2 new plugs

I have recently submitted two new plugs that I designed for my brother's and my own use. Luxury Shuttle, and Mega map.
Mega Map changes the regional map so it can reveal the whole universe! It also enables you to buy a Terlaan Ramscoop which I tend to call the "Super Scoop" because it converts things into fuel over 2 times faster! This plug-in was designed for those who have played the game before and find re-exploring the galaxy an annoying task. The extra ramscoop was just for fun.
Luxury Shuttle is designed for those who are too anxious, hasty, whatever you wanna call it, so they can skip the annoying time of being weak and frail as a shuttle.
Luxury Shuttle simply changes the price of the Shuttlecraft so that it is worth 15million in trade in price. This allows you to buy generally any buyable ship in the game, and outfit it as well.
From what I know right now, luxury shuttle has been uploaded and placed for download and Mega map is still being placed at this moment.

MY PASS WORKS AGAIN. I just had to try every single email address I ever had until one registered through ambrosia.

AOL/IM: IonStorm332
Gameranger: Ion Storm

Cheater plugs are not something to be proud of.

Make something useful, there are already enough cheaters out there...

Check out the EV:Nova Planetarion Alliance! #ev3 on irc.planetarion.com **
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I wasn't bragging, I was merely informing people because I know that there are cheaters out there. And besides you can't really call Mega Map a cheat plug-in it replaces the regional map and adds a new outfit. I made that one for myself. The other is a serious cheat plug-in my brother uses that one. Also on Mega map there is a price compensation (they aren't cheap) so you can't really call that one cheating.

AOL/IM: IonStorm332
Gameranger: Ion Storm

(This message has been edited by Matrix (edited 12-30-2000).)

I think nearly everyone will agree with OF. Those are cheat plugs whether you think of them that way or not. Consider:

  • A cheat is anything that gives a player an advantage over other players through means not allowed by the rules of the game

  • Being able to explore the entire galaxy , even if it is expensive, gives the player an unfair advantage. Plus, it's just more fun to explore on your own.

  • A super ramscoop? Not a cheat!? ROTFLMAO! What planet are you from? You'll never need to land for fuel, which can be defined as "an advantage over other players" obtained "through means not allowed by the rules of the game."

Those who are blinded by the light shall stumble in the darkness...
Visit the (url="http://"http://pub40.ezboard.com/bthecatacomb")Unofficial EV Webboard(/url)!
(url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/search.cgi?action=intro &default;=")USE ME, DAMNIT!!!(/url)

Well I think the expensive shuttle and the entire map plug are actually USEFUL (sp?) cheats. I remeber over a dozen of times where i wanted to start a big new plugin but i was stuck with a shuttle and i didnt know where to go to get the missions so i didnt start em, this way i can just skip that since i already have done it over 3 dozen time, gets alittle repative (sp?).


I think they would be good for plug-in makers to test the plug-ins that they made.



Ok you have a point that a super ramscoop is a cheat, and the others are cheats as well. I think that they can be used for practical purposes though. Like restarting a game and trying to get back to the old ship you had(say if you were switching govs or something) and testing plug-ins as well like Nova6 and Deathval said.

AOL/IM: IonStorm332
Gameranger: Ion Storm

Anyone can make a cheater plug...so I think it's useless to upload one or two...

Cheater plugs should be defined as: any plug that changes the game (plug-in game or original game) to make it way easier...15 million shuttle is a cheater. Galactic map is a cheater. Hopefully you know there are dozens of plugs that do the EXACT same thing...and more...and if you want a help plug to test stuff...hmm...prices can always be put in later...right?


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