were are the rebel missions

I cant find were the rebel missions are and I did a mission that
I had to transport rebel stuff around the galaxy please help!!!


Clotho Prime, or Palshife.

I bought a Venus Fly Trap today. I was going to name it 'Republican', but the fly trap is beneficial to the enviroment. I'll save that name - someday I might find a plant that eats poor people and minorities.
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But wen I looked at palshife they gave me no missions and wen I looked
at clotho prime they gave me the same missions.


I think you have to kill some confeds or something and the missions don't always appear.

"I'm getting out of this place alive even if it kills me!"

who cares about the rebels? work confed, that's what i always say.

A scholar's ink lasts much longer than a martyr's blood. - Irish proverb.

Get a good combat rating first and kill loads of Confeds to get on the rebels good side.


Thanks for all your help I will try it.
🙂 😄 😉 😛 🆒 :rolleyes:


it will possibly be easier if you kill pirates instead of feds so that you can travel through confed space "safely" and the, when you get the rebel ships, kill'em.

Captain Orne

If you want the Rebel mission to send the weapons supplies around the galaxy, don't go to Clotho prime...the string won't originate there. Go to any Rebel stellar and hang around...you'll get it eventually. I think it goes something like this "a scruffy..." By the way, if you've already run the Confed courier mission, you won't be able to get any of the cool (and useful) stuff like the cloaking device or the tractor beam...instead, you will be able to get a "useful" and "valuable" particle beam. 😛

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well I did kill lots of confeds but the missions were not there


You have to transporrt LOTS of rebel munitions around the galaxy...
...and i mean LOTS


But I did transport lots of rebel munitions around the galexy but there's still
know rebel missions 😕


You gotta be casual about it, chill. Do some trading missions and check with Palshife and other Rebel worlds occasionaly. DON'T STRESS YOURSELF OUT! It will come. 🆒

All rise in the presence
of Dark Helmet

ok, those missions where you pick up munitions and transport them to random places: don't worry about those too much; they aren't too important and you don't need to do them to get to the good rebel missions. kill feds and pirates (feds are more effective; make sure you get your combat rating up to ~at least competent and your legal status to upstanding citizen or good egg.) the first big mission will be putting a group of spies onto Luna and it will go from there, however slowly. be patient! 😄


If you want to get the rebel alien string, then you won't find it at Palshife. Ever. It only ever begins in the Sirgil system, where you're asked to do a system sweep around nexus. Just follow it from there. Nark.



Originally posted by cable_guy:
**If you want to get the rebel alien string, then you won't find it at Palshife. Ever. It only ever begins in the Sirgil system, where you're asked to do a system sweep around nexus. Just follow it from there. Nark.

actually i got it at Palshife. i think you can get it at any Rebel stellar (station or planet.) you just have to get a great combat rating (at least Dangerous or Deadly I think; I'm too lazy to check.) you also have to do all the previous missions though the transporting weapons all over the place ones aren't necessary, as i said earlier. i think you probably only got those missions at sirgil, cable_guy, because you might have hung around there a lot, and there are two major places there not just one. am i right....?


What's your point?

Actually, you are wrong.
I only chanced upon the alien string whilst doing some gun running - I always hung around palshife/clotho/alkaidon and the other systems up there.
I'm afraid that, and I'm sure that if andrew or matt or someone important reads this, they'll back me up.
The alien string, whatever the number is, is available from a specific stellar, and that is... you guessed it, Sirgil.
The same goes for the Fed's alien string, which is only available from Matar (Hodgson's world). So there....



Hmmmm.... weird, I could've sworn I got it at Palshife at least once... (how do you do that smiley where the eyes roll around?)

Jules was here

(This message has been edited by Joolzman5 (edited 11-18-2000).)

Nah, it is exclusive to Sirgil.
You do, however, get the other rebel strings mainly from Palshife (thwarting the fed's plans and stealing the defecting scientist) so you probably got that one and it got a bit mixed up in the mists of time. We all do that sometimes. nark.



Originally posted by Brenden:
**I cant find were the rebel missions are and I did a mission that
I had to transport rebel stuff around the galaxy please help!!!

I have the same problem. I flew the first mission for the confeds first, then I entered a hostile bar and was given a mission to destroy a confed ship and switch sides. I did it, and I immediately became Role Model on the Rebel planets. But still no tractor beam mission - all I got was the first search/retrieve mission, and this munitions transporting.

I have already reached Ultimate combat rating; still no go. Any ideas? I have been hanging around Palshife, Alkadion and Clotho Prime plus Sirgil III for ages! I did not go very far on the confed missions - this pilot did not get the particle beam before switching. Please help! Can you only get the Rebel missions by going Rebel all the way only ie never taking a confed mission?