
I explored the trogoti asteroid belt or whatever its called and got a mission to collect alien artifacts and managed to land at the alien station only to find it was some sort of trap and I am stuck in an alien system unable to go back because of the system forcefields,how can I get out.Also Im trying to locate the woscoe system so I can complete the mission were you have to destroy the confed navy base.


I think that you have to hail all alien motherships or something like that. I think I read somewhere that the Aliens give you a small series of missions that gets you out of the 'pocket'. I don't know where it was that I read it though.

'Light a man a fire and he'll be warm for one night. Set him on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.' Terry Pratchett

You have to hail the ship called "Alien Mothership*" with some sort of mark after the name - or without the symbol. If the aliens keep on attacking you, blow up one of their cruisers (the normal ones from original EV) then land. They shouldn't bother you after that...

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Woscoe is southwest from polaris alliance space and the navy base is just under it


Are there any missions for the Alpha Proxima faction?

"5 exclamation marks: The true sign of an insane mind."
Terry Pratchett

Thanks for the help but I dont know of any missions for the Alpha Proxima.


I killed an alien criuser and the aliens no longer attack me but I searched the alien system and the one next to it but I couldnt find the alien mothership and none of the other ships will contact me.Should I get rid of all my escorts or abort the recover alien artifacts mission. 😕


The proxima missions are recived the same way as the aliens-boarding a disabeld cruiser, it's very hard to find. To get the missions that get you out of thr alien system, you just land on the outpost, scan the system, then land, then leave, then scan again. Keep doign it untill you see the mothership.

Carthago delenda est

Im doing the mission where you destroy the alien criuser and then return to Palshife but I cant find it. I checked the uninhabited systems above the Trugati Asteroid belt and a few inside of it but it wasnt there so I searched some more and still didnt manage to find it.Can anyone tell me were it is?


Im using the ZExpander Second Update and my graphics keep messing up so that all the ships the plugin adds look like a wraith cruiseror some other ships the plugin adds.The only ships that look like they are supposed to are the ships that were already there before I put the update in the plugins folder.How can I fix the graphics??


Im doing the mission for the Orion Union where you destroy a rebel fleet before it can attack Gaurdian station but I cant find the fleet anywhere and I whas wondering if anyone could tell me where it is.


It was a system south-east of the system with highguard station. I think it was uninhabited. Well ill get better information for tomorrow.

I just hope you dont think im in the internet at 1.07a.m. It is 6.42 p.m.


Originally posted by Talon Karrde:
**I think that you have to hail all alien motherships or something like that. I think I read somewhere that the Aliens give you a small series of missions that gets you out of the 'pocket'. I don't know where it was that I read it though.

It's not a small series of missions, and it culminates in being given access to the system of Alien wormholes, which skirt the human universe, which is rather neat.


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