Earth problems

Is it possible to dominate Earth, I have everything cept it and I want it damnit!


There is almost no way to dominate it. My brother Nova6 was just barely able to dominate it while cheating.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

And you can have it! In EVGE, after playing through the Alien mission strings, you might eventually disable and board an Alien Marauder. Once you've got this ship, you can disable and board almost any other ship. Then, try conquering Earth with Mauraders or Alien Command Ships as escorts. Woo-Hoo!!! IMHO, this is not cheating. I earned it!


I took over earth once. First I demanded tribute from luna. They sent out their defences and my escourts (Rebel Cruisers) started fighting them. After about two hours I was geting sick of fighting them so I demanded tribute from Mars. Then I demanded tribut from star dock alfa. At this time there were quite a few ships in the system. Then I demanded tribute from Earth. They sent out one frigit and I destroyed it. I then demanded tribute from it again and it agreed to pay me tribute.

The protector of freinds, the one who gets the job done.

Try flooding the system - get 6 Escort Carriers for escorts, attack some merchants so they all launch thier fighters, then demand tribute on Earth. They will only be able to send out 1 ship at a time. Or at least it works that way in EVO.

In Flordia, you're Vote counts. It counts over and over and over and over and over and over...

I took over Earth once. I demanded tribute from all the stellars in Sol. In the actual game to. I had a maxed and heavliy upgraded Confed Crusier with six escorts; five confed crusiers and one frigate...

This was after I had take over most of the galaxy. All that was left was Levo and Ruby.

I loved my Confed Crusier.

Freedom comes at a cost. One must be willing to make that sacrifise for freedom.

It easy to dominate earth, if you have a basic idea of using EV Edit, otherwsie it's virtually impossible. The same goes for Sirgil and Sirgil Station - they're both as hard.
Simply change no. wave to "1" in the planet info box, et voila! you only need to defeat one ship.


But defeating earth without cheating means a whole lot more. Stop f*cking cheating you bastards.

Joshua Jackson
AKA: Jak205
AIM: Jak205


Originally posted by Commander Whitehawk:
**I loved my Confed Crusier.


spits on floor

Rebellion rules!

"God must love crazy people...he created so many of them"


Originally posted by Will420:
**Is it possible to dominate Earth, I have everything cept it and I want it damnit!


How did you get Stardock Alpha? They are the same....

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If a tree falls in a forest,and no ones around to hear it, does it make a sound?
"Winning isn't everything, but wanting to win is."

there are 5 planets that are (almost) impossible to dominate. Ruby, Earth, Luna, Mars, and Stardock Alpha. All these planets launch over (3500) waves of 5 ships. there is one way to do it, and it has been said here, that is to flood the system with too many ships, it takes around 50, but using a bug in the game i tell about in my thread, it is possible to take over the entire universe without cheating at all. I have done it only twice, as it takes a long time to capture enough fighters to plug the whole system, but it is not too hard. The other planets that have many ships, are easier if you kill all the weakest planets first, because the stronger planets have less ships then. Using space bombs to destroy the entire planets fleet instantiously makes no more ships come out until you demand tribue again, giving you time to deposit more space bombs, and destroy the next wave.
