Alien fighter returning?!?!?!

I defeated the aliens a long time ago on the Rebel side, and have no plugs since
I'm running it on PC and copying files from the Macs here at school didn't work
for some reason. Basically I was just cruising around conquering systems, when
out of the blue comes an Alien fighter and starts wailing on me (or trying to, a Reb
Destroyer is a tough cookie). Does this mean that I can run the Confed missions too,
or is it just some kind of bug?


In addition to the alien ships you met in the Rebel alien mission string, the alien fighter is also a AI personality in EV (like the merchant couriers, space derelicts, and named ships like "Matt Burch" or "Vermooten the Evil"). Përs ships show up periodically in the game; precisely where depends on their specific settings. For example, the stock alien fighter përs will not appear in any Confed systems.

As for running the Confederation alien missions: that's a separate issue, and sure you can. Of course, you'll lose all that hard-won goodwill you built up with the Rebels, and you'll want to change ships—the inherent gov't factor will keep the Confeds shooting at you so long as you're flying a Rebel Destroyer. Of course, I prefer the Confederation frigate anyway. 🙂

i'm only one man

(This message has been edited by PlanetPhil (edited 12-07-2000).)

Alien fighters appear after both the Confed Alien missions and Rebel Alien missions. My geuss is that they escaped destruction and are wandering the galaxy after their mothership was destroyed.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the EV Chronicles.

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 12-07-2000).)

I don't think you can side with the Rebellion and the Confed b@stards.

In Flordia, you're Vote counts. It counts over and over and over and over and over and over...

Actually, if you join the Confeds first, then go to New Antigua or some other pirate planet, the Rebels will capture you, but then make you fly a mission. After they decide they like you after a few missions, then you can start doing the normal Rebel missions. It is rather annoying to be stuck in the slime of the Confed slime-balls, but eventually it pays off to be cleaned by the Rebels. 😉

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM