Which is better, Confeds or Rebels?

People, people. Read the boards more. EVMP is being made as we speak! Kberg's already got a concept engine. It's not a dream. If you have any programming expertise, offer to help. We'll benefit from this.

Analysis, Mr. Spock?

AIM: obormot345


Obormot wrote:
**People, people. Read the boards more. EVMP is being made as we speak! Kberg's already got a concept engine. It's not a dream. If you have any programming expertise, offer to help. We'll benefit from this.


i wish i knew how to use code warrior...but i dont know anything about programming. maybe someone could teach me how to use res edit first. i dont think theres a tutorial


Tor_Of_Chaos, it is simple to take over Sol or Palshif. What you do to cheat, though, is give your ship (whatever type it is) a ton of fighters (of any type). Be sure to have a minimum of about 50 because they get shot down easily by the planetary defenders. After you jump in system or even before you jump, launch all the fighters that you can. When you arrive in system, make sure there are no other ships in the area. If there are, you have to wait until they jump out and then launch more fighters (you can also shoot them down-much, much quicker). Then demand tribute from a planet. They will send out one ship. Destroy that ship and demand tribute again and you get the planet. Really easy.

What is the Monty Python manuever??? I have heard of it many times but I have never learned it and therefore have never accomplished it. Beating an alien crusier with a shuttlecraft??? No way. Even with the best manuevers there is no way to do it. Even additional weapons on the shuttlecraft would not be able to bring the ships shields down. It would have to take one proton cannon at least an hour of no misses to bring the SHIELDS down, and that isn't even the cruiser. I need to know of this maneuver to even start thinking that someone could even accomplish this feat. If you missed even once, shields would go up 5% meaning that you would have to spend another 3 minutes fighting it without misses. And even then I havent bothered to metion the alien cruiser's speed and strong weaponry. The speed would kill you becuse you could not keep up and they would wat you with "that beam weapon".

What is the Monty Python manuever??? I have heard of it many times but I have never learned it and therefore have never accomplished it. Beating an alien crusier with a shuttlecraft??? No way. Even with the best manuevers there is no way to do it. Even additional weapons on the shuttlecraft would not be able to bring the ships shields down. It would have to take one proton cannon at least an hour of no misses to bring the SHIELDS down, and that isn't even the cruiser. I need to know of this maneuver to even start thinking that someone could even accomplish this feat. If you missed even once, shields would go up 5% meaning that you would have to spend another 3 minutes fighting it without misses. And even then I havent bothered to metion the alien cruiser's speed and strong weaponry. The speed would kill you becuse you could not keep up and they would wat you with "that beam weapon".

What is the Monty Python manuever??? I have heard of it many times but I have never learned it and therefore have never accomplished it. Beating an alien crusier with a shuttlecraft??? No way. Even with the best manuevers there is no way to do it. Even additional weapons on the shuttlecraft would not be able to bring the ships shields down. It would have to take one proton cannon at least an hour of no misses to bring the SHIELDS down, and that isn't even the cruiser. I need to know of this maneuver to even start thinking that someone could even accomplish this feat. If you missed even once, shields would go up 5% meaning that you would have to spend another 3 minutes fighting it without misses. And even then I havent bothered to metion the alien cruiser's speed and strong weaponry. The speed would kill you becuse you could not keep up and they would wat you with "that beam weapon". 🙂 😄

The Confederacy has a cooler name, though.
Their ships are slow, but they're downright apocolyptic when it comes to weaponry.


In accepting the inevitable, one finds peace.
In denying it, one finds hope.

-Last words of Admiral Williams before the fall of Earth.


Obormot wrote:

**People, people. Read the boards more. EVMP is being made as we speak! Kberg's already got a concept engine. It's not a dream. If you have any programming expertise, offer to help. We'll benefit from this.


Okay, this guy is an idiot. First he says Isreal can beat the US in a war and now this. Do you go to some board I don't go to? Do the boards talk to you? are you taking mikee's April Fool's joke seriously? Either he's (Obormot) stupid, crazy, or taking too much prozac.

"The toilet is over there"

-Stalin at the Yalta confrence, denouncing one of Churchill's ideas.


Yahoo! Messenger:OctoberFost

Ok, OctoberFost, let's not resort to name-calling. When I say something, I often know what I'm talking about. Perhaps you don't go to the EV Developer's board. If you don't, it's conceivable that you don't know about this. Kberg is developing a massively multiplayer EVO. As I said, he's already got a conceptual engine. You can get it at (url="http://"http://www.sfu.ca/~kberg")www.sfu.ca/~kberg(/url). You can also check out the following topic: (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/webboard/Forum9/HTML/000256.html")http://www.ambrosias....ML/000256.html(/url). See, I'm not a total idiot.

As for Israel being able to beat the U.S. in a war, well, I'm entitled to my opinion. If you disagree, argue ahead. (Frankly, though, I've had enough of that topic. The world should be peaceful.)

Analysis, Mr. Spock?

AIM: obormot345


Blizzard2 wrote:
Tor_Of_Chaos, it is simple to take over Sol or Palshif. What you do to cheat, though, is give your ship (whatever type it is) a ton of fighters (of any type). Be sure to have a minimum of about 50 because they get shot down easily by the planetary defenders. After you jump in system or even before you jump, launch all the fighters that you can. When you arrive in system, make sure there are no other ships in the area. If there are, you have to wait until they jump out and then launch more fighters (you can also shoot them down-much, much quicker). Then demand tribute from a planet. They will send out one ship. Destroy that ship and demand tribute again and you get the planet. Really easy.

how do you get 50 fighters?(i mean that question in a nice way)if it is a cheat then cana you please tell me or E-mail me at TXavier504@aol.com

dont hurt the confed but board the dead

You use EV-Edit. Don't cheat though. It takes the fun out of the game.

Darkness is coming...


Obormot wrote:
**There seem to be some advantages of Rebel ships over their Confed counterparts that people seem to be missing.

First, in addition to being faster and more maneuverable, Rebel ships' (at least their capital ships) shields have a faster recharge rate. This can sometimes make a lot of difference.

Secondly, weapon combinations on Rebel ships (once again I'm talking about the capital ships - I for one hate the Manta) tend to be more efficient. Take this comparison:

Confed Cruiser has: Patrol ships, proton turrets, missiles and neutron blasters. Notice the conspicuous lack of torpedoes or heavy rockets. The neutron blaster is effectively useless, and the point is that at medium-to-long range, the Cruiser cannot do much damage to another capital ship; at close range, its only viable weapons are turrets.

Rebel Cruiser has: Mantas, proton turrets, missiles, heavy rockets. Weapons adapted for long, medium, and short range.

What does anyone have to say about this?


i say you are a stupid idiot. confed cruisers have torps!!! what is the big confusion? have you idiots actually played this game? cru8isers have torps!that is that!

dont hurt the confed but board the dead

IF you cheat, it is easy to take over Sol or Palshif. Get about 50 fighters, launch all you can, then jump into the system. Demand tribute and after you destroy the defender, demand it again. It should take less than 5 minutes. There is no way to beat an alien cruiser with a shuttlecraft. IF you had 3 laser guns it would take you a minimum of an hour IF you didn't miss or get hit by their beam weapon. Its fighters will knock out your escorts by the time you get the shields down to 25%. After your escorts are defeated, then you are dead because they will get you. Also the Alien Cruiser's speed and manueverability would crush a shuttlecraft. IT would turn on you as you were shooting it and blast you into oblivion. What exactly is the "Monty Python" manuever. If that is how the cruiser is beaten, then I must know how to do it so I know that it can be done.

No way to beat alien cruiser. It is just a myth.

No way to beat alien cruiser with a shuttlecraft. That is just a big myth that was made to support weak ships. REBELS RULE


Blizzard2 wrote:
No way to beat alien cruiser with a shuttlecraft. That is just a big myth that was made to support weak ships.


Ship doesn't matter. It's about as relevant as penis size.

Skill, however, matters.

'Nuff said.

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

"Man who stand on toilet is high on pot."

(This message has been edited by Andrew M (edited 04-13-2000).)

There is no way to beat an alien cruiser with a shuttlecraft. That is a big myth. I have tried around 30 times and have deemed it impossible. If there is some strategy to doing this, I would like to know. Rebels have around two times the amount of ships that the Confederation has so they are better. There is strength in speed and in numbers. 🙂 🙂 😄


Blizzard2 wrote:
There is no way to beat an alien cruiser with a shuttlecraft. That is a big myth. I have tried around 30 times and have deemed it impossible. If there is some strategy to doing this, I would like to know.


Ship doesn't matter. It's about as relevant as penis size.

Skill, however, matters.

I'm not a skillful pilot; I can barely kill a Voinian Dreadnought in an Igazra. The stategy is called skill.

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

"Man who stand on toilet is high on pot."

Now why the hell would I want to cheat. If I wanted to cheat I would set the Sol defense to 1 shuttlecraft, and then shoot it. Oh and having 50 fighters flying around takes soooo much longer. From my experence they keep sending out ships, even if you are maxed out.

About the EVMP, how did you get around all the legal mumbo jumbo? last I heard they wouldn't allow it. IF people do complete it, answer me this, how are you going to get the money to connect 30-40 people onto one server? Everything adds up, and it is expensive running a server, programing the server, etc. I know from experince that just throwing up a server wont work. I ran my own UOX server and, well, there are problems with just THROWING it up. You need money and time, which some people do happen to have.

Killing the alien cruiser with a shutt ISn't impossible, it is your pilot skills. Just have ships to keep the alien fighters off you. Also make sure you have a missile jammer. Then aload your ship with 3 laser cannons and kick the living daylights out of the ars of the cruiser.

Evil will always triamph over good... because good is dumb.

(for those that play UO, fill in chaos with evil, and order with good 🙂 )


JuddAS wrote:
**You use EV-Edit. Don't cheat though. It takes the fun out of the game.


how do i do that if i dont have ev edit and i suck at editing games??????

dont hurt the confed but board the dead