Dominating Ruby

I must have killed about 500 so far and still they come.

Can anyone tell me how many defenders there are on Ruby. And how to find the same information for other planets?



Well, I think there are like 3000. A little more. But about that many.

Anyway, if you have a fighter bay, release all your fighters. And get Escorts that have fighter bays. If you overload the system with fighters and escorts, Ruby won't be able to send out the defense fleet and will surrender quickly.

Same for everything in the Sol System.

"If a frog had wings, it wouldn't hit its tail on the ground. That's too hypothetical." -George Bush, talking (or trying to talk) about unemployment benefits.
AIM-OctoberFost (b)
(url="http://"")October Development(/url)

You need 3x ships in the sytem for this to work, I think it's 32 but could be 35.



Originally posted by Jorinn:
**You need 3x ships in the sytem for this to work, I think it's 32 but could be 35.


I think it's 36
Get some rebel cruiser escorts so that they send out their mantas and if you want to know the number of defenders on a system, download the EV bible and read the spobs page

Captain Orne


Originally posted by Jorinn:
**You need 3x ships in the sytem for this to work, I think it's 32 but could be 35.


It's 36. If you get that many ships in a system and demand tribute, the planet surrenders without a fight. An easy way to reach the limit is to get a fighter bay and release the fighters. Then, buy more fighters and send them out too. Repeat until the system has reached the ship cap. I'm pretty sure this works.

May the world never rest in peace.


Originally posted by goomeister:
It's 36. If you get that many ships in a system and demand tribute, the planet surrenders without a fight. An easy way to reach the limit is to get a fighter bay and release the fighters. Then, buy more fighters and send them out too. Repeat until the system has reached the ship cap. I'm pretty sure this works.

You can't buy more fighters, you buy another ship then let out its fighters and then repeat the process untill you can't do it anymore.


Oh. Ok. Gotta kill the guy who gave me that tip. 🙂

May the world never rest in peace.