Info on Story Board

Well I do appreciate all of the people that have contributed to the "Story Board" topic but really people, come on. Me and Captain Carnotaur are the only ones that are contributing to the story. Even nighthawk has stopped!!! (not to be rude nighthawk but does your shift key work?). I would like some new people to contribute to the story. There are many ideas floating in your head that could go into the story. I know that Carnotaur is getting sick of being the only one posting the big topics. So please post a part to the story.


(Also Battle of Milky Way in my signature, it should be coming out within a couple of weeks just to let you know)

I am the creator of Battle of Milky Way
Are You Ready?

does my lack of capital letters bother you that much? i tend to avoid capitals in that i don't find them necessary, but if it really annoys you i can start taking the extra few milliseconds to hit the shift key every now and then

if tin whistles are made of tin, what's a fog horn made of?

Hey Nighthawk! Haven't seen you around alot lately! I really did like your posts, so come on! Post a few more parts of the story!

Oh, and Kryptauros, you are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!!! I have written just about a third of the story! Kryptauros and I have been the only people have stuck with this thing the entire time. I am really getting tired of making all the big posts and starting all the ideas.

P.S. Conserning Nighthawks "refusal to use capitals letters", I couldn't make myself do it if I wanted to! I just seem to have this impulse to punch the shift key! Same thing with command-s (save). I write a lot, and I constantly click the save keys. I even do it when making large posts!

P.P.S. Can't wait for your plug-in Kryptauros! Sounds cool!

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!