whats your favorite ship

Whats your favorite ships the rebel ships or the confed ships. 😛 😛 😛


Rebel Cruiser,
Confed Frigate,
Confed Gunboat/Patrol Ship

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Kestrel upgraded:
speed enhancment
turning enhancment
thrust enhancment
lots of torpedos
max ion turrets
all sheild upgrades
tritanium armor
(all cargo space used for weapons)

rebel destroyer upgraded
same as above

A jedi's strengh flows through the force
luke do not underestimate the powers of the darkside
I have acepted that you were once Anakin Skywalker my father
young jedi only now do you truly understand the powers of the darkside

He asiked about Confed and Rebel ships, not any ship.

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Rebel Cruiser. Looks cool, good weapons, and maneuverable.

All Rebel ships rule!


Wraith, is your quote saying that "Bond, James Bond" is "the darkside"???:-)

I like an upgraded Rebel Destroyer - fast, a bit of sheilding, a few weapons. It fits nicely.


Upgraded Rebel Destroyer, with lots of missiles. Pound them till their dead.
Heavily upgraded Confed Cruiser. Gotta love them shields.

Long Live Apple! Long Live the Mac!

Alien Marauder - EVGE
Rebel Cruiser - EV
Rebel Destroyer w/ mass drivers - EV
Proxima Battlecruiser - EVGE

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It's happening again, he said rebel and confed ships, that mad cow disease must be getting to you. 🙂

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MOD- Confed Cruiser in Pale plug for EV


Upgraded Reb.Cruizer.


rebel cruiser with maneuverability upgrades

Captain Orne

I love the Rebel Cruiser & the Corvette, but I never fly a ship unless I've got thrust, engine, & RCS upgrades. Also, I think alien ships are the best because of that fusion beam and the shields.

First of all the Corvete etc. don't count, they're not rebel or Confed ships, secondly, stop cheating, you're not meant to have alien ships.
