a new plug...coming soon

a new plug is born.....Nile 1.0....ready in a few months.....all who want it, mail me now.



Originally posted by Lost Soul:
**a new plug is born.....Nile 1.0....ready in a few months.....all who want it, mail me now.


What's it about?

My eyes see what yours see not...
(url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/search.cgi?action=intro &default;=")USE ME, DAMNIT!!!(/url)


Originally posted by Lost Soul:
**a new plug is born.....Nile 1.0....ready in a few months.....all who want it, mail me now.

It'll be born when it's ready (in a few month) ๐Ÿ™‚



Originally posted by goomeister:
**What's it about?

Yeah, whats it about?



Originally posted by Nova6:
**Yeah, whats it about?

good question.

The destroyer of space parrots everywhere!

I think its a bad idea to distribute a plug if you just started work on it.

You should start testing AT LEAST when all the spรถbs are done, and its good to have missions.

And I too would want to know what its about.

OctoberFost: Spoiling your fun, one post at a time.
AIM-OctoberFost (b)

I wonder if it'll make it, once people make announcements like this they rarely make the light of day.


hey hey hey there october....cool it...ill have it done...youll see....it will be finshed when the time is right...no worries, ok?

Lost Soul


well at least give us some info on what it's about, or noone will be interested! :rolleyes:

--Joolzman5, that guy with the red spikey hair

Is there a website for this plug?

Joshua Jackson
AKA: Jak205
AIM: Jak205
E-mail: Jak205@Excite.com

Lost Soul e-mailed me on whatย’s it about so I know what it is about but I'm not going to tell you until I have Lost Souls permission. ๐Ÿ˜„



Originally posted by Nova6:
**Lost Soul e-mailed me on whatย’s it about so I know what it is about but I'm not going to tell you until I have Lost Souls permission. ๐Ÿ˜„

Oh well, not a big loss, we all gonna get it when it's ready.


He probably won't tell because he hasn't gotten to that stage of plug development yet. ๐Ÿ˜‰ EV Developer's Commandment 58 says:
"58) When making a plug-in of any kind, you need ideas first. Plan out the story and the setting in which it exists."


Has anyone noticed that Lost Soul only posted ONCE on this topic?



Yeah, but he's got a high post count and people with high post counts are usually reliable.
That said, i think a plugs that's been announced has more chance of actually getting anywhere then a plug that sits in a guys mind for about half an hour in that weird phase before you fall asleep where you get all the ideas that could change the world but where you are too tired to write down....



I've got perrmission from Lost Soul to tell you what it's about so here it is*:

"its kinda about the discovery of aliens that visited earth long before
our time, and some left certain marks of their visit......"

Can't wait till' it's out!

*This was said by Lost Soul in a e-mail to me.



Lost Soul, as said from others, perhaps it would be nice if we could actually see some solid work on your part before you advertise your plug.

With all due respect, I will "look" for plugs to be released from people simply on their word from a few select few.



Originally posted by Nova6:
**Has anyone noticed that Lost Soul only posted ONCE on this topic?



Actually, twice. (if the post starting the topic counts) ๐Ÿ˜„

I`d like to have it.

"Hello how are you today Im just fine I see you are a little boy I have a little boy myself his name is Matthew I also have a cat his name is Furby he jumps up on my feet when I sit down and watch TV and i clap him on the back I like pizza and tacos and I also like coke and watching TV nice to meet you we have to do this again sometime" \--Mime whos had enough

(quote)Originally posted by Rogan:
**Actually, twice. (if the post starting the topic counts):D

Me too.



(This message has been edited by Nova6 (edited 12-06-2000).)

(quote)Originally posted by Nova6:
**Yes, we are counting starting topics.;) ๐Ÿ˜„

"Hello how are you today Im just fine I see you are a little boy I have a little boy myself his name is Matthew I also have a cat his name is Furby he jumps up on my feet when I sit down and watch TV and i clap him on the back I like pizza and tacos and I also like coke and watching TV nice to meet you we have to do this again sometime" \--Mime whos had enough