yes.I know the feeling, i was 8 or so, my sister having her on aol account on aol found the game and downloaded it so i being very nosey and curious watched her play and got ver interested and she would let me play now and then and whenever i could play i was going crazy.I would even wake up early in the morning and use the computer secretly because she always woke up after me.For she never wanted me to play it without her permission and she would not always grant it.Then the next time im permitted to play legally she wonders about my progress and amount of money i already get so i ususally lie and say i gambled although gambling brings in no cash.EV is great in the hands of youngsters and as we grow older we become masters!


I found a free games CD-ROM in a computer magazine.
I tried to play EV on the first day- but couldn't figure out how to steer (stupid me.) I ignored the game for a month and then tried it again. I loved it! Incidentally, I didn't figure out how to target ships for another month. Now I've had it for four years and love it more than any other game.

I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.

(This message has been edited by Entropy (edited 01-01-2001).)

I registered Cythera a year ago, and Ambrosia sent me a CD with lots of games (Ares, EV, EVO). I completly sucked the first hour, but when I got a Corvette...been playing EV ever since.

I`m a bomb technician. If you see me running...try to keep up.

i couldn't use secondary weapons for the longest time cuz being the guy that i am i didn't want to use readme or documents, but i did pretty well in a kestrel without missles or torps

Whoa, there's no such
thing as a 7 stringed

I actually had played EVo for some time before I played EV, so I was actually pretty good when I started 🙂

But when I started playing EVO, I couldn't figure our how to land, so I would fly around tring to land, but eventuallt I'd just get bored and attack a UE Fighter, which would then kick the crap out of my tiny shuttle

Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
Wait a second...